Hello the community,
I’m very excited today to announce you a new collaboration between Ninjas.
But before talking about our new collaboration I want to highlight and give credentials to The Brazilian Ninjas. I got my MUG a few days ago and I’m very proud to use this MUG. Not because it has a beautiful logo or not because I can put 3 coffee a time.
It’s just amazing that a group Wiki Lovers (aka Luiz Henrique Lima Campos [MVP]) from 10.000 Miles of my house send me this gift. A big applause for them, for their amazing work and their attention to make the WIKI each day better.
A Few days ago Yagamoth555 was hunting, not on witches but on Microsoft Titles. You can check his article here: http://blogs.technet.com/b/wikininjas/archive/2013/03/03/weekend-hunt.aspx
and he founded something very interesant, the “Microsoft Technical Audience Contributor” who wasn’t an official affiliation to Microsoft.
I do not remember from where the idea was, or who sended the first mail but we the fantastic Four decided to create something like the Brazilian Community. Something like the MTAC.We decided to create the MTCF = Microsoft Technical French Contributor.
So what is this actually? Many of you are like me Moderators on TechNet Forums. The French community is actually doing something that any other Forum does. A little call for contribution.
This has been a sticky note on each Microsoft Product. You can check Florin Cuica’s post here: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/1109/thread/5ffa7df3-62b9-4d53-939d-6e0ee4454641
We are going to take the winners of each platform and send them an email and say THANK YOU for contributing and you are now been nominated as a MTFC please update your Profile Name. He will also receive a little certification or Badge. A preview of the certification:
Updating his Profile Name is very important. This will awake the interest of other contributors and push them to contribute more. The Flow is as following:
If you have any questions or remarks please don’t hesitate to take contact with me or;
- Ed Price ( MSFT )
- Philippe Levesque
- Bruno Lewin ( MSFT )
blog: http://gknzcfc.net
twitter: @gokanozcifci
Microsoft SharePoint Community Contributor