Whenever I set up a new content source in SharePoint 2013 search, or when I change the processing in the Content Enrichment Web Service I need to monitor the progress of the crawl.Typically I need to:
- Check if I get any warnings or errors
- Check if the Documents Per Second (DPS) / throughput was affected
- Abort the crawl if it results in errors
In the old days of FAST ESP I would typically start feeding some content to the index, and then monitor using the doclog tool. There is no equivalent tool in SharePoint 2013. The only thing I could find was a CrawlStatus and CrawlState set for a content source. This state and status did not seem to be live, however. In my experience they usually showed me the status of a previous crawl.
My colleague Brian Pendergrass gave me an example of how I could peek directly into the database to get the live crawl status. After some fiddling I managed to get a script working that starts my crawl and then monitors progress with some live statistics until it's done. Here's an example of the script in action:
Here's the full script (content2.ps1). It is also available for download at the end of this article.
param([string]$Name, [switch]$StartFullCrawl)
function getCrawlStatus($ssa)
$ret = $null
if ($ssa)
$queryString = "SELECT ";
$queryString += "MSSCrawlHistory.CrawlId, ";
$queryString += "MAX (MSSCrawlHistory.Status) AS Status, ";
$queryString += "MAX (MSSCrawlHistory.SubStatus) AS SubStatus, ";
$queryString += "MAX (MSSCrawlHistory.StartTime) AS CrawlStart, ";
$queryString += "SUM (MSSCrawlComponentsStatistics.SuccessCount) as Successes, ";
$queryString += "SUM (MSSCrawlComponentsStatistics.ErrorCount) as Errors, ";
$queryString += "SUM (MSSCrawlComponentsStatistics.WarningCount) as Warnings, ";
$queryString += "SUM (MSSCrawlComponentsStatistics.RetryCount) as Retries ";
$queryString += "FROM ["+$ssa.SearchAdminDatabase.Name+"].[dbo].[MSSCrawlHistory] WITH (nolock) ";
$queryString += "INNER JOIN ["+$ssa.SearchAdminDatabase.Name+"].[dbo].[MSSCrawlComponentsStatistics] ";
$queryString += "ON MSSCrawlHistory.CrawlId = MSSCrawlComponentsStatistics.CrawlId ";
$queryString += "WHERE MSSCrawlHistory.Status Not In (5,11,12)";
$queryString += "GROUP By MSSCrawlHistory.CrawlId";
$dataSet = New-Object System.Data.DataSet "ActiveCrawlReport"
if ((New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter($queryString, $ssa.SearchAdminDatabase.DatabaseConnectionString)).Fill($dataSet))
$ret = $dataSet.Tables[0] | SELECT CrawlId, CrawlStart, Status, SubStatus, Successes, Errors, Warnings
return $ret
function monitorCrawlStatus($ssa)
$cs = getCrawlStatus($ssa)
if ($cs -eq $null)
Write-Host "No active crawls"
Write-Host "Monitoring crawl status"
while ($cs = getCrawlStatus($ssa))
$ts = $cs.CrawlStart
$tnow = [system.timezoneinfo]::ConvertTimeToUtc((Get-Date))
$tdiff = $tnow - $ts
$seconds = $tdiff.TotalSeconds
$docs = $cs.Successes
$dps = 0
if ($seconds -gt 0)
$dps = $docs / $seconds
$dps = [Math]::Round($dps, 2)
Write-Host ("CrawlId:" + $cs.CrawlId + ", Status: " + $cs.Status + ", Successes: " + $cs.Successes + ", Warnings: " + $cs.Warnings + ", Errors: " + $cs.Errors + ", (" + $dps + " DPS)")
Start-Sleep 5
$ssa = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication
if ($ssa)
if ($Name)
$contentSource = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlContentSource -SearchApplication $ssa | ?{ $_.Name -eq $Name}
if ($contentSource)
if ($StartFullCrawl)
Write-Host "Starting full crawl"
Write-Host "Content source $Name"
# Let the crawl get some time to start before we monitor it
Start-Sleep 10
Write-Error "Can't find content source with name $Name"
Get-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlContentSource -SearchApplication $ssa
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Usage: content.ps1 [-StartFullCrawl] [-Name <contentSource>]"
if ($MonitorActiveCrawls)
Write-Error "Can't find SSA"