We recently published a new Knowledge Base article that discusses an issue where Data Warehouse jobs fail in SCSM 2012. When this problem occurs the following event is logged in the Operations Manager event log on the Data Warehouse server:
Log Name: Operations Manager
Source: Data Warehouse
Event ID: 33502
Level: Error
ETL Module Execution failed:
ETL process type: Transform
Batch ID: ######
Module name: TransformEntityRelatesToEntityFact
Message: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
Also, when you run certain Data Warehouse related cmdlets you may also see a timeout error recorded for the TransformEntityRelatesToEntityFact module that resembles the following:
Get-SCDWJobModule -JobName transform.common
. . .
1952 TransformEntityRelatesToEntityFact Failed
. . .
For all the details regarding why this problem might occur and a couple options to resolve it, please see the following:
3137611 – Data Warehouse jobs fail and event ID 33502 is logged (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3137611)
J.C. Hornbeck, Solution Asset PM
Microsoft Enterprise Cloud Group