Welcome to another Tuesday TNWiki Article Spotlight.
For this article spotlight, I want to highlight one of my own articles from last year that you might find useful.
The Wiki Ninjas Blog is very active and sometimes it can be hard to keep track of the most recent articles. I find the best way for me to stay up to date is through the site’s RSS feed. Since I am constantly using Microsoft Outlook, subscribing to RSS feeds through Outlook provides everything I need through one tool.
To see how to sign up for RSS feeds in Outlook, check out my article entitled Wiki: How to Subscribe to the Wiki Ninjas Blog through RSS in Outlook 2013. In the post, I show how to subscribe to the RSS feed of this blog.
The nice thing is these instructions can be also used to follow the other blogs Wiki Ninjas contribute to including:
If you ever wanted to know how to add RSS feeds into Outlook, read my article.
by Ken Cenerelli (Twitter, Blog, MSDN Profile, MVP Profile)