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Dear MVP, we need #TNWiki Guru Contest Judges, wanna join?


Do you know the TechNet Wiki Guru contest?


As explained on the TechNet Wiki: “Each month the TechNet Wiki looks to recognize and celebrate the best of the best!”

In essence we’ve added a level of gamification to the TechNet Wiki, to honor the contributors and put them in the spotlight, for contributing attractive content to the community.

Every month the TN Community council sends out an forum announcement to all relevant platforms to participate.

At the end of every month the competition is closed, and the articles that have been contributed that month are reviewed by a team of experts, existing of Microsoft Employees, MVPs and TechNet Wiki council members.

After careful evaluation by the judges we have a gold, silver and bronze medal for the Top 3 winners per category.
We announce these winners on the TechNet Wiki blog: have a look at the most recent results: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/wikininjas/tag/technet-guru/

As explained by this month’s competition article (“TechNet Guru Competitions – October 2016 “)

Winners will be voted on by five judges. The judges consist of 3 TechNet Wiki Community Council members and 2 Microsoft Employee SMEs (Subject Matter Experts -usually the people making the technologies). The judges will be looking for articles that are thorough, technically accurate, visually clear (images might help, but aren’t necessary), and well written. (Any community member can help with the “technically accurate” part by reviewing the articles below and either fixing inaccuracies in the article or commenting  on them–asking questions or suggesting fixes.)

The current team of judges has been running some miles already and is looking for some fresh blood.

Are you MVP or MS Employee and you want to create some impact on the community, then we would like to invite you to join the judges team.
Leave a comment to this blog post, send me an e-mail (peter[at]ffwd2[dot]me) or leave a message in the Wiki forum (http://aka.ms/wikiforum).

What do we need?
Subject matter experts,  as Microsoft Employees and MVPs who spend just a few minutes each month to read and evaluate the competition candidates.

What do you get in return?
You get visibility and appreciation as TechNet Wiki judge with a fairly easy way to generate direct impact.

Why only MVP, MS FTE and Community council?
To guarantee the quality, we expect our judges to be a subject matter expert with a proven track record.

Can you still write articles for TNWiki?
Sure, even in the category you judge. In that case you’re exempted from that category for that month, but if you have experience in other categories, you can judge for the other categories too.

You want to know more about it, right? Check it out here: http://aka.ms/wikiguru.

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