Index |
Name |
Description |
0.11 |
(DEP) Validate Physical Machines |
Validating the hardware and OS configuration on the physical nodes. |
0.12 |
(DEP) Configure Physical Machines networking for POC |
Configuring virtual network switches and interfaces. |
0.14 |
(DEP) Deploy Domain |
Deploy Active Directory on Virtual Machine. |
0.15 |
(DEP) Configure the Domain server |
Configure domain server with security groups etc. |
0.16 |
(DEP) Configure Physical Machine |
Configure networking, join domain, and setup local admins. |
0.18 |
(STO) Configure Storage Cluster |
Create storage cluster, create a storage pool and file server. |
0.19 |
(CPI) Setup fabric infrastructure |
Set up the prerequisites for fabric deployment. |
0.21 |
(NET) Setup BGP and NAT |
Installs BGP and NAT – needed only for One Node. |
0.22 |
(NET) Configure NAT and Time Server |
Syncs the time server and configures NAT entries. |
40.41 |
(CPI) Create guest VMs |
Create the management VMs. |
40.42 |
(FBI) Set up PowerShell JEA |
Set up PowerShell JEA for all roles. |
40.43 |
(FBI) Set up Azure Stack Certification Authority |
Installs Azure Stack Certification Authority. |
40.44 |
(FBI) Configure Azure Stack Certification Authority |
Configures Azure Stack Certification Authority. |
40.45 |
(NET) Set up NC on VMs |
Installs NC on the guest VMs |
40.46 |
(NET) Configure NC on VMs |
Configure NC on the guest VMs |
40.47 |
(NET) Configure guest VMs |
Configure the management VMs with NC ACLs. |
60.61.81 |
(FBI) Deploy Azure Stack Fabric Ring Services – FabricRing PreRequisite |
Creates VIPs for FabricRing |
60.61.82 |
(FBI) Deploy Azure Stack Fabric Ring Services – Deploy Fabric Ring Cluster |
Installs and configures Azure Stack Fabric Ring Cluster. |
60.61.83 |
(FBI) Deploy Admin Extensions for Resource providers |
Installing Admin Extensions for resource providers |
60.61.84 |
(ACS) Set up Azure-consistent Storage in node level. |
Installs and configures Azure-consistent Storage in node level. |
60.61.85 |
(ACS) Set up Azure-consistent Storage in cluster level. |
Installs and configures Azure-consistent Storage in cluster level. |
60.61.86 |
(FBI) Deploy Azure Stack Fabric Ring Controller Services – Prerequisite |
Prerequisites for InfraServiceController |
60.61.87 |
(FBI) Deploy Azure Stack Fabric Ring Controller Services – Prerequisite |
Prerequisites for CPI |
60.61.88 |
(FBI) Deploy Azure Stack Fabric Ring Controller Services – Prerequisite |
Prerequisites for ASAppGateway |
60.61.89 |
(FBI) Deploy Azure Stack Fabric Ring Controller Services – Prerequisite |
Prerequisites for Storage Controller |
60.61.90 |
(FBI) Deploy Azure Stack Fabric Ring Controller Services – Prerequisite |
Prerequisites for HealthMonitoring |
60.61.91 |
(FBI) Deploy Azure Stack Fabric Ring Controller Services – Prerequisite |
Prerequisites for ECE |
60.61.92 |
(FBI) Deploy Azure Stack Fabric Ring Controller Services – Prerequisite |
Prerequisites for PMM |
60.61.93 |
(Katal) Create AzureStack Service Principals |
Create Azure Graph Applications and Service Principals in AAD. |
60.61.94 |
(NET) Setup GW VMs |
Installs GW on the guest VMs. |
60.61.95 |
(NET) Configure GW VMs |
Configures GW on the guest VMs. |
60.61.96 |
(NET) Deploy iDNS on hosts |
Deploy iDNS on infrastructure hosts |
60.61.97 |
(NET) Configure iDNS |
Configure iDNS role |
60.61.98 |
(FBI) Setup WSUS VMs |
Installs WSUS server on the guest VMs. |
60.61.99 |
(FBI) Configure WSUS VMs |
Configures WSUS server on the guest VMs. |
60.61.100 |
(FBI) Setup Azure SQL VMs |
Installs Azure SQL server on the guest VMs |
60.61.101 |
(Katal) Setup prerequisites for WAS VMs. |
Sets up the prerequisites for Microsoft Azure Stack on the guest VMs. |
60.61.102 |
(Katal) Setup WAS VMs |
Installs Microsoft Azure Stack on the guest VMs. |
60.120.121 |
(FBI) Deploy Resource providers and Controllers |
Installs Resource providers and Controllers |
60.120.121 |
(FBI) Deploy Resource providers and Controllers |
Installs Resource providers and Controllers |
60.120.121 |
(FBI) Deploy Resource providers and Controllers |
Installs Resource providers and Controllers |
60.120.121 |
(FBI) Deploy Resource providers and Controllers |
Installs Resource providers and Controllers |
60.120.121 |
(FBI) Deploy Resource providers and Controllers |
Installs Resource providers and Controllers |
60.120.121 |
(FBI) Deploy Resource providers and Controllers |
Installs Resource providers and Controllers |
60.120.121 |
(FBI) Deploy Resource providers and Controllers |
Installs Resource providers and Controllers |
60.120.121 |
(FBI) Deploy Resource providers and Controllers |
Installs Resource providers and Controllers |
60.120.122 |
(FBI) Controller Configuration |
Configures Controllers |
60.120.123 |
(Katal) Configure WAS VMs |
Configures Microsoft Azure Stack on the guest VMs. |
60.120.124 |
(Katal) Azure Stack AAD Configuration. |
Configures Azure Stack with Azure AD. |
60.120.125 |
(Katal) Install ADFS |
Installs Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) |
60.120.126 |
(Katal) Install ADFS/Graph |
Installs Azure Stack Graph |
60.120.127 |
(Katal) Configure ADFS |
Configures Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) |
60.140.141 |
(FBI) Configure SRP |
Configures Storage Resource Provider |
60.140.142 |
(ACS) Configure Azure-consistent Storage. |
Configures Azure-consistent Storage. |
60.140.143 |
(FBI) Create Storage Accounts |
Create all storage accounts to be used by different providers. |
60.140.144 |
(FBI) Register Usage for SRP |
Register Usage for Storage Provider. |
60.140.145 |
(CPI) Migrate Created VMs, Hosts, and Cluster to CPI |
Migrates objects of the created VMs, Hosts, and Cluster to CPI |
60.140.146 |
(FBI) Configure Windows Defender |
Configures Windows Defender |
60.160.161 |
(MON) Configure Monitoring Agent |
Configures Monitoring Agent |
60.160.162 |
(FBI) NRP Prerequisite |
Installs NRP prerequisites |
60.160.163 |
(FBI) NRP Deployment |
Installs NRP |
60.160.164 |
(FBI) NRP Configuration |
Configures NRP |
60.160.165 |
(FBI) CRP Prerequisite |
Installs CRP prerequisites |
60.160.166 |
(FBI) CRP Deployment |
Installs CRP |
60.160.167 |
(FBI) CRP Configuration |
Configures CRP |
60.160.168 |
(FBI) FRP Prerequisite |
Installs FRP prerequisites |
60.160.169 |
(FBI) FRP Deployment |
Installs FRP |
60.160.170 |
(FBI) FRP Configuration |
Configures FRP |
60.160.174 |
(FBI) URP Prerequisite |
Installs URP prerequisites |
60.160.175 |
(FBI) URP Deployment |
Installs URP |
60.160.176 |
(FBI) URP Configuration |
Configures URP |
60.160.171 |
(FBI) HRP Prerequisite |
Installs HRP prerequisites |
60.160.172 |
(FBI) HRP Deployment |
Installs HRP |
60.160.173 |
(FBI) HRP Configuration |
Configures HRP |
60.160.177 |
(KV) KeyVault Prerequisite |
Installs KeyVault prerequisites |
60.160.178 |
(KV) KeyVault Deployment |
Installs KeyVault |
60.160.179 |
(KV) KeyVault Configuration |
Configures KeyVault |
60.190.191 |
(FBI) Configure Gallery |
Configure Gallery |
60.190.192 |
(FBI) Configure Fabric Ring Services |
Configure Fabric Ring Services |
60.221 |
(FBI) Setup Console VMs |
Installs Console server on the guest VMs. |
60.222 |
(FBI) Setup Console VMs |
Move DVM Contents to the Console VM. |
251 |
Prepare for future host reboots |
Set reboot policy |