These is an issue with the current Exchange 2010 Correlation Engine – which causes it to fail on SCOM 2012 or 2016 Management Servers. Jimmy wrote about these here:
So one remedy to this – is to install the Correlation Engine (CE) on a non-management server role. Either on a dedicated reporting server, or stand-alone server in the environment. This is advisable – because the CE uses a LOT of memory – and we don’t want it consuming it all from the SCOM Management server. One of the problems with this – is that the CE checks to ensure the SCOM 2007 (or later) console is installed when you kick off the MSI. If it is missing – you get:
The problem with installing the SCOM 2012 Console, is that you end up with the wrong version of the SDK binaries that the CE is expecting. To work around this – we can do a simple “hack”. The alternative to this would be to install the SCOM 2007R2 console. Many customers will not want to install this old console for no other reason.
The Exchange2010ManagementPackForOpsMgr2007-x64.msi is looking in the registry for:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft Operations Manager3.0Setup]
We can simply create that “Setup” registry key, then a Reg String value for “UIVersion” with “6.0.6278.0” as the data value.
This will allow us to installed the CE.
Once installed – browse to the Program FilesMicrosoftExchange Serverv14Bin directory.
Edit the Microsoft.Exchange.Monitoring.CorrelationEngine.exe.config file.
Here is the default file config:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <runtime> <generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/> </runtime> <appSettings> <add key="OpsMgrRootManagementServer" value="localhost" /> <add key="OpsMgrLogonDomain" /> <add key="OpsMgrLogonUser" /> <add key="ManagementPackId" value="Microsoft.Exchange.2010" /> <add key="CorrelationIntervalInSeconds" value="300" /> <add key="CorrelationTimeWindowInSeconds" value="300" /> <add key="AutoResolveAlerts" value="true" /> <add key="EnableLogging" value="true" /> <add key="MaxLogDays" value="30" /> <add key="LogVerbose" value="false" /> <add key="MaxLogDirectorySizeInMegabytes" value="1024" /> </appSettings> </configuration>
Modify the value for OpsMgrRootManagementServer to a management server (Might as well use your RMSe server). Save the file. UAC might block you from editing this file, if so – open notepad as elevated.
Next – open the Services.msc control applet, and configure the service “Microsoft Exchange Monitoring Correlation”
Set this service to run as your SDK account, or a dedicated service account that has rights to the SCOM SDK as a SCOM Administrator.
Your CE Service will be stuck in a restart loop. It is crashing because of an exception – it is missing the SDK binaries.
Now – following the BLOG POST referenced above – unzip the three SCOM 2007 files in the blog attachment to the Program FilesMicrosoftExchange Serverv14Bin directory:
The errors should go away – and in the Application event log – you should see the following sequence:
Log Name: Application
Source: MSExchangeMonitoringCorrelation
Event ID: 700
MSExchangeMonitoringCorrelation service starting.
Log Name: Application
Source: MSExchangeMonitoringCorrelation
Event ID: 722
MSExchangeMonitoringCorrelation successfully connected to Operations Manager Root Management Server.
Log Name: Application
Source: MSExchangeMonitoringCorrelation
Event ID: 701
MSExchangeMonitoringCorrelation service started successfully.