Hi All
Last week I presented a session at Ignite 2017 on Enterprise Automation-Unplugged. In this session I demonstrated how you can still call an Orchestrator Runbook from Azure Automation and get data returned back. This will allow you to start working in Azure Automation and still keep and make use of any complex Runbooks that reside in Orchestrator today.
As promised I have put the script from my demonstration on Github.
To see it running open the video from my session link above and you can go to
49:30 Explanation of Demo Visual
52:07 Start of Demonstration component and script explanation
1:00:25 Demo completed
- Import the OrchestratorService.zip PowerShell module into Azure Automation and on any Hybrid Workers you intend to use.
- Create a Variable in Azure Automation with your Orchestrator Server name
- Create a Credential in Azure Automation with appropriate access to Orchestrator
On line 36 replace SERVERNAME with the Variable you created
$SCOserverName = Get-AutomationVariable -Name “SERVERNAME”
On line 37 replace AACREDENTIALNAME with the Credential name you created
As always make sure you test out your scripts in a Dev or Test environment first.
I hope this helps you out