Part 3, An Aside on EmployeeID
Part 4, Using msDS-SourceAnchor
Part 5, Using mS-DS-ConsistencyGuid
Part 6, Moving off objectGuid
Correcting an earlier choice of objectGuid
As it turns out, if you’ve previously selected objectGuid as you sourceAnchor, you can very easily change to using msDS-SourceAnchor or mS-DS-ConsistencyGuid by making the rule edits described in Part 4 of this series for msDS-SourceAnchor or Part 5 of this series for mS-DS-ConsistencyGuid .
You don’t have to reinstall AAD Connect.
You don’t have to re-provision users.
Just make the rule edits.
What about when other attributes are used for sourceAnchor?
Now you’re in a world of hurt.
You need to uninstall AAD Connect and have the wizard remove all components including the sync database. You need to delete your users from Azure Active Directory and you need to start again.
Depending on the services you’re using with your Azure Active Directory tenant, you may be facing mailbox export/import operations and various other problems.
I would recommend a support engagement with Microsoft or a trusted cloud partner to help you through it.
Moving away from objectGuid over to msDS-SourceAnchor or mS-DS-ConsistencyGuid as your sourceAnchor is relatively easy.