Unable to connect to VM corrupt or expired RDP Certificate
- Open up a Blank Notepad and paste the following into it:
#sets the Certificate Store path
$path = get-childitem -Recurse ‘Cert:LocalMachineRemote Desktop’
#Check the certificate date
#sets the thumbprint from the cert
$thumb = $path |Select-Object -ExpandProperty Thumbprint
#pulls just the Machine Key Name based thumbprint
$cert = $path.PrivateKey.CspKeyContainerInfo.UniqueKeyContainerName
#Machine key properties based on the thumbprint
$key = Get-ChildItem C:ProgramDataMicrosoftCryptoRSAMachineKeys |Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $cert}
###destructive part###
#Removes the certificate
Remove-Item -path “Cert:LocalMachineRemote Desktop$thumb”
#deletes the key
$key | % { $_.Delete() }
#reboot to generate a new cert
restart-service TermService -force - Save the file as RemoveMachineKeyCert.ps1
- Navigate to the Azure Portal
- Select the impacted VM
- Select extensions
- Select Add
- Select Custom Script Extension
- Select Create
- Select the RemoveMachineKeyCert.ps1 created in the previous steps
- Install the .ps1 file. No arguments are needed.
- Go back to the extensions tab and wait for the Custom Script to report as successful
- Restart the virtual machine so the certificate can be regenerated
- Attempt to RDP to the machine.