Todd Sweetser
Hi Cloud Partners! With the recent incidents that have occurred, now is a perfect time to talk about cybercrime prevention. Hear examples of how Microsoft Incident Response team are engaging with real customers (anonymity maintained) experiencing cyberattacks. This could be helpful in your discussions with customers going forward!
By now most firms assume compromise of IT systems to be inevitable. Most survey data tells us that security stakeholders at organizations don’t have confidence in their Incident Response (IR) capability for reasons that span skills shortage to inadequate process for detection and response.
In this webinar, Ann Johnson, VP of Microsoft’s Enterprise Cybersecurity Group, sits down with a lead of Microsoft’s IR team to talk about what happens in the critical moments after MS IR teams engage with a customer under cyberattack. While no customer names will be revealed, the insights shared will reflect real world engagements and experiences.
Topics covered will range from discoveries and trends to best practices and recommendations for organizations looking for well-planned response to cyberattacks.
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Incident Response: Getting The Upper Hand in the Cybercrime Fight
June 6, 2017
10:00AM PT
Ann Johnson
Vice President Enterprise Cybersecurity Group
Microsoft Corporation