Current Channel subscribers to Office 365 ProPlus (Office 2016 C2R) who received updates in late July or early August 2017 may receive errors in VBA-enabled applications (i.e., Access, Excel, Word) or in third-party programs (VB6 programs) who have existing compiled projects using controls from the Microsoft Windows Common Controls Library (MSCOMCTL.OCX). The error occurs during attempts to instantiate a licensed control with a runtime key. The error message returned by VB/VBA is:
Run-time error ‘429’:
You do not have an appropriate license to use this functionality
This error may cause the program to fail to load, or may result in reduced functionality, depending on the code project design. The version of MSCOMCTL.OCX with the problem is (signature timestamped June 21, 2017). The build only shipped to O365 subscribers; Office 2016 MSI products are not impacted.
The refactor of code introduced a problem for certain runtime license keys used in the instantiation of a runtime control instance from VB/VBA projects. Not all projects see the error because it depends on the runtime key originally acquired and saved when the code was compiled.
Microsoft is working on an updated version of the control to address the problem and plans to release it in a future update.
Microsoft is recommending that clients severely affected by the problem roll back to a previous version temporarily. To do this, please follow the steps as outlined in this article:
Be sure to follow all three steps. For step 2, you can use build number: 16.0.8201.2102
Come back to check on status of the issue and re-enable automatic updates once the fix has been released.
A fix has been made and is currently in testing.