The January 2017 client update for Lync 2013/SfB2015 includes a new registry key that allows Lync2013/SfB2015 Meeting Addin to create a meeting invite similar to the one in Lync 2010 client.
For reference we need to look how Dial in Conferencing Numbers are configured:
Now, before any change, we can see that a meeting invite for a user from the UK region will look like this:
After applying the January 2017 update KB3141468 for Lync2013/SfB2015 Client we can use the registry key EnableW14MeetingInvitationTemplate to have the template as Lync 2010 Meeting Add-in. We can simply add the registry key with Command Prompt or PowerShell:
Command Prompt:
reg add HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftOffice15.0LyncAddinPreference /v EnableW14MeetingInvitationTemplate /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:SoftwareMicrosoftOffice15.0LyncAddinPreference' -Name 'EnableW14MeetingInvitationTemplate' -Value '1' -Type DWord
Note: This registry key is only available on a User Level, we cannot add it under HKEY_Local_Machine.
Now we can create a meeting in Outlook and the invite will be similar to Lync 2010 Addin:
Please note that this registry key setting is only available for the Lync2013/SfB2015 (15.0.4893.1000 or later). The update list is available here:
Lync 2013/Skype for Business 2015 Client Update List