This feels both strange and wonderful at the same time. My first official Blog post within Microsoft.
If you've been wondering, I disappeared from the Blog scene for a bit. Things got interesting and busy over the past Ten (10) months. Now it's starting to settle and I have time to breathe and get creative again !
First if you followed my personal blogs at, and, you may have noticed I got hired by Microsoft (thus notice the title of this post ^^^ on TechNet!)
The first seven months have been amazing. It has been a dream come true. Although I *DO* miss being a PowerShell MVP, this was the best way to lose my MVP status.... with Honor.
I've been (as my Manager likes to say) hit the ground running. Diving into technologies left right and center, ramping up for my customers and getting myself set up for training. The people here and the diversity are here (in my personal opinion) something amazing to behold. It is a job better than I ever imagined.
Also for my Dad watching from up above... "Thanks"
What will you see here? I'll probably end up cross posting a bit to my personal sites from time to time, but overall I'll try to put a bit of content I might have put in ScriptingGuys that would be work a "Weekend Scripter" like those crazy Hexadecimal Clocks (What was I thinking?).
Maybe even the odd "Weird and wonderful thing" I've encountered in the field.
As I stretch my fingers creatively, I'll have some content going out to "Hey Scripting Guy!" again as well as maybe the odd posting on the "Ask Premier Field Engineering (PFE) Platforms"
If you're REALLY wondering.... "Is this Sean?"
Yes it is.... Just look up at the name of the blog. "ENERGIZEDTECH"
And remember, with Great PowerShell comes Great Responsibility.