All the votes are finally in!
And below are the results for the TechNet Guru Awards, July 2017 !!!!
The TechNet Guru Awards celebrate the technical articles on TechNet, contributed from valued wiki authors like YOU!
Winners of these awards have regularly progressed on to higher social achievements, like Microsoft's "Most Valuable Professional" Award!!
Each month, the contributions are scored by a panel of judges (5 per category, 2-3 in each are MS experts), and the winners of each category are showered with love and attention from all corners of TechNet.
See the links at the bottom, to find out more about the competition and how to enter.
We have picked the top three highest scored contributions for each category to bestow our awards upon.
The awards are in gold, silver and bronze, the gold obviously being the top winner of the category.
The last column is just a few of the comments judges made during the judging process.
In some cases, we have not obtained permission to use the judges names, so they have been reduced to initials.
My fellow wiki ninjas will be digging deeper into some of these articles in this blog series, so watch out for those.
A big thank you also to the other authors who did not make the top three of each category.
Some articles only just missed out, so we may be returning to discuss those too, in future blogs.
ASP.NET Technical Guru - July 2017 |
Ehsan Sajjad | GridView with Server Side Advanced Search using JQuery DataTables in ASP.NET MVC 5 | Jeff Fritz: "Very thorough... if you're going to post long segments of code, I recommend adding code comments inside the included code to describe what the code is doing. Not all of the code and the description afterwards will print out and fit on one page." Khanna Gaurav: "Very useful article. Code is nicely explained and easy to understand." Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Good contents, well described write-up." SYEDSHANU: "Nive and useful post Ehsan.Good to see the step by step explanation with Source Code download link.If you have added more detail explanation with how to create project and how to add models and etc with few screenshot it will be more helpful for the readers." Sabah Shariq: "Overall good. But article explains designing rather then explaining how the advance search implementation is working. Could be improve by putting a more details about the LINQ section in step 5,6,7." |
BizTalk Technical Guru - July 2017 |
Mandar Dharmadhikari | BizTalk :Creating SSO Affiliate Applications Using PowerShell | Todd Rivers: "Thanks Mandar!" JS: "Nice. Big help for those who like to let scripts do all work." |
Girish Patil | Configure WCF-Custom Send Port dynamically | Todd Rivers: "Very good" JS: "useful tip!" |
Microsoft Azure Technical Guru - July 2017 |
Chilberto | Getting started with Cognitive Services - Vision | Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "Great read" JS: "Excellent contribution" Lasse Wedø: "A fine introduction to services with great potential" Gaurav Kumar Arora: "One more good write up on Cognitive services" Eric Berg: "thank you." |
HansamaliGamage | Explore Azure Cosmos DB - document API | Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "Nice visuals and proper explanation." Eric Berg: "thank you for this great article." Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Nice explanation, it went well." Lasse Wedø: "Thanks!" JS: "Nice post!" |
Kjetil Tonstad | Azure Data Lake Store PowerShell Toolkit | Lasse Wedø: "A good collection for any data lake store admin" Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Well explained and elaborated by code-blocks. Thanks Kjetil for sharing" Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "Very good" Eric Berg: "interesting article" |
Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:
- Leverage your Logic Apps performan ce using Azure Functions by Baran Mano
JS: "Always important to measuring performance to show how a different technique does make a difference."
Eric Berg: "well done. thank you"
Miscellaneous Technical Guru - July 2017 |
M.Qassas | Visual Studio 2017: Install and Use GitHub Extension | Lasse Wedø: "A great article, I think this could have been split into several great articles" Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Good write-up showing the usage and installation of GitHub Extension, keep it up!" Kia Zhi Tang: "Thank you for your contribution on sharing about GitHub. It will be great if you can include a reference section with external links to Git, GitHub and MSDN to let readers continue learning." |
Santhakumar Munuswamy | Getting Started with Visual Studio Team Services | Lasse Wedø: "An ok overview of TS" Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Nicely explained" Kia Zhi Tang: "Thank you for sharing the use of Git on Visual Studio 2017 with VSTS. It will be good to include Visual Studio Git Overview url to reference section." |
M.Qassas | Visual Studio 2017: New Installation Experience | Kia Zhi Tang: "Thank you for sharing that experience. It will be good to mention about the different type of editions too. It will great to build a reference section." Lasse Wedø: "Not sure this is Wiki material?" |
Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:
- Getting Started with Visual Studio Code by Santhakumar Munuswamy
Lasse Wedø: "An ok introduction"
Kia Zhi Tang: "Nice graphical user interface walkthrough. It will be great to build a good reference section with links to reinforce your topic related to installation."
SharePoint 2010 / 2013 Technical Guru - July 2017 |
Pallav Mathur | SharePoint Online PowerShell : PnP Provisioning Process (Part 1) | Roman Nedzelsky, MVP: "nice one" John Naguib: "Well Done Thanks a lot for covering PnP" |
Maruthachalam Krishnamurthy | SharePoint Online: Filtering Single & Multi-Value Lookup Columns | John Naguib: "Well Done, thanks a lot for the details" Roman Nedzelsky, MVP: "always good to remember" |
M.Qassas | Project Server 2016: SharePoint Permission Mode Vs Project Permission Mode | John Naguib: "Well Done, Thanks a lot for covering this topic" Roman Nedzelsky, MVP: "always good to remember, classic, but usable classic" |
Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:
- SharePoint Online PowerShell : PnP Provisioning Process (Part 2) by Pallav Mathur
Roman Nedzelsky, MVP: "nice one"
John Naguib: "Thanks a lot for sharing" - SharePoint Online: Creating dashboards using Power View in SharePoint by Maruthachalam Krishnamurthy
Roman Nedzelsky, MVP: "nice one"
John Naguib: "very nice thanks for sharing" - SharePoint 2016 : Resolve UPA Endpoint Issue by Waqas Sarwar
Roman Nedzelsky, MVP: "always good to remember"
John Naguib: "Thanks a lot for sharing" - Project Server 2016: Missing Security Setting in PWA Settings by M.Qassas
John Naguib: "Thanks a lot for sharing"
Roman Nedzelsky, MVP: "always good to remember, classic, but usable classic" - SharePoint Search: Localization of Date and Time field by get2pallav
John Naguib: "Thanks a lot for sharing"
Roman Nedzelsky, MVP: "nice"Small Basic Technical Guru - July 2017 Nonki Takahashi Small Basic: Instructions to Graduate and Debug with Visual Studio 2017 SYEDSHANU: "Wow this is great post Nonki,Small Basic.This article has very detailed explanation from how to install Visual Studio 2017 with working steps and outputs" Nonki Takahashi Small Basic Sample: Line Editor SYEDSHANU: "Simple but very useful post .If introduction and code part explanations added it will be more great post." Nonki Takahashi Small Basic: Overflow SYEDSHANU: "All you can learn about Small Basic Overflow.One more helpful post Nonki." SQL BI and Power BI Technical Guru - July 2017 M.Qassas Power BI: Show and Sort Slicer By Month or Quarter Name PT: "Thank you for the contribution. Few questions and comments... I like the use of animations for screen shots. That's a nice touch. Since you didn't explain what dataset you are using as a sample, I don't understand the challenge with the date parts displayed in the slicer. Can you explain this?
You end the intro sentence with a question mark in a way that doesn't make sense. Please correct."
Ronen Ariely (aka pituach): "Very nice article and well explained, but without the data source it is difficult to follow the steps (missing first step - get the data and create the base form). Missing "See Also" section with some relevant links to read more. The images are amazing and add a real value to the article as well as visual displayed."SQL Server General and Database Engine Technical Guru - July 2017 M.Qassas SQL Server: Create Log Backup Maintenance Plan Diederik Krols: "Nice reference, thanks."
Ronen Ariely (aka pituach): "Very good example of using Maintenance Plan Wizard. Good use of the Wiki guidelines. The article is well formatted and well written. Very simple to follow the srticle step by step."M.Vignesh Taking Script From Database In SQL Server In Different Mode Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "Good concept, useful post for many admins out there."
Ronen Ariely (aka pituach): "Very nice post. It is useful task. The article is missing "See Also" section with some links. I think the title is not so clear. Maybe we can replaced it with something like "Generating Database script using SSMS tool"."System Center Technical Guru - July 2017 Sarah Lean DPM 2012 R2 proof of concept with SQL 2014 Adam Fowler: "Would like to see more details and links in the steps and there's a few typos and formatting issues, but still a great getting started guide for someone who wants to lab it up and do proof of concept. Sometimes we just want the quick guide!"
Joseph Moody: "Nice list! Thank you for creating this resource."
Eric Berg: "Thank you for this article. A bit more structure would be great. All stuff is under "prerequisites". Also some screenshots or graphics would help to understand better!"
Kia Zhi Tang: "Thank you for sharing the process. It will be great if it can be properly structured with reference section, see also section and a conclusion instead of starting and ending in Pre-Requisites."Transact-SQL Technical Guru - July 2017 Vishe MSSQL command on Linux System Diederik Krols: "Nice list of examples. Are there any restrictions on Linux, like creating variables (SetVar:) or executing OS commands (:!!) ?"
Richard Mueller: "Good collection of T-SQL scripts. Grammar can be improved."
Ronen Ariely (aka pituach): "Nice list of sqlcmd commands. Today that SQL Server 2017 is here, it is important to post related article as this one. With that being said, the commands are not unique to Linux and the only different which I notice from Windows is the path to the files. If this article point to Linux, the differences from windows sqlcmd commands should be mentioned. The article missing "See Also""M.Qassas SQL Script: Convert Rows To Columns Using Dynamic Pivot In SQL Server Richard Mueller: "Well done. Good code and images. Don't use first person. References and a "See Also" would help."
Ronen Ariely (aka pituach): "The article is very nice. It's well written and well presented, but we should prefer to edit and improve existing articles over posting duplicate or almost duplicate topics. A "See Also" section could be valued bringing other existing articles (I added this section now but more links can be found in the Wiki). The option to download the sample database is nice (DDL+DML queries could work as well)."
Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "Amazing articles, but I would recommend adding somewhat more text, image-only posts are less useful (e.g. what happens if image doesn't load?)"
Diederik Krols: "Nice read, thanks."Universal Windows Apps Technical Guru - July 2017 Nourdine MHOUMADI Universal Windows App: Create and display animated GIF Diederik Krols: "Thanks, great post! It's worth wile mentioning that the Lumia SDK runs on all Windows 8 and 10 devices, not only on 'Lumia' ones."
SYEDSHANU: "Great Post with source code download link.If you have added the gif animation image of the output it will be more great."Visual Basic Technical Guru - July 2017 .paul. _ VB.Net - Binding WMI ManagementObjectSearcher results Diederik Krols: "Well explained, thanks."
Khanna Gaurav: "Nice article"
SYEDSHANU: "Great and useful post Paul.Only thing missing is Source code download not from TechNet.If you add the download link from MSDN or TechNet Gallery it will be more great and complete Wiki Article :)"
Richard Mueller: "Good use of the Wiki guidelines. The "See Also" should only include links to Wiki articles."Visual C# Technical Guru - July 2017 Syed Shanu Consume Web API in Winform for File Handling Khanna Gaurav: "Great work"
Jaliya Udagedara: "Good article with step by step explanations."
Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Good start of MultipartProvider class, it is nicely explained. Well done Syed."Windows Server Technical Guru - July 2017 Jai Kishore Verma ADFS Authentication - Users not able to login from external network (Silent Login Failure) JM: "Excellent article, thanks for your contribution!"
Eric Berg: "thank you for this overview"
Mark Parris: "Good Information"
Richard Mueller: "Good images and explanation. Needs references. Avoid use of first person."
Joseph Moody: "Very practical - thank you for putting this together!"Kia Zhi Tang (Ryen Tang) Nano Server: Getting Started in Container with Docker Joseph Moody: "Great article and excellent formatting!"
Richard Mueller: "Excellent use of Wiki guidelines. Great references and "See Also". I have already referred someone to this article."
JM: "This is a great article for developers, thanks for your contribution!"
Eric Berg: "thank you"
Mark Parris: "Good starting point."Kelly Bush Active Directory Domain Discovery Checklist Mark Parris: "Nice Nugget."
Eric Berg: "well done...thanks!"
Richard Mueller: "Quite a list, which should prove useful. Some items could use more explanation, or an expansion of the description. The article should have references."
Joseph Moody: "I will be saving this article for future use! Thank you!"
JM: "This is a very good article that will be helpful to a lot of folks, thanks for your contribution!"Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:
- Replicate Active Directory single Objects between the Domain Controller's by JimmySal
Mark Parris: "Good Information."
Richard Mueller: "Good explanation of how to use the repadmin utility for this purpose. A References or "Other Resources" and "See Also" sections would greatly help."
Joseph Moody: "Good guide!"
JM: "This is a good article on replicating single objects, thanks much!"
Eric Berg: "thank you. would be great to have a better structure in the article."------------------------------------------------------ 8< -----------------------------------------------------------------
A huge thank you to EVERYONE who contributed an article to July's competition.
Hopefully we will see you ALL again in August 2017's listings?If you haven't contributed an article for this month, and you think you can create a more useful, clever and better presented wiki article than the winners above, here's your chance!
Best regards,
Pete LakerMore about the TechNet Guru Awards:
- Replicate Active Directory single Objects between the Domain Controller's by JimmySal