Introduction: Microsoft Ignite 2017 is right around the corner, September 25 – 29 in Orlando Florida. While there are over 1536 sessions, I wanted to share with you the list of sessions that I will either be attending in-person or watching the on-demand version later when I get home. Please feel free to use this list to help create your personal schedule, or on-demand viewing list later. Also, be sure to follow me on Twitter @SosemanMatt for updates while at Ignite. Enjoy!
Matt's Tip: Every year I spend ~200 hours watching Ignite sessions while running on the treadmill every evening or on an early Saturday morning to ensure I stay up to speed and keep my skills sharp. These sessions are addicting, and fun! They inspire me to go out and learn more, lab up a scenario, and gives me great stories to share with my peers, customers and partners.
Note: My list will be geared towards mainly Microsoft 365, although I will have some other topics sprinkled about. Click each session to be taken directly to that session's page on the Microsoft Ignite website.
Must See:
(If you don't have time to watch anything else, watch these sessions.)
- Keynotes. These are always highly informative and give you the most bang for your buck to learn about what's new and the latest news.
- Microsoft 365: Unlock creativity and empower teamwork in the modern workplace
- Microsoft 365: Transform your communications with Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business
- Microsoft 365: Modern management and deployment
- Microsoft 365: Step up your protection with intelligent security
- Dive into Office 365 for the US government and defense industry
- Office 365 Security and Compliance Overview
- GDPR and Office 365
- Firstline workforce and Office 365: Microsoft StaffHub
- Understanding your collaboration options in Office 365
- Windows devices in Azure Active Directory: Why should I care?
- Supporting your GDPR compliance journey with Microsoft EMS
- Make Windows devices more secure by taking them out of your existing infrastructure
- Ransomware: Don't pay the ransom
- Create a Windows Insider Program inside your organization
Office 365:
- Learn about the Microsoft global network and best practices for optimizing Office 365 connectivity
- Manage Office 365 more effectively: What's new in Office 365 administration
- Build and implement a plan for Microsoft Office 365 success
- Understand how your users are using Office 365: What's new in usage reporting
- Get your enterprise network ready for Office 365
- Build your personalized and social intranet with SharePoint, Yammer, Delve, OneDrive and Teams
Microsoft Planner:
Microsoft Teams:
- How to use Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, and Office 2016 to achieve more
- Create new experiences with the Office 365 Communications Platform
- Demystifying internet connectivity to Skype for Business Online and Microsoft Teams
- Collaborate in a chat-based workspace with Microsoft Teams
- Collaboration on the go with Microsoft Teams mobile apps
- Building and packaging your company's app for Microsoft Teams
- Drive successful adoption of Microsoft Teams
- Microsoft Teams and Yammer: Velocity meets community
- Get an overview of Microsoft Teams architecture
- Learn about enterprise security and compliance with Microsoft Teams
- Microsoft Teams and Yammer: Velocity meets community
- Microsoft Teams and SharePoint for every kind of teamwork
- Understanding meetings in Microsoft Teams
- Developing enterprise bots with Office 365
- Build smarter bots and devices by connecting to the Microsoft Graph
- Integrate OneDrive and SharePoint files, collaboration and sharing using Microsoft Graph
- Learn how SharePoint Online safeguards your data in the cloud
- OneDrive - Past, Present, and Future
- Manage and secure Microsoft OneDrive web, desktop, and mobile: Deep dive with the product team
- Transform business process with SharePoint, PowerApps, and Flow for biz apps, forms, and automation
- Accelerate your digital transformation with SharePoint and OneDrive
- Automate workflows and enable modern approvals with Microsoft Flow
- Stopping Malicious Users and Shadow IT with Office 365 Advanced Security Management
- Securing, governing, and protecting your Office 365 investments
- Take Control of Your Compliance Requirements with the Microsoft Service Trust Platform
- Send secure email to anyone with Office 365 and Microsoft Azure Information Protection
- Understanding advanced concepts in getting the most out of Office 365 Data Loss Prevention
- Secure Office 365 like a cybersecurity pro: Top priorities for the first 30 days, 90 days and beyond
- Stay Ahead of the Cyberattacks with Office 365 Threat Intelligence
- Cloud encryption facts, myths, and perceptions
- Keep what you need but don't horde everything with intelligent data governance in Office 365
- Secure access to Office 365, SaaS and on-premises apps with Microsoft Enterprise Mobility + Security
- Anti-phishing with Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection
- Quickly find what's relevant and reduce risk with intelligent eDiscovery in Office 365
- Anatomy of an Attack: Defending Yourself in the Office 365 Cloud
- Enterprise-grade security for your cloud apps with Microsoft Cloud App Security
- How NIST cyber security framework aligns to Microsoft technologies
Device Management:
- Conduct a successful pilot deployment of Microsoft Intune
- Manage and secure Android, iOS, and MacOS devices and apps with Microsoft Intune
Skype for Business:
- Plan your UC refresh correctly: Skype for Business on-premises vNext
- Configure meeting video interop solutions for Office 365
- Understanding Call Queues and Auto Attendant
- Manage all your communications workloads in Office 365
- Plan and configure Hybrid Voice in Skype for Business and Office 365
- Explore the Microsoft meeting room portfolio
- Communications-enabled business and services
- Deploying and supporting clients for Skype for Business
Microsoft Stream:
- Surface and LTE, designing for seamless connectivity
- Surface product engineering behind the scenes, and deep dive on the new Surface Pro
- Surface Hub Bakeoff - How Surface Hub stacks up against the competition
- Service and Support for Microsoft Surface – Built for the Demands of Today's Enterprise
- Optimize your Surface Pro 4 and Surface Book performance
- Bringing the Modern Workplace to Life with Surface and Microsoft 365
- What's new in Windows 10 security? Raising the bar of security once again with the Creators Update!
- Saying goodbye to passwords
- Secure Windows 10 with Intune, Azure AD and System Center Configuration Manager
- Where is your Windows support career going wrong?
- Overview: Modern Windows 10 and Office ProPlus management with Enterprise Mobility + Security
- Halt hackers: Do those tricks still work with Windows 10?
- How Microsoft IT deploys Windows 10 and implements Windows as a service
- The Windows Insider Program