In some of my scripts, such as Get-AutoDiscoverRecords.ps1, I convert the string output of another command (such as an LDAP query) into a Date and Time variable by using the type cast [DateTime]. For example the following will turn the string "06/16/2016 3:14:03 PM" into a PowerShell DateTime object for June 16th 2016 at 3:14PM:
[code language="powershell"]
$DateTime = [DateTime]"06/16/2016 3:14:03 PM"
This works great in US based script executions because the DateTime type cast expects the format in the MM/dd/yyyy format, but other parts of the world uses the dd/MM/yyyy format. For those other areas, the DateTime type cast with modified string with throw the following error:
Cannot convert value "16/06/2016 15:14:03" to type "System.DateTime". Error: "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.
Not only does this date and time format cause the DateTime type cast to fail, what's worse is that the string "02/06/2016 15:14:03" could be considered February 6th and not June 2nd. Beyond the flipping of the date and month, there are also cultural subtleties around the world (such as including AM/PM or not) that require special format handling to ensure a proper DateTime type case conversion.
To address those various issues, we can tell the DateTime type cast how to handle the string output by another command through parsing according to the local cultural settings with the following code:
[code language="powershell"]
# Extract the default Date/Time formatting from the local computer's "Culture" settings, and then create the format to use when parsing the date/time information pull from AD.
$CultureDateTimeFormat = (Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat
$DateFormat = $CultureDateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern
$TimeFormat = $CultureDateTimeFormat.LongTimePattern
$DateTimeFormat = "$DateFormat $TimeFormat"
$DateTime = [DateTime]::ParseExact("06/16/2016 3:14:03 PM",$DateTimeFormat,[System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo]::InvariantInfo,[System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles]::None)
This code tells PowerShell to get the current Date and Time format (according to the language/cultural settings chosen by the currently logged in user), extract those Date and Time formats, and then build the Date and Time format string to use in parsing. The last line actually performs the parsing of the string "16/06/2016 15:14:03" according to the cultural Date and Time formatting:
I have had colleagues in multiple countries test this code and it appears to prevent DateTime type cast from throwing an error or incorrectly interpreting the date and time output from another command. One colleague had to reboot their computer after changing their language settings to match the local language settings, because they had temporarily changed theirs to the US settings, but that was the only issue I have run into with this code.
So there you have it, if you ever need to convert a data and time string retrieved from another command via the DateTime type case, you can use this code to ensure that the parsing is handled correctly no matter what the regional (cultural) standards for date and time formatting are.
Dan Sheehan