The Desktop Bridge is the infrastructure that lets you distribute your Windows Forms, WPF, or Win32 desktop app or game efficiently by using a modern Windows App package. Your desktop app gets access to Windows Universal Platform (UWP) APIs that can be used to light up modern and engaging experiences such as live tiles and notifications.
This PremCast explores the possibilities of the Desktop Bridge and walk through the process of bringing a desktop app to the Universal Windows Platform (UWP).
Datenbank Entwickler, Data Analysten, BI-Entwickler, IT Manager
Level 300
(Level Skala: 100= Strategisch/ 200= technischer Überblick/ 300=tiefe Fachkenntnisse/ 400= technisches Expertenwissen)
Verfügbare Termine
08.12.2017, 10:00 – 12:00 Uhr
Dieser Webcast wird in deutscher Sprache gehalten.
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