We are excited to announce the we have launched a NEW podcast series:
In Episode 1 - The Good, The Bad and the Not So Pretty, we cover the following topics:
- What is the One Commercial Partner reorganization?
- What is the Microsoft 365 offering and how can it help you develop new business? In this interview here from Giovanni Mezgec a General Manager at Microsoft
- What is the Cloud Solution Provider Model (CSP)? We interview Woody Walton, Sr. Partner Technology Strategist at Microsoft.
- Who is Synnex and how can they help you as a partner grow your business? An interview with Geoff Rigsby from Synnex
You can listen to the episode here: aka.ms/ultimatepodcast
In this ongoing podcast series we will provide deep technical insights, learning's and news related to Microsoft solutions, technologies and partner programs. In addition, learn relevant business and technology trends that span the full spectrum of Microsoft offerings. The podcast is hosted by us, Matt and Garrett we are two Partner Technology Strategists that support partners like yourself. We hope you enjoy our first episode, we are planning to deliver monthly shows, if there is a topic you would like for us to discuss email us:
The podcast is also available via iTunes, Google Play and Stitcher Radio
You can also subscribe to the RSS Feed here: http://ultimatepartner.mpsn.libsynpro.com/rss
Thanks for listening!
Matt Morris and Garrett Bundy