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We are here today for TNWiki Article Spotlight.
Whenever we talk about container Service , we can also talk about Docker for Azure that defines Docker as:
Docker for Azure is an integrated, easy-to-deploy environment for building, assembling, and shipping container applications on Microsoft Azure. As a native Azure application, Docker for Azure is optimized to the underlying Azure IaaS services and does not require any software to be installed.
There are lot of resources available to get started with Docker viz. Getting started development with Docker.
Our Today's Article spotlight is on Docker Windows Server Insider: Getting Started in Container with Docker, published by Ryen Kia Zhi Tang.
Ryan started this article with these words:
This TechNet Wiki article provides an overview on how to pull a Windows Server Insider Preview container image using Docker and run a Windows Server Insider Preview container using Windows Containers feature on Windows 10. This page focuses on Windows Server Insider Preview deployment preparation in Windows Containers environment with Docker.
This article is self-explanatory and well written so one can quickly start working with Docker as soon as he/she goes through this article. Ryan covered it from the beginning by starting with Introduction and then moving on to the Requirements, while later explaining the Preparation. He then concluded it with whole work that can be done with the use of Container.
I really, appreciate the efforts and time spent to write this article.
- Ninja Gaurav