As part of an Oracle2SQL-Project, it was required to compare the row count of the destination tables stored in SQL Server and the source tables stored in Oracle. Using transactional replication, the data is continuously replicated from Oracle to SQL Server. Doing so, it is possible to implement a step-by-step-migration, migrating the read-only consumers to SQL Server first.
Statistic about the tables in the current database with different row count compared to an Oracle Database, accessible using Linked Server:
- ObjectId => for the interested reader, to query some other metadata afterwards
- TableName => Table- and Schema-Name: [Schema].[Table]
- RowCountMS => Number of rows in SQL Server
- RowCountOracle => Number of rows in Oracle, or -1 if not found
-- ### Replace "MY.REMOTE.ORACLE.DATABASE" with the actual linked server name -- ### Prepare stats IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TableStats') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TableStats; CREATE TABLE #TableStats ( ObjectId int, TableName varchar(100), RowCountMS int, RowCountOracle int, ); -- ### Gather stats PRINT 'Gathering table stats...' DECLARE @SQLCommand nvarchar(2000) = ' DECLARE @Pos AS int = CHARINDEX(''.'', ''?''); DECLARE @Schema sysname = SUBSTRING(''?'', 2, @Pos - 3); DECLARE @Table sysname = SUBSTRING(''?'', @Pos + 2, LEN(''?'') - @Pos - 2); DECLARE @SQLOpenQuery nvarchar(1000) = N''DECLARE @x AS int; SELECT @x=1 FROM OPENQUERY([MY.REMOTE.ORACLE.DATABASE], ''''SELECT 1 FROM all_objects WHERE OWNER = '''''''''' + @Schema + '''''''''' AND OBJECT_NAME = '''''''''' + @Table + '''''''''''''')'' DECLARE @SQLUpdate nvarchar(1000) = N''UPDATE #TableStats SET RowCountOracle = (SELECT vOracle.RowCountOracle FROM OPENQUERY([MY.REMOTE.ORACLE.DATABASE], ''''SELECT COUNT(*) AS RowCountOracle FROM '' + @Schema + ''.'' + @Table + '''''') AS vOracle) WHERE TableName = ''''?''''''; -- PRINT @SQLUpdate PRINT ''?...'' INSERT INTO #TableStats (ObjectId, TableName, RowCountMS, RowCountOracle) SELECT OBJECT_ID(''?''), ''?'', (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?), -1; EXEC sp_executeSQL @SQLOpenQuery; IF @@RowCount > 0 BEGIN EXEC sp_executeSQL @SQLUpdate; END ' PRINT 'EXEC sp_MSforeachtable using the following command:' PRINT @SQLCommand; EXEC sp_MSforeachtable @SQLCommand; PRINT 'Finished!' -- ### Print stats, RowCountOracle = -1 => Table doesn't exist in Oracle SELECT * FROM #TableStats AS s WHERE -- No SSMA-Objects s.TableName NOT LIKE '%ssma_oracle%' -- only tables with primary keys AND EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.indexes AS idxPK WHERE idxPK.object_id = s.ObjectId AND idxPK.is_primary_key = 1 ) -- only differences AND s.RowCountMS <> s.RowCountOracle ORDER BY s.TableName;