Hi Everyone
I have been really enjoying listening to a presentation by William Looney and Troy Funk on CQD and Call Analytics for Skype for Business Online and Microsoft Teams. You can listen to the session here in Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=335OuqsTiNA, or view the deck here https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/embed.aspx?src=https%3A%2F%2F8gportalvhdsf9v440s15hrt.blob.core.windows.net%2Fignite2017%2Fsession-presentations%2FBRK2010.PPTX
It's a really good session, and why I liked it so much was William Looney went into generating custom reports in CQD.
William starts by taking you through the vanilla out of the box CQD reports and there is some good data there. He then looks at problem sites/subnets for call quality. I won't rehash what William and Troy talk about as I recommend you go and have a listen. I will include a couple of screen shots to show William in action slicing and dicing through CQD data to get to the bottom of some poor calls.
Happy Skype/Team'ing.
Creating a custom CQD Report for packet loss rate
Resulting bar chart for above data.
Filtering Custom Reports based on Wifi and for a particular location/site
Audio Poor for a particular site