Here are the steps that are required to encrypt the disk of Azure Virtual Machine. This is a very high level overview of the process, and I do recommend on reading the full guide:
- Open Azure portal and navigate to the virtual machine (Windows 2008 R2 and above) you want to encrypt and then select Disks.
- As we can see the disk is not encrypted:
- Open PowerShell ISE and login to your Azure account by typing the following command:
Copy all the text from the following link to PowerShell ISE and execute it:
- The script will ask you to provide few parameters
resourceGroupName: motiCorpKv
keyVaultName: kvMoti
location: North Europe
subscriptionId: 482e8a7b-5d8a-406c-9e9c-e64fc28f2a39
aadAppName: motiAad
- After providing all the parameters you'll see a warning about the operation
- After the process is completed the disk is encrypted as we can see in the portal
That's all