In this part of the series, I am going to talk about instrumenting diagnostic features for cloud services (web and worker roles) with a custom trace listener implementation in respect to new Windows Azure SDK for .NET (April 2013, version 2.0).
Before starting the implementation, I would suggest you to get an overview of the new SDK. A perfect resource for this would be Scott Guthrie’s blog here. As you can see, one of the areas improved noticeably since v1.8 is diagnostics and key items of which are:
- Built-in diagnostic features for Azure web site enhancements
- Being able to diagnose cloud services directly from Visual Studio
- Being able to change diagnostic configuration settings while application running.
In .NET world, to diagnose and monitor an application, you need to implement a listener that listens the source which is the application itself for events (debug, trace, etc.) and a writer that persist the messages that captured through the listener to intended path (file, database table, storage table, etc.).
All (custom or built-in) listeners are derived from System.Diagnostics.TraceListener. I am going to implement a table storage listener, as name implies, it will outputs the captures to an Azure storage table. Here is the whole class implementation:
1:using System;
2:using System.Collections.Generic;
3:using System.Data.Services.Client;
4:using System.Text;
5:using System.Diagnostics;
6:using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage;
7:using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Table;
9:namespace ToDoCommon
10: {
11:publicclass TableTraceListener : TraceListener
12: {
13:#region Fields
14:readonlystring _connectionString;
15:readonlystring _diagnosticsTable = "CustomLogTable";
17: [ThreadStatic]
18:static StringBuilder _messageBuffer;
20:readonlyobject _initializationSection = newobject();
21:bool _isInitialized;
23: CloudTableClient _tableStorage;
24:readonlyobject _traceLogAccess = newobject();
25:readonly List<LogEntry> _traceLog = new List<LogEntry>();
28:#region Constructors
30:public TableTraceListener()
31: : this("Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.Diagnostics.ConnectionString")
32: {
33: }
35:public TableTraceListener(string connectionString)
36: : base("TableTraceListener")
37: {
38: _connectionString = connectionString;
39: }
41:public TableTraceListener(string connectionString, string tableName)
42: : base("TableTraceListener")
43: {
44: _connectionString = connectionString;
45: _diagnosticsTable = tableName;
46: }
49:#region Methods
51:/// <summary>
52:/// Flushes the entries to the storage table
53:/// </summary>
54:publicoverridevoid Flush()
55: {
56:if (!_isInitialized)
57: {
58:lock (_initializationSection)
59: {
60:if (!_isInitialized)
61: {
62: Initialize();
63: }
64: }
65: }
67: var context = _tableStorage.GetTableServiceContext();
68: context.MergeOption = MergeOption.AppendOnly;
69:lock (_traceLogAccess)
70: {
71: _traceLog.ForEach(entry => context.AddObject(_diagnosticsTable, entry));
72: _traceLog.Clear();
73: }
75:if (context.Entities.Count > 0)
76: {
77: context.BeginSaveChangesWithRetries(SaveChangesOptions.None,
78: (ar) => context.EndSaveChangesWithRetries(ar), null);
79: }
80: }
81:/// <summary>
82:/// Creates the storage table object
83:/// </summary>
84:privatevoid Initialize()
85: {
86: var account = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(_connectionString);
87: _tableStorage = account.CreateCloudTableClient();
88: _tableStorage.GetTableReference(_diagnosticsTable).CreateIfNotExists();
89: _isInitialized = true;
90: }
92:publicoverridebool IsThreadSafe
93: {
94: get
95: {
97: }
98: }
100:#region Trace and Write Methods
101:/// <summary>
102:/// Writes the message to a string buffer
103:/// </summary>
104:/// <param name="message">the Message</param>
105:publicoverridevoid Write(string message)
106: {
107:if (_messageBuffer == null)
108: _messageBuffer = new StringBuilder();
110: _messageBuffer.Append(message);
111: }
113:/// <summary>
114:/// Writes the message with a line breaker to a string buffer
115:/// </summary>
116:/// <param name="message"></param>
117:publicoverridevoid WriteLine(string message)
118: {
119:if (_messageBuffer == null)
120: _messageBuffer = new StringBuilder();
122: _messageBuffer.AppendLine(message);
123: }
124:/// <summary>
125:/// Appends the trace information and message
126:/// </summary>
127:/// <param name="eventCache">the Event Cache</param>
128:/// <param name="source">the Source</param>
129:/// <param name="eventType">the Event Type</param>
130:/// <param name="id">the Id</param>
131:/// <param name="message">the Message</param>
132:publicoverridevoid TraceEvent(TraceEventCache eventCache, string source, TraceEventType eventType, int id, string message)
133: {
134:base.TraceEvent(eventCache, source, eventType, id, message);
135: AppendEntry(id, eventType, eventCache);
136: }
138:/// <summary>
139:/// Adds the trace information to a collection of LogEntry objects
140:/// </summary>
141:/// <param name="id">the Id</param>
142:/// <param name="eventType">the Event Type</param>
143:/// <param name="eventCache">the EventCache</param>
144:privatevoid AppendEntry(int id, TraceEventType eventType, TraceEventCache eventCache)
145: {
146:if (_messageBuffer == null)
147: _messageBuffer = new StringBuilder();
149: var message = _messageBuffer.ToString();
150: _messageBuffer.Length = 0;
152:if (message.EndsWith(Environment.NewLine))
153: message = message.Substring(0, message.Length - Environment.NewLine.Length);
155:if (message.Length == 0)
158: var entry = new LogEntry()
159: {
160: PartitionKey = string.Format("{0:D10}", eventCache.Timestamp >> 30),
161: RowKey = string.Format("{0:D19}", eventCache.Timestamp),
162: EventTickCount = eventCache.Timestamp,
163: Level = (int)eventType,
164: EventId = id,
165: Pid = eventCache.ProcessId,
166: Tid = eventCache.ThreadId,
167: Message = message
168: };
170:lock (_traceLogAccess)
171: _traceLog.Add(entry);
172: }
177: }
178: }
1:using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Table.DataServices;
3:namespace ToDoCommon
4: {
5:publicclass LogEntry : TableServiceEntity
6: {
7:publiclong EventTickCount { get; set; }
8:publicint Level { get; set; }
9:publicint EventId { get; set; }
10:publicint Pid { get; set; }
11:publicstring Tid { get; set; }
12:publicstring Message { get; set; }
13: }
14: }
What we do here, in summary:
- created a storage table
- converted captured trace information(trace event cache, type, message, etc.) to a TableServiceEntity object called LogEntry,
- then overrided Flush functionality that persists the trace information in table service entity collection to the storage table created in step 1
And now time to add the listener:
1:publicstaticvoid ConfigureTraceListener(string diagConn, string tableName)
2: {
3: Trace.Listeners.Clear();
4:string traceName = typeof(TableTraceListener).Name;
5: var listener =
6:new TableTraceListener(diagConn, tableName)
7: {
8: Name = traceName
9: };
11: Trace.Listeners.Add(listener);
12: Trace.AutoFlush = true;
13: }
In this code block, we do construct the TableTraceListener with 2 strings:
- connection string: set in the service configuration file pointing to the storage table created step 1 above. This is set to “UseDevelopmentStorage=true” when run locally (pointing to local development storage).
- table name: the name of the table created in step 1 above.
Nothing much to say here.
1:using System;
2:using System.Text;
3:using System.Diagnostics;
5:namespace ToDoCommon
6: {
7:publicclass Logger:ILogger
8: {
9:static Logger _instance;
10:publicstatic ILogger Instance
11: {
12: get { return _instance ?? (_instance = new Logger()); }
13: }
15:publicvoid LogError(Exception ex)
16: {
17: var sb = new StringBuilder();
18: sb.AppendLine();
19: var innerEx = ex.InnerException;
20:while (innerEx != null)
21: {
22: sb.AppendFormat("\t Inner Exc Message: {0}\r\n", innerEx.Message);
23: innerEx = innerEx.InnerException;
24: }
26: sb.AppendLine("StackTrace: " + ex.StackTrace);
27: LogEntry(sb.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Error);
28: }
30:publicvoid LogEntry(string message, EventLogEntryType type)
31: {
32:switch (type)
33: {
34:case EventLogEntryType.Error:
35: Trace.TraceError(message);
37:case EventLogEntryType.Information:
38: Trace.TraceInformation(message);
40:case EventLogEntryType.Warning:
41: Trace.TraceWarning(message);
43: }
44: }
45: }
46: }
Please note that web role and associated web application run on different processes. Therefore, you need to add the listener in both places.
My Solution
One picture says a million words, so does here:
… and Show Time
All I need to do now, in order to have diagnostic feature enabled in my solution, is to call ToDoCommon.Util.ConfigureTraceListener(diagConnection, tableName) from the method “OnStart” of the role entry point classes of each role (web and worker) and from global.asax. Below, global.asax is shared:
1:using System;
2:using System.Web;
3:using System.Web.Http;
4:using System.Web.Mvc;
5:using System.Web.Optimization;
6:using System.Web.Routing;
7:using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime;
8:using ToDoCommon;
10:namespace ToDoListWeb
11: {
12:// Note: For instructions on enabling IIS6 or IIS7 classic mode,
13:// visit
15:publicclass MvcApplication : HttpApplication
16: {
17:protectedvoid Application_Start()
18: {
19: AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas();
21: WebApiConfig.Register(GlobalConfiguration.Configuration);
22: FilterConfig.RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilters.Filters);
23: RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes);
24: BundleConfig.RegisterBundles(BundleTable.Bundles);
25: AuthConfig.RegisterAuth();
27: var diagConnection = RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue("DiagConnection");
28: var tableName = RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue("DiagTableName");
30: Util.ConfigureTraceListener(diagConnection, tableName);
31: }
33:protectedvoid Application_OnError(object sender, EventArgs e)
34: {
35: var ex = Server.GetLastError();
36: Server.ClearError();
38: Logger.Instance.LogError(ex);
39: }
40: }
41: }
To test the solution, I have created a dummy page and called the trace functionality from a method:
1:public ActionResult Details(int id = 0)
2: {
3: Logger.Instance.LogEntry("Dummy Informative log entry", EventLogEntryType.Information);
4: Logger.Instance.LogEntry("Dummy Warning log entry", EventLogEntryType.Warning);
5: Logger.Instance.LogEntry("Dummy Error log entry", EventLogEntryType.Error);
7: var todoitem = _context.ToDoItems.Find(id);
8:if (todoitem == null)
9: {
10:thrownew ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
11://return HttpNotFound();
12: }
13: Trace.Flush();
14:return View(todoitem);
15: }
And the result confirms the success!
In this post, I have implemented a custom trace listener that captures the diagnostic events (trace, debug, and trace source) in the application and writes to a Windows Azure storage table. Advantages of this custom tracing are being able to implement the instrumentation the way you want (lighter perhaps) and being able to define the table name yourself.
Please note that the code blocks shared here are for demonstration purposes; I would suggest you to review your needs (trace switch, buffering, application monitoring capability, etc.) before using them in alive systems. Additionally, I do recommend investigate the configure before customization approach which I will be talking in my next post. Stay tuned