Whenever we try to run a search using the terms from our metadata column,
You can try the following below to resolve the issue. There could possibly be two things going on here-
- We need to resync the taxonomyHiddenList
- Crawl account doesn't have access to the taxonomy hidden list
For the first part-
Please run below script. Change the http://youurl to your site collection url and we should be good to run this!
$site = Get-SPSite http://yoururl
$session = Get-SPTaxonomySession -Site $site
For the second part-
You can access Taxonomy hidden list by browsing like this- [site url]/Lists/TaxonomyHiddenList/AllItems.aspx
Add the "Everyone" group to have read permissions to the taxonomy hidden list for the site collection.
If above two still don't resolve the issue then turn up the logging for SharePoint Search category and compare with below flow of events-
In below trace- Crawled property is- ows_taxId_TaxKeyword and it holds data like Investor,Developer,compliance for MMS column Taxkeyword
02/23/2017 13:08:57.74 mssdmn.exe (0x3C48) 0x2414 SharePoint Server Search Connectors:SharePoint dm0z VerboseEx Parsing taxonomy list item data. 96ba447d-9e85-4c1d-bb37-95f376b4c1de
02/23/2017 13:08:57.74 mssdmn.exe (0x3C48) 0x2414 SharePoint Server Search Connectors:SharePoint ad8ye VerboseEx Added tax column tagging guid value GP0|#0a7ee8c9-1255-4f93-a0fb-ef92138d5feb for property ows_taxId_TaxKeyword. 96ba447d-9e85-4c1d-bb37-95f376b4c1de
02/23/2017 13:08:57.74 mssdmn.exe (0x3C48) 0x2414 SharePoint Server Search Connectors:SharePoint ad8yf VerboseEx Added tax column tagging guid and label value L0|#00a7ee8c9-1255-4f93-a0fb-ef92138d5feb|Investor for property ows_taxId_TaxKeyword. 96ba447d-9e85-4c1d-bb37-95f376b4c1de
02/23/2017 13:08:57.74 mssdmn.exe (0x3C48) 0x2414 SharePoint Server Search Connectors:SharePoint ad8yg VerboseEx Adding tax column term set guid ancestor path value GTSet|#a09f06a3-7a7a-4ba2-af10-60f7edbc19ee for property ows_taxId_TaxKeyword. 96ba447d-9e85-4c1d-bb37-95f376b4c1de
02/23/2017 13:08:57.74 mssdmn.exe (0x3C48) 0x2414 SharePoint Server Search Connectors:SharePoint dm11 VerboseEx Added tax alltags value L0|#00a7ee8c9-1255-4f93-a0fb-ef92138d5feb|Investor for property ows_TaxKeyword. 96ba447d-9e85-4c1d-bb37-95f376b4c1de
02/23/2017 13:08:57.74 mssdmn.exe (0x3C48) 0x2414 SharePoint Server Search Connectors:SharePoint dm12 VerboseEx Creating path info TaxKeyword|Enterprise Keywords|hoEb9INm+UaVG37j/yVqjQ==|owafoHp6okuvEGD37bwZ7g==|#0a7ee8c9-1255-4f93-a0fb-ef92138d5feb|Investor;#TaxKeyword|Enterprise Keywords|hoEb9INm+UaVG37j/yVqjQ==|owafoHp6okuvEGD37bwZ7g==|#4a55adc9-aa20-4533-a597-27f33aa96b9c|developer;#TaxKeyword|Enterprise Keywords|hoEb9INm+UaVG37j/yVqjQ==|owafoHp6okuvEGD37bwZ7g==|#324af10d-a5ed-4d1e-a6b4-58c272d0c015|compliance;# for property ows_MetadataFacetInfo. 96ba447d-9e85-4c1d-bb37-95f376b4c1de