- In Microsoft Teams click on 'Your Team Site' from left pane and select General
- Click on '+' symbol from tabs in the right pane
- In Add a tab select 'OneNote’ icon
- Select Browser Notebooks (and select the a notebook located in Microsoft Teams) or,
- Paste a OneNote link (use the URL for the Notebook like https://contoso.sharepoint.com/:o:/r/sites/YourTeamSite/_layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc=%7BGUID%7D&file=SampleNotebook&action=default)
You might get the below error:
- If browse option selected then the error is "We couldn't save your tab settings. Please try again."
- If OneNote link option is selected then the error is "Only notebooks stored on SharePoint or OneDrive for Business are supported in Teams"
Missing permissions on the root site.
Add the following permission on the root site collection, https://contoso.sharepoint.com
- Open
- Use Remote Interface