Today, while I was testing out some transport rules, I wanted to send a bunch of test messages to make sure they were firing correctly. I wanted to create some custom messages and be able to automate them, and I wanted to use an outside relay service that requires SMTP authentication.
It took a good bit of tinkering, but here's what I cobbled together:
# Sender and Recipient Info $MailFrom = "" $MailTo = "" # Sender Credentials $Username = "" $Password = "SomePassword" # Server Info $SmtpServer = "" $SmtpPort = "2525" # Message stuff $MessageSubject = "Live your best life now" $Message = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $MailFrom,$MailTo $Message.IsBodyHTML = $true $Message.Subject = $MessageSubject $Message.Body = @' <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> </head> <body> This is a test message to trigger an ETR. </body> </html> '@ # Construct the SMTP client object, credentials, and send $Smtp = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SmtpServer,$SmtpPort) $Smtp.EnableSsl = $true $Smtp.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($Username,$Password) $Smtp.Send($Message)
There's a few other interesting properties to the message and ways to get them in there. As I am wont to do, I like to dig and poke around:
As you see, there are are plenty of things you can do. Want to add an attachment? Easy as pie:
$Message.Attachments.Add("C:Temppie.txt") $Message.Attachments.Add("C:Temppie2.txt")
Of course, maybe you didn't want to share both pie recipes. I know how you are. You can remove them (though it's not quite as intuitive, at least when I've tried to do it).
$Message.Attachments.RemoveAt("0") # Remove the attachment at index 0 $Message.Attachments.RemoveAt("1") # Remove the attachment at index 1
One of the interesting properties that we have available is Headers. The MSDN documentation doesn't have too much on it, but if you want to use it to add a custom header, you can use the ... wait for it ... Add method:
In this example, I populated $Message.Body with a Here-String. If you have a larger HTML message body, you can also import it using Get-Content:
$Message.Body = Get-Content htmlemail.html
Hopefully this is helpful to someone out there in the universe. If not, just disregard as the ramblings of an increasingly older man.