I haven't blogged about the GPS for a while now - there is not so much actions around it - besides the continuous updates of the GPOs, currently supporting up to and including Windows 10 1803V2.
But we changed/added three features in the last few days/weeks:
- Supporting the trend to encrypt all data in transit we now switched to TLS only! For you as a user you should not experience any difference besides the "s" in the url.
We do not send, receive or store any PII or other confidential or sensible data, therefor this step is not "really" necessary, but it doesn't hurt anybody, so there we go with https and a more secure web! - As we hear a lot request "what is new in Windows 10 Version wxyz?" we changed some mechanisms in the db, so that it is possible now to get a list of the fresh Win10 policies for the most current supported version.
E.g. at the moment of writing this article the most current and supported version of Win10 is "1803". Therefor you will get the new policies which came AFTER 1709 and are live in 1803. [Sidenote: we are adding new policies as soon as a new version is General Available (GA)]
The link to get the latest Win10 policies is: http://aka.ms/gps/latestInfo: There is no and there will probably never be a possibility in the GPS to dig deeper into the different Win10 versions as we expect anybody to stay current so that you will always come from n-1 and you want to know what differences are to n.
Info2: In some unlikely cases there come new GPOs to "older" or existing versions of Windows. These new policies are NOT covered with this feature, it will only show the newest policies only supported starting the most current version!
Info3: Easiest way to view this list is using Internet Explorer, because it comes as an XML (RSS) document (this is a legacy function...). - Some weeks ago we already added a 6th language to the GPS: pt-PT is now a supported language in the GPS. This means that currently the Windows GPOs are already available in pt-PT, the Office policies are not -> we will jump onto the pt-PT Office Policies with the next major Office release.
That's for now - thanks for using the Group Policy Search! If you have any feedback or requests we love to hear from you in the comments, on Facebook or directly in my inbox.