Hello World! Brandon Wilson here with another pointer to some of the new networking features in Windows Server 2019 straight from the Windows Core Networking team!
In this week's posting, the discussion surrounds enhancements to network performance for virtual workloads. Here is an excerpt straight from the product group:
"Top 10 Networking Features in Windows Server 2019: #5 Network Performance Improvements for Virtual Workloads (https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/networking/2018/08/22/netperf4vw/)
Excerpt: Whether you have compute workloads like File, SQL, and VDI, you run an S2D cluster, or perhaps you're using your SDN environment to bring hybrid cloud to a reality, no doubt we crave network performance – we have a "need for speed" and no matter how much you have you can always use more. However, high-speed network throughput came at the additional cost of complex planning, baselining, tuning, and monitoring to alleviate CPU overhead from network processing.
In Windows Server 2019, virtual workloads will reach and maintain 40 Gbps while lowering CPU utilization and eliminate the painful configuration and tuning cost previously imposed on you, the IT Pro."
As always, if you have comments or questions on the post, your most direct path for questions will be in the link above.
Thanks for reading, and we'll see you again next week!
Brandon Wilson