This guide is also available on my personal blog: OSD Client Side Deep Dive and Troubleshooting in Microsoft SCCM
In this video guide, we cover what's actually happening on a client during OSD in Configuration Manager. This deep dive guide covers what is going on and how to troubleshoot different stages of an OSD task sequence failure on the client. This should be an excellent resource for seasoned ConfigMgr admin's as well non-ConfigMgr admin's who want to understand how to troubleshoot OSD errors in SCCM. Topic's in this session include wpeinit.log, winpeshl.ini, SMSTS.LOG, DiskPartScript.txt, unattend.xml, DISM, SetupACT, NetSetup.LOG, AppEnforce.log, WUAHandler.log, UpdatesDeployment.log, CAS.log and many more components involved in OSD!
Video Guide
Topics in Video
- Review the Task Sequence being used for OSD - https://youtu.be/htkEBRxID4U?t=45
- Review custom pause task sequence step from Gary Blok - https://youtu.be/htkEBRxID4U?t=94
- Review step to copy CMTrace.exe from WinPE to Full OS - https://youtu.be/htkEBRxID4U?t=208
- PXE boot client and review SMSPXE.log - https://youtu.be/htkEBRxID4U?t=292
- Review the wpeinit.log for WinPE initiation - https://youtu.be/htkEBRxID4U?t=353
- Review winpeshl.ini and how the task sequence launches in WinPE - https://youtu.be/htkEBRxID4U?t=433
- Review X: drive and how WinPE Loads into memory - https://youtu.be/htkEBRxID4U?t=448
- Review %temp%SMSTSLogsmsts.log and initial policy download - https://youtu.be/htkEBRxID4U?t=490
- Start the task sequence on the client - https://youtu.be/htkEBRxID4U?t=574
- Review how the task sequence generates X:WINDOWSTEMPDiskPartScript.txt - https://youtu.be/htkEBRxID4U?t=640
- Review Apply Operating System step - https://youtu.be/htkEBRxID4U?t=736
- Review C:Windowspantherunattendunattend.xml file - https://youtu.be/htkEBRxID4U?t=825
- Review unattend.xml after the Apply Windows Settings Step - https://youtu.be/htkEBRxID4U?t=862
- Review unattend.xml after the Apply Network Settings Step - https://youtu.be/htkEBRxID4U?t=929
- Review how DISM injects driver packages offline - https://youtu.be/htkEBRxID4U?t=1018
- Review Setup Windows and Configuration Manager Step - https://youtu.be/htkEBRxID4U?t=1113
- Delete C:windowsSetupscriptsDisableCMDRequest.TAG to enable "Shift+F10" command line support in OOBE - https://youtu.be/htkEBRxID4U?t=1128
- Review the C:windowsSetupscriptsSetupComplete.cmd used to re-launch the task sequence after OOBE - https://youtu.be/htkEBRxID4U?t=1207
- Open CMD in OOBE with "Shift+F10" and review the C:WindowsPantherSetupACT.log - https://youtu.be/htkEBRxID4U?t=1236
- Review the SMSTS.log and CCMSetup.log for the Setup Windows and Configuration Manager step in the full OS - https://youtu.be/htkEBRxID4U?t=1312
- Review Install Application step - https://youtu.be/htkEBRxID4U?t=1415
- Review C:WindowsdebugNetSetup.LOG for domain join log file and troubleshooting domain join - https://youtu.be/htkEBRxID4U?t=1478
- Review application install logs SMSTS.log, AppEnforce.log, CAS.log, AppDiscovery.log, DataTransferService.log - https://youtu.be/htkEBRxID4U?t=1540
- Review Package Install logs SMSTS.log, ExecMgr.log, CAS.log, DataTransferService.log, ClientLocation.log - https://youtu.be/htkEBRxID4U?t=1716
- Review Install Updates step of task sequence - https://youtu.be/htkEBRxID4U?t=1764
- Troubleshooting Software Updates in OSD using logs WUAHandler.log, UpdatesHandler.log, ScanAgent, UpdatesDeployment.log, DataTransferService.log, CAS.log - https://youtu.be/htkEBRxID4U?t=1795
- OSD Imaging Complete and Wrapping Up - https://youtu.be/htkEBRxID4U?t=2100
Helpful Resources:
- Patch My PC Third-Party Update Catalog - https://patchmypc.net/third-party-patch-management-sccm-scup-catalog
- Install a new version of Windows on a new computer (bare metal) with System Center Configuration Manager - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/osd/deploy-use/install-new-windows-version-new-computer-bare-metal
- Prepare a boot image - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/osd/deploy-use/install-new-windows-version-new-computer-bare-metal#BKMK_Configure
- Use PXE to deploy Windows over the network with Configuration Manager - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/osd/deploy-use/use-pxe-to-deploy-windows-over-the-network
- Deploy the task sequence - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/osd/deploy-use/use-pxe-to-deploy-windows-over-the-network#BKMK_Deploy
- Manage operating system images with System Center Configuration Manager - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/osd/get-started/manage-operating-system-images
- Manage drivers in System Center Configuration Manager - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/osd/get-started/manage-drivers
- Create a task sequence to install an operating system in System Center Configuration Manager - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/osd/deploy-use/create-a-task-sequence-to-install-an-operating-system
- Example task sequence to install an existing operating system image - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/osd/deploy-use/create-a-task-sequence-to-install-an-operating-system#BKMK_InstallExistingOSImageTSExample
- Monitor operating system deployments in System Center Configuration Manager - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/osd/deploy-use/monitor-operating-system-deployments