Hello all!
Here is Patris. I got an email from Ed to post in Ninja Blog. First, I will write a story. That was a real story in 1 year ago for me
Here is Story:
I sent my CV to a company (I linked my TechNet profile in CV), after 3 months, I got an mail for Interview Time. Interview was 1 Hour. IT Boss did not ask in Interview any Technical questions. I thought, I do not get this job!!
IT Boss asked me, have you any questions, I said yes, I have, then I asked, why did not ask about Technical?
He said, because you solved some our problems!!!!
I told, sorry, but something is wrong here, because your company (employees) never called me or contacted me about problem, I get just a mail for job Interview!!!
He told, no, that is correct, but my employee asked some questions in TechNet forum and you answered and he used your articles in TechNet Wiki, because of that, we know what you can doing!!
I watched just him and he told me, yes man, World is small and laughed.
That was amazing.
What I will say to you?
When you write your articles in TechNet wiki und answer the questions in TechNet forums, you show to people, who you are and what you can do. We do not know, who read articles or ask questions, but believe me, when your article or answer, solved the problem, people didn't forget you.
Keep in mind, who is MSFT, MCA, MCM, or MVP, people know what he/she can do and who he/she is. But, what about us?
Here is a example (I use Ed again):
Ed has not job, but has good or very good knowledge and needs a job. He sends CV to lot of companies, but always negative answer!!
After few months, Ed begins to help people in TechNet forum and writes articles in TechNet Wiki and help TechNet community. Now, for every 10x CV, he gets a Interview time or telephon call.
The question is, why or what happened???
The answer is, when human resources department (HR) read his CV and show his TechNet profile, the people can find out:
- He is Team player (he helped TechNet community)
- He has knowledge (he wrote articles and answered questions)
That is two important factors in an IT company. Because of this, HR department send his CV to IT department.
Now in other side, Ed has so many friends in so many countries across the World.
I hope you enjoyed and I hope we see more people to write articles in TechNet Wiki and help people in TechNet forums.
Articles + Community help (Wiki/forum) = Success