One of the goals of Office Click-to-Run is to continue to innovate and improve the product with each new update release. This month is no different.
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With the July 2014 update of Office 2013 for Office 365 the following improvements have been made:
- Smaller Update Download Package: Based on feedback from our customers, we have made improvements to the size of the update package that has to be downloaded to each machine being patched. We now use binary delta compression, so that the amount of data downloaded across the network is reduced by up to 70%. For example, if you have installed the June 2014 build (version 15.0.4623.1002) and now apply the July 2014 build, the total amount of data downloaded to the computer will be less than 120MB compared to over 310 MB with the traditional update method.
Note: This holds true only if you apply updates each month. If you skip months, then the update package size will be larger. - User-mode Streaming: When installing Office 2013 for Office 365 from a network location, the requirement has been that the local computer accounts need “read” permissions to that network location. This requirement is documented here. With the July 2014 update, this is no longer a requirement.