When you try to create a new virtual machine in Windows Azure Pack after you apply Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) Rollup Update 2 to your VMM server, you may receive an error that resembles the following in the tenant portal:
Failed to create virtual machine 'vmname'.
Failed to submit operation request.
Additionally, you may receive an error that resembles the following in the Event Viewer\Applications and Service Logs\Microsoft Windows \ManagementODataService\Operations event log:
Log Name: Microsoft-Windows-ManagementOdataService/Operational channel
EventID: 20006
Level: Error
Description: Web Service has got a callback from OData framework about an error.
Exception message = An error occurred while processing this request.
Inner exception message = The property 'DynamicMemoryMinimumMB' does not exist on type 'VMM.VirtualMachine'. Make sure to only use property names that are defined by the type.
Response status code = 400
Response content type = application/xml;charset=utf-8
Response written = false
Use verbose error = true
For more details on this issue as well as the cause and a resolution, please see the following:
KB2983453 - "Failed to create virtual machine" error message when you try to create a new virtual machine in Windows Azure Pack with Update 2 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2983453)
J.C. Hornbeck| Solution Asset PM | Microsoft GBS Management and Security Division
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