Active Directory - Parsing a 'Multi-Line' Description Property
Interesting one this...A customer had some information they needed to obtain from the description property on an object. The information was 'multi-valued' and saved as a Unicode string. What am I...
View ArticleOutlook でリッチ テキスト形式 (RTF) の会議出席依頼の本文に画像とファイルを挿入すると順番が入れ替わる現象
こんにちは。日本マイクロソフト Outlook サポート チームです。今回は Outlook でリッチテキスト形式 (RTF) の会議出席依頼の本文に画像とファイルを挿入すると順番が入れ替わる現象についてお伝えいたします。 発生条件本事象は、以下のすべての条件に合致した環境で発生します。・ Outlook をキャッシュモード オフ (オンラインモード)で使用している・ Outlook 2016...
View ArticleTip o' the Week 322 – Booking meeting rooms (again)
Asany fulekno, the //build/ conference was on last week. There was lots of news and updates and a good number of the sessions are on Channel9. If you liked Age of Ascent in ScottGu’s keynote, check out...
Buenas,En este post queríamos haceros llegar la información que se acaba de publicar en el blog de Project (por Brian Smith, como podíais esperar) donde se nos indica que a partir de esta semana (la...
View ArticleWindows 10: Managing Windows Defender With Intune
Since Microsoft released support for Windows 10 management through Intune we have been able to manage the settings for Defender through custom OMA-URI settings in the Intune portal. The experience...
View ArticleWindows 10 1511 is now a Current Branch for Business (CBB) release
As we discussed in the Windows 10 servicing guidance published on TechNet, each new Windows 10 feature update is initially considered a Current Branch (CB) release, to be used by organizations for...
View ArticleTED2016: Es un momento fenomenal para ser humano
Por: Alex Kipman, Technical Fellow en el Grupo de Sistemas Operativos en Microsoft. Hace uno días tuve el increíble honor de representar a Microsoft en TED2016 y compartir nuestra visión con los...
View ArticleCómo evaluar las capacidades de seguridad, cumplimiento y privacidad en...
Por el Equipo de Office 365, 3 de febrero de 2016De acuerdo con nuestro compromiso de ofrecer a los clientes la máxima transparencia, hemos publicado una descripción detallada de cómo los controles de...
View ArticleInvalid signature - The form changed after it was signed. Only it wasn't...
Ran into an interesting puzzle the last couple of weeks on SharePoint where a signed InfoPath form was displaying as having an invalid signature in the browser but the InfoPath client said the...
View ArticleOpsMgr 2012 R2: MonitoringHost.exe causes 100% or high CPU usage on Windows...
Update (April 8th) - the SQL team has recently released a community technical preview, where the fix for this issue is included. Have a look at this blog post (download link there):...
View ArticleIntroduction to Network Security Groups in Azure
Recently submitting this as an article and wanted to share it on my blog in case it might help anyone. Back in November of 2014 Microsoft announced the availability of Network Security Groups. In my...
View Article"There was a problem connecting to OneDrive. Check your Internet connection,...
ISSUE: When syncing with Next Generation Sync Client, users receive the message: "There was a problem connecting to OneDrive. Check your Internet connection, and then try again".Or"There was a problem...
View ArticleTechNet Wiki News - Visual Studio Summit 2016
Olá Comunidade TechNet Wiki!Meu nome é Alan Carlos e trago a vocês as notícias do TechNet Wiki!No dia 11 de Junho de 2016, acontece um dos maiores encontros sobre desenvolvimento de software do país. O...
View ArticleDisponibilidade de Boletins de Segurança Microsoft de Abril de 2016
Esse alerta tem por objetivo fornecer uma visão geral dos novos boletins de segurança disponibilizados em 12 de abril de 2016. Novos boletins de segurança são lançados mensalmente para solucionar...
View ArticlePodcast 51 – Microsoft Envision & Trasladarse a la Nube
En este episodio, desde Microsoft Envision, hablamos sobre la transformación de los negocios con Javier Neumann, director regional de mercadotecnia y operaciones para Microsoft Business Solutions para...
View ArticleMPN evoluciona para ayudar a crecer a sus socios
La constate evolución de tecnología está haciendo que los usuarios demanden soluciones modernas que entreguen valor, al mismo tiempo que ahorran costos y optimicen las inversiones de los actuales...
View ArticleMayores oportunidades de negocio con una plataforma de bases de datos...
No olviden que hoy, 12 de abril de 2016, es el último día de soporte extendido para SQL Server 2005, por lo que las empresas que corran SQL Server 2005 dejarán de recibir actualizaciones de seguridad o...
View ArticleFacebook Insights, Excel, Power BI, Presidential Election & Ghostbusters
Hi everyone. For some reason, I can still blog here. Which is great, because you get to see this "message in a bottle".In case you are familiar with my blog on TechNet, and haven't follow me yet on...
View ArticleUse OMS to create alerts for missing security or other updates
Summary : Learn how to use the Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS) alerting feature to generate alerts due to missing security or other updates in this article by Ed Wilson. Good morning...
View Article「Signature タイプ カバー」を発売
本日 2016 年 4 月 13 日(水)より、Surface Pro 4 および Surface Pro 3 向けタイプカバーの新製品として、「Signature タイプ カバー」の発売を開始しました。本タイプカバーは、高級ファッションや自動車の内装、家具などで使われている 素材 Alcantara を使用し、洗練されたデザインと耐久性を備えたプレミアムなタイプカバーです。本日より...
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