Sessions Published For Innovation Days – September 17, 2016
For those of you in Sydney, head on over to register for Innovation Days to hear expert present based on their real world experience in short action packed sessions. Content will focus on the following...
View Article(Cloud) Tip of the Day: Office 365 vs Office 2016 vs Office Online
Today’s Tip… Ran across this article. It can help you understand the difference between the options available for purchasing Office or Office 365 or simply use what’s available for free through Office...
View ArticleHow to increase 2000 query result limit and implement query result filtering...
Among other great new features in the OOB HTML Portal mentioned here,...
View ArticleFour simple steps to backup VMware VMs using SC DPM
System Center Data Protection Manager (SCDPM) is well recognized in the industry for protection of Microsoft workloads and environments. It protects key Microsoft workloads such as SQL, SharePoint and...
View ArticleAnnouncing VMware VM Backup using System Center Data Protection Manager
System Center Data Protection Manager (SCDPM) is well recognized in the Industry for protection of Microsoft workloads and environments. It protects key Microsoft workloads such as SQL, SharePoint and...
View ArticleITcast épisode 35 du 26 août 2016 : Bash ou PowerShell, il ne faut plus...
C’est la rentrée, et avec Stanislas on vous a préparé un petit récapitulatif de ce qui s’est passé cet été. Evidemment, on vous parle de Windows 10, de containers, de PowerShell, d’Azure et de plein...
View ArticleAzure Subscription Migration to CSP
During last month I’ve received a lot of requests regarding traditional Azure subscription migration to CSP model. I see that CSP becomes more and more popular, and a lot of customers prefer CSP...
View ArticleHow to Create a Ping Response Report from the OpsLogix Ping Mgmt. Pack
During a recent customer visit, I was asked how they could create a report that showed their monitored systems ping status. Since the customer already had OpsLogix installed, the easiest solution...
View ArticleNy forskning peger på pennens potentiale
To norske forskere fra Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet har udført et forskningsprojekt om, hvordan studerende bearbejder viden når de henholdsvis bruger et traditionelt tastatur eller...
View ArticleGrabaciones de Webcasts ya disponibles en Channel 9
Hola!, Desde el equipo de soporte de Microsoft Exchange, tenemos el placer de informarte que disponemos de nueva área en Channel 9 donde iremos publicando nuevo contenido que se vaya grabando...
View ArticleScalability Enhancements in Windows Server 2016
Over on the Windows Server Blog Jeff Woolsey just posted some new information on the hardware scalability enhancements in Windows Server 2016, here’s a table that highlights these improvements....
View ArticleVečerní univerzity jsou zpět
Večerní univerzity od Microsoftu mají poměrně dlouhou historii a jednalo se o velice populární osobní i online setkání, které se zaměřovaly na technologie Microsoftu a jejich využití ve školství. V...
View ArticlePartner Spotlight: eLynx and SM Energy – making energy management more efficient
The Partner Spotlight video series showcases customer stories about how Microsoft US partners are empowering them to achieve more through Microsoft-based solutions. In each video, a customer shares how...
View ArticleNovinky Microsoft pro školství –červenec – srpen 2016
Vážení kolegové učitelé, ředitelé a pracovníci ve školství, léto a zasloužený odpočinek je za námi a čeká nás 10 měsíců práce, která je jedinečná, která ovlivňuje všechny, které učíme a především,...
View ArticleProgrammatically resetting SCOM Monitors
Resetting SCOM monitors programmatically through the SDK is a useful task and can be used for multiple purposes like Resetting old (outdated) monitor states. For very old monitor states there might be...
View ArticleDie versteckten Kosten einer Cyberattacke
Die Beratungsfirma Deloitte hat sieben häufig übersehene finanzielle Folgen von Hackerangriffen aufgelistet. Der Autor des in der englischen Ausgabe des Newsletters CFO Insights erschienen Artikel in...
View Articleプロバイダー ホスト型アドインを Azure Web App として展開する方法
こんにちは。SharePoint サポートの森 健吾 (kenmori) です。 SharePoint Online のサンドボックス ソリューションの廃止の通達に伴い、ソリューションの移行先を検討している方もいらっしゃると想定しております。今回の投稿では、プロバイダー ホスト型アドインの展開方法について紹介します。 開発方法からはじめたい方は、こちらのサイトを使用いただくことをお勧めします。...
View Article[Português] Guia rápido para Associar uma VM do Azure com Sistema baseado em...
Notas: É necessário garantir que a VM encontra-se ligada ou tem comunicação com a vNet onde o serviço de Azure AD Domain Services foi activado. Adicionalmente, o utilizador a ser usado deve pertencer...
View Article【MSTEP】 2016 年 9月のおすすめコースのご案内【8/28更新】
mstep は、マイクロソフト パートナー ネットワークへご参加のパートナー様がご利用いただける本格的なクラスルーム/オンライン トレーニングです。今回は8月開催予定のmstep おすすめコースをご紹介いたします。お申し込みは先着順となり、定員に達し次第締め切らせていただきますので、お早めにお申し込みください。 mstepはパートナー様の受講は無償となっておりますので、ぜひご活用ください。...
View ArticleRecommended sessions for SBC and OEM Resellers at APC
I saw that on the Microsoft Partner Network Blog on MSDN that they are doing session recommendations for the Australian Partner Conference, so I thought I would do my own here. I’ve put multiple...
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