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[주의 사항] 본 블로그에 게시된 정보의 내용 (첨부 문서, 링크 등)은 작성일 현재 기준이며 예고없이 변경 될 수 있습니다. 또한, 참고용으로만 제공됨으로 Microsoft에 책임이 없음을 알려 드립니다. 반드시 적용 전 충분한 테스트를 진행하시기 바랍니다. [요약] Team site에서 PDF 파일을 Application으로 바로 열 수 있는 방법...
View ArticleOffice 365 Weekly Digest | August 13 – 19, 2017
Welcome to the August 13 - 19, 2017 edition of the Office 365 Weekly Digest. Please see this page for details on a change regarding the inclusion of Message Center notification details in these weekly...
View ArticleMicrosoft Security Intelligence Report: Angriffe auf die Cloud nehmen mit...
Neue Einfallstore für Cyberattacken erfordern ganzheitliche Strategien und den Einsatz modernster Sicherheitstechnologien in den Unternehmen. Neben der Häufigkeit wächst die Raffinesse der...
View Article“The Leading Edge” Webinar Series
Introducing “The Leading Edge” weekly webinar series. An event series that will provide you with the building blocks to help you grow your cloud services business. Each webinar will help you build out...
View ArticleCluster Network Name Resources fail to come Online with Error 2114
Hello, my name is Chuck Timon and this is my first blog post as a Premier Field Engineer. Previous to my current position, I posted to the Core Team blog and the System Center: Virtual Machine Manager...
View ArticleTip of the Day: Improving Dual Scan on 1607
Today's Tip... A very timely article pertaining to Dual Scan! This article includes: Mention of the policy discussed in the May 2017 "Demystifying 'Dual Scan'" blog post with screenshots How Dual Scan...
View ArticleISV partnerships: Help utilities with digital transformation to expand your...
Utility companies face huge pressure from the public (and regulators) to use more renewables and decentralize the sourcing and production of energy. Not only that, but attitudes and expectations around...
View ArticleОбучение для расширения знаний об Azure
Развивайте навыки работы с Azure, необходимые для работы и развития карьеры. Ознакомьтесь с бесплатными учебными ресурсами, чтобы получить практический опыт и расширить знания по Azure оптимальным для...
View ArticleNow available in India: Azure Database for MySQL and Azure Database for...
We recently announced public preview availability of Azure Database for PostgreSQL and MySQL in West and Central India. PostgreSQL and MySQL are ubiquitous names in the world of open source relational...
View ArticleWelcome to the domain. Just kidding.
I ran across a strange issue recently in regards to joining a server to the domain, so I hope this helps someone else running into the issue. Problem statement: A routine, run of the mill domain join...
View ArticleAndroid 8.0 (“O”) behaviour changes and Microsoft Intune
Intune has announced day 0 support for Android 8.0 (code named "O"). You can be confident that once your users upgrade to the released version of Android O, Intune's device and app management features...
View ArticleMicrosoft Intune provides support for Android Oreo
Upgrade with confidence Today Google announced the general availability of the Android Oreo update (also known as Android O or Android 8.0). The Intune team has been anticipating this day for months....
View ArticleExperience Microsoft Teams thru an Interactive Demo
Introduction: This blog post will walk you through using a new tool as a unique and easy way to not only experience Microsoft Teams but to also enable you to give successful demos of Microsoft Teams to...
View ArticleMicrosoft Flow – sady se zaměřením na vzdělávání, marketing, HR, a vývoj SW
Chcete automatizovat úkoly, procesy, kalendáře? Použijte připravené sady FLOW pro vaší školu. Je zde například šablona na automatickou odpověď...
View ArticleConnect/Integrate Yammer to Microsoft Teams (How To Configure)
Introduction: In this post we will explore how to connect Yammer to Microsoft Teams so that Yammer posts will be sent to a conversation in Team Channel where members of a team can interact and take...
View Articleマイクロソフト パートナー コミュニティを発表【8/22 更新】
(この記事は 2017 年 7 月 3 日にMicrosoft Partner Network blog に掲載された記事 Announcing the Microsoft Partner Community の翻訳です。最新情報についてはリンク元のページをご参照ください。) 先日もこの Microsoft Partner Network...
View Article新たな仲間とダンジョンが加わった Xbox One および Windows 10 PC 用アクション アドベンチャー ゲーム『ReCore...
日本マイクロソフト株式会社 (本社:東京都港区) は、Xbox One および Windows 10 PC 用アクション アドベンチャー ゲーム『ReCore Definitive Edition』を 2017 年 8 月 31 日 (火) に、パッケージ版参考価格 2,900 円 (税抜 / Xbox One のみ)、ダウンロード版参考価格 2,686 円 (税抜) で発売します。 『ReCore...
View ArticleIntune App Installation Reports Explained
App deployment in the new Intune portal is pretty swish. There is a really nice admin experience for adding apps and deploying them out to users, and also some built in reports for tracking the status...
View ArticleXbox One の人気作をお求めやすい新価格で。『Forza Horizon 2』、『Forza Motorsport 6』、『Halo 5:...
日本マイクロソフト株式会社 (本社:東京都港区) は、Xbox One の人気作をお求めやすい新価格でお届けする Greatest Hits のラインアップに、『Forza Horizon 2』、『Forza Motorsport 6』、『Halo 5: Guardians』を追加し、2017 年 9 月 7 日 (木) に各参考価格 2,900 円 (税抜) で発売します。 『Forza...
View ArticleTip of the Day: Windows Phone 8.1 End of Support Information
Today's Tip... Great links should you need them: FAQ
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