解説アニメ “3 分でわかるマシンリーディング” を公開
[2017年9月19日] Posted by:コーポレートコミュニケーション本部 マシンリーディングは、AIとクラウドコンピューティングのパワーを利用して、コンピュータが自然言語を読み、理解することを可能にします。 Microsoft Story Labs が提供する “Explanimators” の最新エピソード ” 3分でわかるマシンリーディング“...
View ArticleTNWiki Article Spotlight – Guide to implement AJAX CRUD Operations using...
Dear All, Welcome to the TechNet Wiki Tuesday – TNWiki Article Spotlight. Today, in this blog post, we are going to discuss Guide to implement AJAX CRUD Operations using JQuery DataTables in ASP.NET...
View ArticleKB4038788 a KB4034674 = Edge v angličtině
Pokud máte instalovány Windows 10 v českém jazyce a pravidelně aktualizujete pomocí Windows Update, možná jste zaznamenali, že Edge se přepnul z češtiny do angličtiny a pomocí systémových nastavení...
View ArticleOffice 365 ProPlus Deployment – We found a problem – Configuration Manager 1702
During the deployment of Office 365 ProPlus downloaded using the Office 365 Installer wizard in Configuration Manager current branch, version 1702, you may receive Error Code 30053-4 or 300353-39. The...
View ArticleMicrosoft Ignite 2017: Here is the list of GDPR / DSGVO sessions
Microsoft Ignite 2017 will bring fantastic sessions about all our important solutions and products - but what drives me most is GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) at the moment. For that I have...
View Article[EMS] Intuneの iOS 11 対応および iOS 8のサポート終了
みなさま、いつも Device & Mobility Team Blog をご覧いただきありがとうございます。セキュリティ製品 担当の鈴木です。 Apple からの iOS 11が公開されました。それにあわせIntuneも iOS 11に正式対応しました。 [元記事] Microsoft Intune provides support for iOS 11 [元記事] Support...
View ArticleMPViewer reloaded
The previous post covered the MPViewer 2012 version here Jan Van Meirvenne spent the time to update the functionality even further MPViewer "2012 Reloaded (release 1)"...
View ArticleClean up Group Policy Now! – How and Why
ACT I: Introduction In my mind, one of the things that put Windows over the top in the (cough) post Windows NT4 era was the ability to manage it with this new phenomenon called "Group Policy". If...
View ArticleDatengetriebenes Marketing bei der TUI
Daten spielen im Marketing des TUI fly-Flugportals eine herausragende Rolle. Das Internet gibt uns ganz neue Möglichkeiten an die Hand um herauszufinden, was unsere Kunden genau wollen und wonach sie...
View ArticleFewer login prompts: The new “Keep me signed in” experience for Azure AD is...
Howdy folks, A common request we get from our customers is to reduce the number of times users are prompted to sign into Azure AD. One way to reduce the frequency of prompts is to check the "Keep me...
View ArticleTip o’ the Week 396 – Handling dates in Office apps
There are many times when you may need to deal with dates in ordinary applications – and there are a few shortcuts that you can make it easier. In Outlook, any time there’s a date field (like when...
View ArticleOpen FaaS on ACS (Kubernetes)
I try the Open FaaS which is a serverless framework for Docker & Kubernetes. I tried Kubernetes first. On the next post, I'll try Swarm as well. Deploy ACS (kubernetes) using the acs engine If you...
View ArticleEMS and Zimperium integration ensures risk free devices before accessing...
Today we’re excited to announce the general availability of our integration with Zimperium, a leader in the mobile threat defense space. The integration between Zimperium and Microsoft Enterprise...
View ArticleOur top recommended Azure security and operations management sessions at...
Microsoft Ignite 2017 is right around the corner, September 25–29 in Orlando, Florida. There are more than 1,537 sessions, but I wanted to share a list of sessions that will tell you everything about...
View ArticleNew System Center Virtual Machine Manager Analytics solution
In System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM), administrators often monitor detailed job status to learn about the health and performance of operations and to diagnose any issues with the hosts or...
View ArticleDay 1 at Microsoft Partner Days
Day 1 of our first Microsoft Partner Days was all about Azure. Laura Bouchard, Enterprise Sales Director for Microsoft UK, kicked off the opening keynote by recapping on the purpose of Partner Days:...
View ArticleUpdates in Azure Security Center – September 2017 – Part 3
Here another wave of new features that were released today, this time in public preview, but fully documented below: Investigate Incidents and Alerts in Azure Security Center (Preview) Custom Alert...
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