Securing remote connections
Consider the following scenario: a standard user was tricked to run a malicious code and his device was compromised. Typically, standard users do not have high privileges, so the next thing for the...
View ArticleConfigMgr Reaches 25 Years
Twenty-five years ago, in the summer of 1992, planning for a new product began – and that point in time has had a tremendous impact on my life and the lives of millions of IT Pros – and it has enabled...
View ArticleThe future of old apps with Windows 10
The past is hard to let go of, let's be honest. In the IT world, there is a lot of truth to some of the old tools are also some of the best. You SCCM (or dare I still say SMS) guys should know this,...
View ArticleCyber-Resilienz aus Sicht von Microsoft
Nach den jüngsten Ransomware-Ausbrüchen wollte ich wissen, wie sich in betroffenen Firmen die Einstellung zur Planung und Umsetzung von Maßnahmen geändert hat, die die Cyber-Resilienz verbessern....
View ArticleUse PowerShell to determine the first day of the current calendar quarter.
Time for some fun with PowerShell. A colleague of mine has PowerShell script that queries a bunch of data from the last 90 days. The intention of the script is to only collect data from the current...
View ArticleStorage Spaces Direct with Cavium FastLinQ® 41000
Hello, Claus here again. I am very excited about how the RDMA networking landscape is evolving. We took RDMA mainstream in Windows Server 2012 when we introduced SMB Direct and even more so in Windows...
View ArticlePrimeros pasos para comenzar a utilizar Microsoft Teams
Por: Fernando Hernández, Staff News Center Microsoft Latinoamérica. Un factor que consideramos vital al momento de trabajar en equipo es la comunicación. Ya sea en la escuela trabajo u otros proyectos,...
View ArticleRandom brain dump around Apps, Windows 10, and management options
What are Windows/Modern/UWP apps? The official term (at the time of this post ) is Windows Apps. These apps started in Windows 8 and can be added via the Store. They do not have an old school msi or a...
View ArticleVideo series: An Inside Look at Project Honolulu
We hope you're getting excited about the upcoming launch of Project Honolulu! To give you a better understanding of what we've built, we've made a couple of short videos: Check out the Overview of...
View ArticleSkype for business- How to take SQL profiler tracing for a specific SPROC
This document may be helpful when setting up SQL profiler tracing on Lync/SFB servers. Identify the Lync SPROC which is possibly causing the issue. You can find the SPROC reference normally in User...
View ArticleKostenlose Fachkonferenz: Meet and Discuss Azure Stack
Cloud-Dienste eröffnen dank ihrer Flexibilität und Agilität viele neue Möglichkeiten in den verschiedensten Bereichen – angefangen bei Infrastruktur-Planungen über unzählige Plattform Services bis hin...
View ArticleOffice 365 and Voice partner training schedule – Fall 2017
Office 365 offers customers familiar, top-of-the-line productivity tools, collaboration solutions, and built-in security. Office 365 for partners Skype for Business for partners Technical presales and...
View ArticleModernizing Windows Deployment with Windows 10 Subscription Activation
Back in June when we announced Windows AutoPilot, we also talked about another feature to automatically step up from Windows 10 Pro to Windows 10 Enterprise on Azure AD user logon, a key requirement to...
View ArticleWindows 10 Compatibility Scan with Configuration Manager
Before deploying Windows 10, it's a good idea to check the readiness of your existing machines running Windows 7, 8/8.1, Or even Windows 10. In this blog post I will use setup.exe with /compat scanonly...
View ArticleUpdates for Surface Pro 4 (20 Sep 2017)
We've released a new driver and firmware update for Surface Pro 4 devices running Windows 10 Anniversary Update or above. This update includes drivers for the Surface Smart Cover Backlight, Surface PTP...
View ArticleSharePoint Online への初回アクセス時のみ、サイトの一部が英語で表示される
こんにちは。SharePoint サポートの井上です。 SharePoint Online への初回アクセス時に、特定の条件に該当する場合のみサイトの一部が英語で表示される現象が報告されております。 現時点で確認されている再現条件は以下の通りとなりますが、以下に紹介する条件以外にも、極稀に同様の現象が発生するとの報告を確認しております。 確認されている再現条件 1)...
View ArticleAzure Archive Blob Storage と Blob レベルの階層化のパブリック プレビューを発表
執筆者: Kumail Hussain (Sr. Program Manager) このポストは、8 月 23 日に投稿された Announcing the public preview of Azure Archive Blob Storage and Blob-Level Tiering の翻訳です。...
View ArticleSQL 透過的データ暗号化の Bring Your Own Key サポートのプレビュー
執筆者: Rebecca Zhang (Program Manager, Azure SQL Database) このポストは、8 月 28 日に投稿された Preview: SQL Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) with Bring Your Own Key support の翻訳です。 Azure SQL Database および Azure SQL...
View ArticleAzure ギャラリーの Windows オペレーティング システムのイメージで SMB v1 を無効化
執筆者: Tom Shinder (Program Manager, Azure Security Engineering) このポストは、8 月 29 日に投稿された SMB Version 1 disabled Azure Gallery Windows operating system images の翻訳です。 現在 Azure セキュリティ チームでは、Azure ギャラリーで公開中の...
View ArticleEA ユーザー向けに Azure ポータルで Enterprise Cost Managementのプレビューを開始
執筆者: Ruchi Chopra (Principal PM Manager) このポストは、9 月 6 日に投稿された Seamless cost reporting and analysis for Enterprise customers: now in preview の翻訳です。 このたび、Azure ポータルで Enterprise Cost Management...
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