Aston Martin bestimmt mit Microsoft 365 das Tempo für die nächsten 100 Jahre
Goldfinger war der dritte Bond-Film mit Sean Connery und einem tollen Gerd Fröbe als Bösewicht. Noch immer habe ich den Titelsong von Shirley Bassey im Ohr, der Film zählt für viele zu den besten...
View Article5-minute guide to building your social media audience
'73% of IT executives are influenced in their decision making by social networks.' - SocialCast A growing and active millennial presence in the workforce has made social media marketing an essential...
View ArticleMicrosoft Dynamics AX: планы разработки 10/2017
Уважаемые коллеги! Подготовлен документ с планами разработки Microsoft Dynamics AX и информацией по выпущенной функциональности по состоянию на октябрь 2017 года.
View ArticleDHCP 2016 and 2012 R2 Management Pack release
We are listening to customers' requests on User Voice. The issues reported on DHCP MP have been rectified and we have released a new version of the MP. You can download the Microsoft System Center...
View ArticleTip of the Day: Server Management Experience (SME) is Now Official
Today's Tip... Project "Honolulu" is the culmination of significant customer feedback, which has directly shaped product direction and investments. With support for both hybrid and traditional...
View ArticleIgnite 2017 Exchange sessions !
See below for some of the Ignite 2017 Exchange sessions that worth watching ! Running Exchange hybrid over the long term Scott Schnoll’s Exchange tips and tricks Exchange Online Multi-Geo...
View ArticleStudie bestätigt: Handschriftliche Notizen fördern das Lernen
Schnell eine Notiz zum Unterrichtsstoff machen oder ganze Vorlesungen mitschreiben – dafür geht in Klassenzimmern und Universitäten der Trend mehr und mehr zu Tablets und Notebooks. Eine neue Studie...
View ArticleWLAN-Attacken: So klappt es – und so klappt es nicht
WLAN-Nutzer denken oftmals, dass Vorsorgemaßnahmen wie etwa die WPA2-Verschlüsselung vor kriminellen Hackern und Abhörmaßnahmen schützen. Doch genau diese Sorglosigkeit ist es, welche die Verwendung...
View ArticleGroup membership isn’t consistent in AD Users and Computers
Another interesting troubleshoot I ran across where users weren't enumerating properly in a PowerShell script. Problem statement: PowerShell script using Get-ADGroupMember was showing 6 entries,...
View ArticleEl portafolio de Honeywell para el hogar, impulsado por Azure, ayuda a...
Acaban de regresar de unas increíbles vacaciones. Disfrutaron de un gran clima, unión familiar y cenas deliciosas. Y al regresar a casa se dan cuenta que su calentador de agua tuvo una fuga y creó...
View ArticleNew poster to deploy a modern and secure desktop with Windows 10 and Office...
Microsoft’s modern and secure desktop solution is a combination of: Windows 10 – The latest version of Microsoft’s operating system is truly Windows as a Service, representing a new standard for...
View ArticleStay ahead of data residency requirements with Multi-Geo Capabilities in...
Governments around the world are strengthening laws and regulations to protect citizens’ data, preserve national security, and protect business interests. Last week at Microsoft Ignite we announced new...
View ArticleManage SharePoint and OneDrive in Office 365: A field guide for...
Thanks again to everyone that attended my session "Manage SharePoint and OneDrive in Office 365: A field guide for administrators" at Microsoft Ignite 2017 last Friday. As requested, the slides...
View ArticleDynamics 365 Partner Community: Organization Insights for Dynamics 365
User adoption is a very important part of a successful CRM software implementation. We released Organization Insights in Preview with the Fall 2016 release of Microsoft Dynamics 365. It is now fully...
View ArticleThe US StepUp webinar series
We are excited to introduce our new US StepUp webinar series program, replacing the US SMB JumpStart webinar series program. These workshops are designed to help your team understand, adopt, and deploy...
View ArticleGreat content on Skype for Business and Microsoft Teams from Ignite
Hi Everyone There have been some exciting announcements made at Ignite 2017 in the US. Some of my favourite videos (and ones I have yet to listen to but are on my to do list) from the conference...
View ArticleCouncil Spotlight: Microsoft TechNet Wiki Gurus Needed For October 2017!...
What is TechNet Guru Competition? Each month the TechNet Wiki council organizes a contest of the best articles posted that month. This is your chance to be announced as MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF...
View ArticleAzure AD (Office 365) 上のユーザーをオンプレミス Active Directory ユーザーと紐付ける方法
こんにちは、Azure & Identity サポート チームです。 今回は Azure AD (Office 365) 上のユーザーをオンプレミス Active Directory ユーザーと紐付ける方法の一つで、ハードマッチと呼ばれる方法についてご紹介します。 既に Azure AD 上にユーザー アカウントが存在している状態で、そのユーザーを後からオンプレミスの Active...
View ArticleAdding tags to resources
Adding tags to resources helps us to organize our resources and to automate some tasks. Here is a small intro on how to use tags in the Azure portal, in templates, or with PowerShell. In this article...
View Articleデジタル マーケティングのトランスフォーメーションに有効な 3 つのマイクロソフト ソリューション【10/5 更新】
(この記事は 2017 年 8 月14 日にMicrosoft Partner Network blog に掲載された記事 How 3 Microsoft Solutions Can Transform Your Digital Marketing の翻訳です。最新情報についてはリンク元のページをご参照ください。) デジタル...
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