SharePoint Timer jobs not running(Specially one-time timer jobs)
Problem description: In your SharePoint farm you start to experience that the timer jobs are not running normally. Like custom timer jobs or one-time timer jobs do not run once you try running it. This...
View ArticleEWS Powershell Script to find the ‘True’ Read Status of an email message
Some business requires to track the READ status of some critical messages that was sent to all or some of the users. They want to know if the email was delivered to the Mailbox and was read by the...
View ArticleSfB Server – Prerequisite installation failed: SqlInstanceRtcLocal
Recently while adding a new Front End Server to the existing Skype for Business Enterprise Pool we got the following message on SfB Deployment Wizard Step 1: Prerequisite installation failed:...
View ArticleNull Changes Do Not Get Updated to SharePoint Online’s User Profile Application
Scenario: John was an employee of Fabrikam, Inc until he resigned to pursue his dream of professional fly fishing. Michael, his direct manager and the SharePoint Administrator for the Fabrikam...
View ArticleO365 and OneDrive with ADAL, Microsoft Graph API & Office Add-In
This post is a contribution from Manish Joshi, an engineer with the SharePoint Developer Support team This blog demonstrates creating a Office add-in and retrieving data from SharePoint Online and One...
View ArticleAzure AD + 3rd party MFA = Azure AD Custom Controls
During Microsoft Ignite there were lots of announcements across a variety of Microsoft offerings including Azure Active Directory. An interesting feature was released in preview called Custom...
View ArticleConfigMgr Compliance Baseline to verify Windows Activation Status
In most environments we are running KMS and don’t tend to think to often about our activation status but with more and more systems coming and going with BYOD and god knows what else your technicians...
View ArticleConfigMgr OSD Model Check Task Sequence Step
Ok this step is super easy and in my opinion a must have when it comes to Operating System Deployment. I cant count how many times a separate organization or technician for that matter grabs a system...
View Article[mstep] 2017年11月 おすすめコースご案内 ~ データサイエンス概論 と IoTにおける機械学習の活用事例 他 【10/17 更新】
mstep は、マイクロソフト パートナー ネットワークへご参加のパートナー様がご利用いただける本格的なクラスルーム/オンライン トレーニングです。 お申し込みは先着順となり、定員に達し次第締め切らせていただきますので、お早めにお申し込みください。 mstep はMPNパートナー様の受講は無償となっておりますので、ぜひご活用ください。...
View ArticleHow Many Azure Subscriptions is enough?
How many Subscriptions is enough? Comparative Anatomy of Forests to Subscriptions This question come up too often and so it's time to share findings from my experiences and many of my colleagues' at...
View Article歡迎 Microsoft 365 F1 參與全球企業第一線員工的數位轉型
今天的貼文是由Office 365總經理Bryan Goode所撰寫。 在九月二十五日的Microsoft Ignite,我們發表了一個新版本的Microsoft 365 F1,激勵在這快速變動的數位時代下的第一線員工,—集結了Office 365、Windows 10與Enterprise Mobility + Security,傳遞一個完整、智慧的解決方案來激勵所有員工。 Modern...
View ArticleXbox One および Windows 10 PC 用ファミリー向けゲーム 3 製品『ディズニーランド・アドベンチャーズ』『ラッシュ:...
日本マイクロソフト株式会社 (本社 : 東京都港区) は、Xbox One および Windows 10 PC 用にご家族一緒に楽しめるアドベンチャー ゲーム『ディズニーランド・アドベンチャーズ』『ラッシュ : ディズニー/ピクサー アドベンチャー』および『Zoo Tycoon : アルティメット アニマル コレクション』を 2017 年 10 月 31 日 (火) に、パッケージ版参考価格...
View ArticleWindows 10, 1709 již dnes!
Windows 10, verze 1709 známá pod označením Fall Creators Update, je oficiálně dostupná od 17. října 2017! Od tohoto data je tato verze k dispozici ve všech distribučních kanálech. Volume Licensing...
View ArticleThe Fourth Industrial Revolution – making disruption work for you
The Fourth Industrial Revolution. It's a big topic. Big enough for it to have played a central role in the World Economic Forum's Industry Strategy Meeting in June, and for it to be a key topic in the...
View ArticleIntroduction à HoloLens et à Windows Mixed Reality
Microsoft parle de plus en plus de « Mixed Reality » je profite donc de la sortie de Windows 10 Fall Creator Update pour faire le point sur ce sujet. Réalité Virtuelle/Augmentée/Mixte, Quezaco ? Sans...
View ArticleAzure Tableストレージに格納されたゲストOS診断データを時間指定で削除する
こんにちは、Azureサポートチームの三國です。 今回は、Azure Tableストレージに格納されたゲストOS診断データを時間指定で削除する方法についてご案内します。 本情報の内容(添付文書、リンク先などを含む)は、作成日時点でのものであり、予告なく変更される場合があります。 はじめに Azure Table...
View ArticleAzureで単数NICの仮想マシンを複数NICにする
こんにちは、Azureサポートチームの三國です。 今回は、単数NICの仮想マシンを複数NICにする方法についてご案内します。 本情報の内容(添付文書、リンク先などを含む)は、作成日時点でのものであり、予告なく変更される場合があります。 はじめに NICとは、ネットワークインターフェイスカードの略です。Azure...
View ArticleWindows Server, version 1709 available for download!
What a great day! Back in June, we announced Windows Server was joining the Semi-Annual Channel release cadence to deliver innovation at a faster pace. Two weeks ago at Ignite, we announced Windows...
View ArticleEvent ID 50 – NTFS Delayed Write Lost
We see often alerts in SCOM around "NTFS - Write Delayed Lost" which is worth to investigate further and here is a example how to look more close on this From below KB: "an event ID 50 message is...
View ArticleMicrosoft 365 Virtual Partner Summit
This last July Microsoft announced the rebranding of the Secure Productive Enterprise (SPE) to be called Microsoft 365 Enterprise. At the same time we announced a new member of the family, Microsoft...
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