SharePoint / Office / OneDrive files open as read-only and do not allow check...
Issue: You have a SharePoint Online document library that requires checkout and you have it synced locally via OneDrive for business. Files opened from either online or from the local synced folder...
View ArticleMigrate Virtual Machines, Apps, and Data to the Cloud
Some of the consistent questions I’m asked revolve around getting on-premises resources into the cloud successfully. Has the data all been accounted for, are the proper services running, and is it the...
View ArticleSocial Media Streaming on Azure
By Phil Beaumont, Data and AI Solution Architect at Microsoft There are numerous technologies that can be utilised to stream, analyse and visualise tweets on Azure, including traditional Big Data...
View ArticleSimple custom Dial Plan (number normalization) for Skype for Business Online.
Below is a quick “one off” and break from my Skype for Business Meetings series. I created a unique dial plan for a customer the other day and learned so much during the process that once I got it, I...
View ArticleSharePoint 2010 – 2013: FIM Sync does not remove profiles for users that were...
Consider the Following Scenario: You're using SharePoint Profile Synchronization (FIM Sync) to import user profiles from Active Directory (AD) into a SharePoint 2010 or 2013 farm. Users that have...
View ArticleAutomating Stale Device Cleanup with Graph API
We are back with another post today on how you can use Graph API to automate actions in Intune. We hear from a lot of customers that they want to automatically clean up devices that have not checked in...
View ArticleSetting up Kali Linux on Windows Subsystem for Linux
Kali Linux on Windows 10 "Kali Linux on Windows 10 ? What the hell?" – one might ask. But we are in the year 2018 and we can run Linux directly on Windows, can install SQL server on Linux and Microsoft...
View ArticleLync/SfB Client: Disable file upload to external conferences
In the March 2018 update for Lync2013/SfB2015 and SfB2016 a new setting was included that can disable file upload to external conferences (Federated and Anonymous). Before this update the Lync/SfB...
View ArticleSharePoint – People Picker times out: Sorry, we’re having trouble reaching...
This was a really unique situation where a network problem for the Hybrid App Launcher caused People Picker to intermittently time out and display no results. Note: The two features are not directly...
View ArticleCouncil Spotlight: Microsoft TechNet Wiki Gurus Needed For March 2018! Apply...
What is TechNet Guru Competition? Each month the TechNet Wiki council organizes a contest of the best articles posted that month. This is your chance to be announced as MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF...
View ArticlePS without BS: Some useful GPO cleanup scripts
Just a quick blog with a lot of punch to it: Some easy and great ways to clean up Group Policy. What are some of the reasons for this? Well... Your GPO infrastructure may be out of control. You may...
View ArticleWSUS メンテナンス ガイド
みなさま、こんにちは。WSUS サポート チームです。 本日は WSUS サーバーのメンテナンス方法について、纏めてご紹介をいたします。 WSUS は月々リリースされる更新プログラムを配信出来るよう、更新プログラムの情報をサーバー上に溜め込む必要があります。しかし、この製品の性質上、日々メンテナンスを実施しないと、データベースや情報が肥大化し、様々な障害や弊害が発生しやすくなってしまいます。...
View ArticleCo o vás Redmond má a zná?
S klidem se dá říci, že vůbec nic. Pokud si to tedy budete přát. Připravované vydání další verze Windows 10 v sobě nese kompletní přehledy nejen telemetrických dat, které systém odesílá pro zajištění...
View Article利用微軟 Azure 轉換您的 VMware 環境
每個企業、組織都很獨特,也都各自有其雲端策略:不管是傳輸資料、遷移基礎架構、升級應用程式,或建立新的應用程式,Azure 都能最大程度滿足您的雲計算需求。在這轉型的過程中,我們最常聽到的其中一個需求就是遷移現存的地端 VMware 工作負載至 Azure。這個任務包含遷移建立於 VMware 的應用程式並與 Azure 整合。 順利地將 VMware 環境移至 Azure...
View Article働き方改革とダイバーシティー &インクルージョンの推進により、女性の就労選択肢の拡大!
Posted by : 岡部 一志 コーポレートコミュニケーション本部 本部長 日本マイクロソフトは、企業ミッション「地球上のすべての個人と組織が、より多くのことを達成できるようにする」に基づき、「革新的で、安心して使っていただけるインテリジェントテクノロジを通して、日本の社会変革に貢献する」という企業像を目指しています。...
View ArticleSPO Tidbit – Change to external users in O365
Hello All, Microsoft is updating the behavior and governance of access by external users in Microsoft Office 365. After 3/23/2018, an external user will see only the content that’s shared with that...
View ArticleAutomatizujte standardní VM image v Azure podobně jak kontejnery s...
Pokud si vyzkoušíte kontejnery a Kubernetes a pak potřebujete jít zpět do světa VM (třeba protože vaše aplikace nejsou ještě připravené), bude vám řada věcí chybět. Některé koncepty ale fungují s...
View ArticleHow to deal with Scheduled Maintenance Mode and SQL Always On
Hi everyone, Bruno here. Today I will cover a topic that came to my attention several times, without being previously discussed broadly and deeply. The topic: Have you ever asked yourself what happen...
View ArticleRunbook 用いた仮想マシンの自動起動/停止の際に “The pipeline was not run because a pipeline is...
こんにちは、Azure テクニカル サポートの伊東です。 本日は Azure Automation の Runbook を用いて仮想マシンの自動起動および停止を実施した際に、"The pipeline was not run because a pipeline is already running. Pipelines cannot be run concurrently."...
View ArticleAssess an Enterprise With Data Migration Assistant–Part 2: Running an Assessment
In my previous post I took you through the prerequisites for successfully running a scaled assessment against your SQL Server enterprise. In this post I’ll take you through how to run a scaled...
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