Demystifying Docker for Data Scientists – A Docker Tutorial for Your Deep...
This post is authored by Shaheen Gauher, Data Scientist at Microsoft. Data scientists who have been hearing a lot about Docker must be wondering whether it is, in fact, the best thing ever since sliced...
View ArticlePowerTip: Build simple HTML with PowerShell
Summary: Here’s how to use the ConvertTo-HTML cmdlet to build basic HTML content. Hey, Scripting Guy! Occasionally I need to build basic HTML documents. I heard there was a way to do that with...
View ArticleRole call!
On a regular basis, you should be reviewing who holds roles in Office 365. Is everyone using the Company Administrator role? Well, you should just be giving the minimum required permissions. Here's a...
View ArticleCompleting individual move requests in a migration batch (changed behavior)
Recent changes in Exchange Online changed the way we finish individual migrations within migration batches. We used to run Set-MoveRequest -SuspendWhenReadyToComplete $false and Resume-MoveRequest, but...
View ArticleAre there community forums available for Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Dynamics...
Yes! There are multiple community forums available for answering technical product related questions. Microsoft Azure Community Ask questions, get answers and connect with Microsoft engineers and...
View ArticleTroubleshooting assistance with Microsoft Graph API Development
This post is a contribution from Manish Kumar, an engineer with the SharePoint Developer Support team This post is an attempt to guide Developers in troubleshooting issues that they may come across...
View ArticleThanks to the Wiki Avengers
The TechNet Wiki has a great set of council members and many of these are listed in the Top 10 contributors each week, but let's take a step back and look at the heroes of Wiki, the silent heroes. Many...
View ArticleWUG Days 2018
Chcete držet krok s moderními technologiemi, ale nemáte v průběhu roku dostatek času se věnovat žhavým novinkám? Připravili jsme pro vás dvoudenní bezplatnou konferenci WUG Days 2018, na které...
View ArticleDevCamp: Azure IoT / Analytics
Rádi bychom vás pozvali na 3. pokračování Azure DevCamp v Praze, na kterém se zaměříme na téma IoT a datovou analytiku v Microsoft Azure. Během tohoto semináře si ukážeme referenční Microsoft IoT...
View ArticleWindows Server 2016 で記憶域階層を用いた仮想ディスクを作成する際の注意点
こんにちは、Windows プラットフォーム サポートの堀合です。 今回は Windows Server 2016 で記憶域スペースの機能を利用して記憶域階層を用いた 仮想ディスクを作成する際の注意点についてご紹介します。 なお、記憶域スペースの機能で記憶域プールから仮想ディスクを作成した後、仮想ディスクの 拡張が実行できないことがございます。これは想定された動作ですが、本件では触れていないため...
View ArticleProject and Project Server March 2018 Updates Released
This week the Public Update (PU) for Project Server 2013 and 2016 were released for March 2018 . Client updates were released on March 6th; server updates on March 13th. Typically the client updates...
View ArticleKalenderwoche 11/2018 im Rückblick: Zehn interessante Links für IT-Experten
Was hat sich in der vergangenen Woche für IT-Professionals getan? Gab es wichtige Ankündigungen oder neue Wissensressourcen? Unser TechNet Blog Deutschland-Team hat zehn interessante Links für Sie...
View ArticleMicrosoft Developer Workshop: Continuously deploying Microservices to...
Beschreibung Container-Technologien sind in aller Munde. Vor allem in Kombination mit einem Microservices-Architekturansatz kommt heute kein Team mehr um das Thema Container herum, wenn es darum geht...
View ArticleKostenfreies Whitepaper: Die Transformation des Rechenzentrums
Veränderte Marktbedingungen und gestiegene Erwartungen von Kunden und Lieferanten erfordern kürzere Reaktionszeiten und eine digitale Business-Plattform, in der Kernkomponenten miteinander verbunden...
View Article公布更完善的備份和性能恢復功能,並且支援大型磁碟備份!
原文作者:Trinadh Kotturu/Senior Program Manager, Azure Backup 現在我們可以支援大型磁碟虛擬機備份,並且更新了一系列功能來縮短備份和復原的時間。這些更新是基於新的 VM backup stack,且可用於託管和非託管磁碟。您可以無縫升級到這個新的 stack,且不會對正在進行的備份作業產生任何影響,設定備份和還原的方式也不會有任何改變。...
View ArticleApplication Gateway における 502 Error について
皆さんこんにちは、Azure テクニカルサポートの平原です。今回のトピックでは、比較的お問い合わせをいただくものである Application Gateway (Reverse Proxy) における 502 エラーについて解説させていただきます。ご案内内容がお役に立てば幸いです。 Http Status Code 502 とは Application Gateway...
View ArticlePlayerUnknowns’ Battlegrounds en Xbox alcanza los cinco millones de jugadores
Esta semana celebramos otro logro de PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) en Xbox One: ¡Hemos rebasado los cinco millones de jugadores! Estamos muy emocionados de que la comunidad continúe en...
View ArticleQuickTip–How To Easily Open Additional Instance or Elevate Applications
This tip is for all the folks out there who want a quick and easy way to open an additional instance of an application which they are running or to elevate an application. The below tips were captured...
View ArticleKostenfreie Webinare: Das ist neu bei Windows Server 2016
Seit dem offiziellen Start von Windows Server 2016 vor etwa anderthalb Jahren hat sich einiges rund um das Server-Betriebssystem getan. So wurde z.B. ein erweitertes Servicing-Modell eingeführt. Unter...
View ArticleClientes de Microsoft utilizan IoT para salvar corazones, miembros y vidas
Internet de las Cosas (IoT) impulsa a los proveedores del cuidado de la salud a capturar todo, desde un latido errante a los datos agregados de millones de pacientes con condiciones crónicas. Sensores...
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