NEW US StepUp Webinar Series Available Now!
New Virtual workshop series providing step-by-step guidance to help you start your new Microsoft Cloud practice I am excited to invite you to attend our new 2018 US StepUp Webinar Series.. These...
View ArticleLearn the basics of Microsoft PowerShell with this new Microsoft Virtual...
Kirk Stark, Senior Technical Writer for Microsoft and a PowerShell and SharePoint guru, has recorded the Introduction to Microsoft PowerShell with SharePoint Server Microsoft Virtual Academy course....
View Article[mstep] 2018年3月~5月 おすすめコースご案内 ~「Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008 EOS...
mstep は、マイクロソフト パートナー ネットワークへご参加のパートナー様がご利用いただける本格的なクラスルーム/オンライン トレーニングです。 お申し込みは先着順となり、定員に達し次第締め切らせていただきますので、お早めにお申し込みください。 mstep はMPNパートナー様の特典として提供しており、受講は無償となっておりますので、ぜひご活用ください。...
View ArticleWindows 10 でコマンドプロンプト (usoclient.exe) が一瞬表示される
みなさま、こんにちは。WSUS サポート チームです。 今回は Windows 10 でログオン時にコマンド プロンプト画面が一瞬表示される事象についてご説明します。 Windows 10 にログオンした際に下記のようにコマンドプロンプトが画面が一瞬表示されたことはございませんでしょうか。この事象は [Schedule Retry Scan] というタスクが動作することにより表示されています。 ※...
View ArticleManipulating webparts using PowerShell
Hello All, One of my customers is making some changes to there Sites and part of that is to set the owner in a Contact Details webpart, since it is for several site we went and figured out the...
View ArticleWLAN: Neue Sicherheitsstandards im kommenden WPA3
Offenbar als Reaktion auf die im vergangenen Herbst publizierte KRACK-Lücke in WLANs mit WPA2-Verschlüsselung hat die Hersteller-Vereinigung Wi-Fi Alliance den Standard WPA3 angekündigt, der die...
View ArticleFunktion gegen Raubkopierer sorgt für Sicherheitsloch
Das ICS CERT (Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team) des Security-Anbieters Kaspersky Labs hat einen Bericht über mehrere Sicherheitslücken in der weit verbreiteten...
View Article30 марта. Вебинар. Windows as a Service: новая модель развертывания и...
С выходом Windows 10 мы представили новую концепцию планирования, развертывания и обслуживания клиентских рабочих мест - Windows as a Service. Для того, чтобы упростить работу ИТ-специалистов и...
View Article27-29 марта. Серия вебинаров. Размещение веб-приложений и сайтов в Microsoft...
Приглашаем вас на серию вебинаров «Размещение веб-приложений и сайтов в Microsoft Azure» На двух вебинарах инженеры АйТи Партнера поделятся: опытом использования службы веб-приложений в Microsoft...
View ArticleAcelerar la transformación digital con el lanzamiento 2018 de Dynamics 365 y...
Por: James Phillips, Vicepresidente Corporativo del Grupo de Aplicaciones de Negocio de Microsoft Quiero anunciarles el lanzamiento 2018 para Microsoft Business Applications. Liberamos una ola de...
View ArticleInstall SQL Server Books Online – Offline
Many of my customers run production environments which have never, and will never, be able to connect directly to the internet. They still have the desire to install Books Online (BOL) into those...
View ArticleGot Power BI?
STAY TUNED! curation of Power BI resources coming soon. I'm dabbling in this to see how we can add value with custom dashboards for Azure and Azure Stack!
View ArticleCinco maneras en que la nube ayuda a las ciudades a volverse más sustentables
Las ciudades en todo el mundo ya han comenzado a operar de una manera más sustentable gracias a la tecnología en la nube. Con información de valor precisa en tiempo real, y capacidades sofisticadas de...
View ArticleGeneral Data Protection Regulation: GDPR
¿Esta su organización lista para GDPR? ¡Descúbralo hoy! Tome ventaja de las características que ofrecen los diversos servicios de Microsoft para prepararse para la Regulación de Protección General de...
View ArticleBuilding the Microsoft 365 Cloud Vision and Business Case
This is the 2nd post in my "Cloud Adoption Journey – Blog Series" In this post, we will go deeper on Phase 1 - Building the Vision and Business Case. Key areas of consideration include: Creating the...
View ArticleExpanded Security & Compliance Technical Journey – New webinars and...
Do you need technical assistance to build your security and compliance practice? Explore the newly added remote technical webinars and one-to-one consultations now available as part of the Security and...
View ArticleDrive consistency with Azure Stack and CSP
Robert Kuehfus, Cloud Solutions Architect, One Commercial Partner (OCP) To best show the process of deployment, this blog will guide you through a sample tenant created through the Cloud Solution...
View ArticleSupport-Release: (CONNECTORS): Release of Generic Connectors v1.1.830.0
Al We are happy to announce the release of the MIM 2016 SP1 generic connectors version 1.1.830. Release Notes:...
View Articlecreating a file windows 10 can’t delete
Microsoft has a LONG history when it comes to Windows. I am getting familiar with GitHub and will publish my nifty little utility that will write files that Windows 7, 8 and 10 can't delete. The...
View Article2018년 3월 마이크로소프트 보안 업데이트 발표
마이크로소프트 보안 업데이트 발표 이 알림은 2018년 3월 14일 수요일(한국시각)에 발표된 새로운 보안 업데이트에 대한 개요를 제공하기 위한 것입니다. Microsoft는 Microsoft 제품의 보안 취약성을 해결하기 위해 매월 보안 업데이트를 발표합니다. 보안 업데이트 개요 Microsoft는 2018년 3월 14일 수요일(한국시각)에...
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