Application Catalog Failed – “Application installation not started”
The application could not be installed. The most common reason is that software does not support the version of Windows currently installed on your computer. You can try starting the application...
View ArticleAmérica Latina alcanza el índice más bajo de instalaciones de software no...
De acuerdo con un estudio de IDC para The Software Alliance (BSA), Latinoamérica logró el índice más bajo relacionado con la instalación de software no genuino de los últimos 10 años. En países como...
View ArticleMicrosoft Azure Web Sites - A platform for continuous deployment
Delivering software fast, furiously, and continuously are some of the great promises that come to mind when thinking of DevOps. The goal is to achieve the ultimate results repeatedly and repeatable...
View ArticleSharePoint in Education Event - Register now!
SharePoint in Education - your invitation!If you are from the education sector, and would like to learn more about SharePoint and specifically how it is used in Schools, then this is for you!Microsoft...
View ArticleYouthSpark #WeSpeakCode Profile: Kalinga Gunawardhana
To celebrate coding and programmers, we are highlighting YouthSpark stars in Asia Pacific who have learned to code and have found success in school, competitions and career by understanding this...
View ArticleMicrosoft Azure, 가상 네트워크 생성 및 VPN 관련 기본 구성 1편(사이트간, 지점 및 사이트간)
IaaS(Infrastructure as a Service) 형태의 클라우드 서비스를 이용할 경우, 컴퓨팅 자원(CPU, 메모리 분배 : 대표적으로 Hyper-V가 제공), 네트워크, 스토리지에 대한 설정이 선 진행되게 됩니다. System Center Virtual Machine Manager(SCVMM)에서도 이 세 요소를 묶어서...
View ArticleKB: System Center 2012 Data Protection Manager agent installation fails with...
Here’s some information on a new KB article we recently published. The issue is that when you install the Microsoft System Center 2012 Data Protection Manager (DPM 2012) agent on a destination...
View ArticleFeatured BizSpark Windows App Startup - Blog Into Book
Chicago-based Bog Into Book is turning bloggers into authors by publishing their best posts into ebooks.We interviewed Blog Into Book Founder, Zack Price, to learn more about his startup.What is your...
View ArticleAssessing risk for the July 2014 security updates
Today we released six security bulletins addressing 29 unique CVE’s. Two bulletins have a maximum severity rating of Critical, three have maximum severity Important, and one is Moderate. We hope that...
View ArticleNew Strategies and Features to Help Organizations Better Protect Against...
Posted by Matt Thomlinson, Vice President, Microsoft SecurityToday, we released new guidance to help our customers address credential theft, called Mitigating Pass-the-Hash and Other Credential Theft,...
View ArticleWhat is Machine Learning and Why Does Your Business Need it?
Behind any major web service is a principle called machine learning. This refers to algorithms used to generate online product recommendations, search engine results, and GPS traffic directions. When...
View ArticleTNWiki Article Spotlight: Yammer: Announcements Feature
Hello, and welcome to Tuesday with the weekly article spotlight.As one of the judges for the wiki belts, I'm blessed to read a lot of the articles you guys post here, and the level of knowledge held...
View ArticleUpdate Rollup 3 for Operations Manager 2012 SP1 is now available
The KB article below contains detailed information about issues in Microsoft Operations Manager 2012 Service Pack 1 (SP1) that are addressed in Update Rollup 3 (UR3). For more information about known...
View ArticleExperiencing issues with Codeplex
We are currently investigating issues with codeplex where customers requiring authentication will be broken including sign in and project creation. We're actively working on it, and will provide...
View ArticleSicherheitsbulletins Juli 2014
Microsoft hat heute sechs Sicherheitsupdates veröffentlicht, von denen zwei als "kritisch", drei als "wichtig“ und eines als "moderat" eingestuft werden. Die Bulletins beheben insgesamt 29...
View ArticlePowerTip: Use PowerShell to Locate the Help File You Need
Summary: Learn how to use Windows PowerShell to find the Help file you need. How can I figure out the exact name of the Help file that I am looking for about sessions? Use a wildcard character with...
View ArticleSecurity, Transparency and Privacy
By Brendon Lynch, Chief Privacy Officer, MicrosoftLast week my colleague, Matt Thomlinson, shared some important updates about Microsoft’s efforts to enhance protections for our customers’ data and to...
View ArticleKinect for Windows – Opening Novel Ways to Drive a Business
Kinect for Windows gives computers eyes, ears, and a brain. With Kinect for Windows, thousands of businesses and developers are creating applications that allow their customers to interact naturally...
View ArticlePulling all Enumerations and Child Nodes with PowerShell SCSM 2012 R2
I have been working with a colleague on some reporting components for Service Manager and we wanted to pull all of the Enumerations within Service Manager and display them out. We decided to use...
View Article2014 年 7 月のセキュリティ情報 (月例) - MS14-037 ~ MS14-042
2014年 7 月 9 日 (日本時間)、マイクロソフトは計 6 件 (緊急 2 件、重要 3 件、警告 1 件) の新規セキュリティ情報を公開しました。また、新規セキュリティ情報を公開すると共に、既存のセキュリティ アドバイザリ 3 件の更新を行いました。そして、今月の「悪意のあるソフトウェアの削除ツール」では、新たに確認した 2...
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