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Top Support Solutions for IIS


Top Microsoft Support solutions for the most common issues experienced when using IIS (updated quarterly).

1. Solutions related to runtime errors and exceptions, including HTTP 400 and 50x errors:

2. Solutions related to slow page response or hang:

3. Solutions related to process termination (crash):

4. Solutions related to SSL and SSL Server certificates:

5. Solutions related to active server pages – activation:

6. Solutions related to Windows authentication:

7. Solutions related to high CPU usage:

Data Munging with Azure ML


This guest post is by the faculty of our upcoming Data Science MOOC, Dr. Stephen Elston, Managing Director at Quantia Analytics & Professor Cynthia Rudin from M.I.T.

Aspiring data scientists can improve their skills with the upcoming edX course where we will delve deeply into the tools you need for effective data munging, along with other essential skills. Don’t forget to register!

Data fuels data science. And clean and complete data is essential for successful machine learning (ML). Preparing your data for ML must be performed by applying the right skills and tools. The result of cleaning, integrating, and transforming your data is better ML model performance. In summary, if you are an aspiring data scientist you must master data munging.

The data preparation processes, or data munging, is iterative and sometimes time consuming – you can easily spend 80% of the time on a data science project on just this aspect. As you proceed through data exploration, model construction and model evaluation, improvements are made. At each step you evaluate the quality and suitability of the data and determine what additional improvements are needed to achieve the desired results. For example, you might find that certain data points bias the results of a ML model. You will then need to create a filter to deal with this problem.

Aspiring data scientists must have a good data munging toolkit available. R and Python tools are widely employed today. The R dplyr and tidyr packages or the Python pandas package are ideal for many data munging tasks.  Additionally, the Microsoft Azure ML Studio provides a drag and drop environment with powerful data munging modules.

The skills to perform data munging are even more important than having an excellent toolkit. As you develop your data science skills you must develop an understanding of at least the following processes:

  • Treating missing values.

  • Ensuring consistent coding of features.

  • Cleaning outliers and errors.

  • Joining data from multiple sources and tables.

  • Scaling features.
  • Binning or coding of categorical features.

A data scientist must know how and when to apply these processes. The need for these processes is based on a deep understanding of the relationships in the data and a careful evaluation of model performance.

To illustrate these points, let’s have a look at a data munging example. A workflow in an experiment in Microsoft Azure ML Studio is shown in the figure below.

These data contain eight physical characteristics of 768 simulated buildings. These characteristics, or features, are used to predict the buildings’ heating load and cooling load, measures of energy efficiency. The ability to predict a building’s energy efficiency is valuable in a number of circumstances. For example, architects may need to compare the energy efficiency of several building designs before selecting a final approach. 

You can find this data as a sample data set in the Azure ML Studio, or it can be downloaded from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. These data are discussed in the paper by A. Tsanas, A. Xifara: “Accurate quantitative estimation of energy performance of residential buildings using statistical ML tools”, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 49, pp. 560-567, 2012.

Before we can perform meaningful data visualization or ML these data must be prepared. This experiment contains multiple data munging steps. The need for these steps is determined through careful examination of the data and evaluation of ML model performance. In this experiment, most data preparation is performed with the easy to use built in Azure ML modules. Some more specific transformations are preformed using the R language. We could just as well use the Python language.

First, we remove the cooling load column as this variable is highly collinear to the label column, heating load.

Next, we use a Metadata Editor model to convert some of the features to categorical. Even though these features have numerical values, the numbers are not meaningful. For example, building orientation refers to how the building is oriented. The numerical value tells us nothing about an orientation direction.

We use another Metadata editor module to change some column names. Specifically, we remove any spaces, which can cause problems with R.

Finally, we scale and zero center the numerical columns. Depending on the units some features can have numerical values in the tens, while others can be thousands or millions. Scaling and centering, or normalization, prevents bias problems when training a ML model with numeric features. 

Let’s have a more detailed look at one of these data munging steps. Running in the Execute R Script module, the code listed below adds some new features to the data set. Namely, this code computes new features (columns) containing the square of the original feature values. We can test if these columns improve the performance of the model.

eeframe <- maml.mapInputPort(1)
## Add some polynomial columns to the data frame.

eeframe = mutate(eeframe,
                RelativeCompactnessSqred = RelativeCompactness^2,
                SurfaceAreaSqred = SurfaceArea^2,
                WallAreaSqred = WallArea^2)

Alternatively, we can create the same new features using the following Python code in an Execute Python Script module:

def azureml_main(frame1):
## Add some polynomial columns to the data frame.
    sqrList = ["Relative Compactness", "Surface Area", "Wall Area"]
    sqredList = ["Relative Compactness Sqred", "Surface Area Sqred", \
                "Wall Area Sqred"]
    frame1[sqredList] = frame1[sqrList]**2 
    return frame1

Data munging is an essential data science skill. Successful ML requires properly prepared data. Data munging is a multi-faceted, systematic process. Enjoy your exploration of data munging. 

Stephen & Cynthia

DFSR Debug Analysis with Message Analyzer – Part 7, Dealing with Message Analyzer Limitations


This post continues the series that started here.

Default Parser

Up to this point the development of my parser was tested against a single DFSR debug log file. Once I started loading multiple DFSR debug log files, I ran into an issue. I had to choose my parser for every log file I want to parse in the same session –


I discussed this with Paul Long and he was able to provide a terrific solution. I create a file called TextLogConfigMapping.txt with the following contents –

Dfsr*.log = DFSRDebug.config

This simply states that any file name matching Dfsr*.log will use the parser DFSRDebug.config.

I place this file in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\MessageAnalyzer and now when I load multiple files, the New Session view defaults to –


Continuous Log Files

After making the change discussed above, I thought I was in a great place to process large numbers of DFSR debug log files together as if they were a single file. Unfortunately there are a few issues –

  1. Multi-line messages may span two log files (message begins in log file X and continues in log file X+1)
  2. Message Analyzer does not treat consecutive files as a continuous log
  3. Every DFSR debug log file begins with a log header and Message Analyzer does not have a method for ignoring messages (every message must be parsed)

The result is that parsing breaks for multi-line messages that span files. To address this, I’ve decided to pre-process my DFSR debug logs at the command line as follows –

copy dfsr*.log combined.log

findstr /v /b /c:"*" combined.log > dfsr.log


  1. Copies the contents of my DFSR debug log files into a single file called combined.log
  2. Extracts all lines not starting with * and puts them in dfsr.log

I’m left with a single file that my parser cleanly handles.

The other issue that arises is that if I’m interested in analysis of just one file that starts in the middle of a multi-line message, the first few lines won’t parse correctly. I’ve chosen to handle this by parsing lines that start with a + with –

// Broken Multi-line continuation
//     These may occur at the beginning of a debug
//     log if the log rolled over while writing a
//     multi-line message

message DfsrMultiLineMessageContinuation with
    EntryInfo { Regex = @"(?<MessageText>\+.*)", Priority = 1 },
    DisplayInfo { ToText = GetHeaderSummaryText } : LogEntry
    string Annotation = "Multi-line continuation from a previous debug log";
    string MessageText;

    static string GetHeaderSummaryText(any d)
        var e = d as DfsrMultiLineMessageContinuation;
        return e.MessageText;

Similar to DFSR debug log headers, these lines are injected entirely into a MessageText field and annotated for easy filtering.

Complete Parser

After making the updates in this post and adding a few other specific multi-line message types, v1 of my parser is complete. You may download it here –


Parser Performance

After combining 323 DFSR debug log files using the method described above, I have a single 3.93 GB log file which Message Analyzer parses in about 20 minutes.

Once parsing is complete, I save the session as a .matp file, reducing file size to 0.99 GB. This file then loads in about 4 minutes with all parsing included – around 8.5 million messages.

Next Up

DFSR Debug Log Charts

クラウド ソリューション プロバイダー (CSP) をもっと知るセミナーを定期開催します! 【 9/16 更新】


サービス提供事業者様に向けて、Microsoft Azure、Dynamics CRM Online への拡大など、クラウド ソリューション プロバイダー (CSP) の現在と今後の情報をお届けするセミナーを開催します。


本セミナーでは、サービス事業者様が既にお持ちのソリューション・サービスに Office 365、Microsoft Azure、Dynamics CRM Online、EMS などのマイクロソフト クラウド製品をバンドルして販売することが可能になる新しい販売プログラム「CSP プログラム」についてご説明します。


▼ クラウドソリューションプロバイダー (CSP) をもっと知るセミナーのご登録はこちら

以下のサイトでは、新しいマイクロソフトのクラウド パートナーシップについて、はじめの第一歩を詳しく紹介しております。

▼ CSP パートナーについて知るための第一歩はこちら

We are now looking for Microsoft Innovative Educator Experts!


Microsoft are recruiting New Zealand teachers to become MIE Experts!

The Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) Expert program is an exclusive program created to recognize global educator visionaries who are using technology to pave the way for their peers in the effective use of technology for better learning and student outcomes.

MIE Experts work closely with Microsoft to lead innovation in education. They advocate and share their thoughts on effective use of technology in education with peers and policy makers. They provide insight for Microsoft on new products and tools for education, and they exchange best practices as they work together to promote innovation in teaching and learning.

The MIE Expert program is a 3-year program. If at the end of three years, you want to continue as an expert, you will need to complete a new self-nomination form and demonstrate that you have continued to grow as an educator by learning new technologies and applying them in your classroom in innovative ways.

To apply, simply fill out a self-nomination form

Who is an MIE Expert?

We are looking for self-driven educators who are passionate about their careers, inspiring students with outside-the-box thinking and a true collaborative spirit. Resourceful and entrepreneurial, they relish the role of change agent, and work to achieve excellence in education using advanced technologies and social media.

When educators become MIE Experts, they have the following opportunities:

  • Receive publicity and promotion via social media and other Microsoft channels

  • Professional and career development opportunities and certifications

  • Share their expertise with world-renowned educators and specialists to scale their innovations

  • Present in Microsoft’s global EduCast Webinar series (http://www.aka.ms/educast)

  • Participate in focus groups giving feedback to a development teams on Microsoft products

  • Join invitation-only special events from Microsoft

  • Share their passion for Microsoft with peers and policymakers, and through social media, blogs and videos

  • Test out new products while in beta form

  • Represent Microsoft through product demonstrations, and by attending events

  • Build educator capacity in your community (school, district or at training events) by training and coaching colleagues and inviting them to join the online Microsoft Educator Community

  • Collaborate with innovative educators across the globe using Skype in the Classroom

  • Host regional events showcasing uses of Microsoft technology in the classroom

  • Achieve eligibility to attend the Microsoft Global Educator Exchange Event (E2), Spring 2016

How to apply

Step 1. Review the program opportunities and activities

MIE Experts are advocates for using Microsoft technology to improve student learning. In a year, MIE Experts typically:

  • Attend EduCast Webinars (www.aka.ms/educast)
  • Become a part of a focus group giving feedback to a development team on a Microsoft product
  • Build educator capacity in your community (school, district or at training events) by training and coaching colleagues and inviting them to join the online Microsoft Educator Community
  • Develop your own capacity as a thought leader by:Try out new products as they come out and are in beta form
    • Speaking at conferences
    • Regularly participating in social media such as Facebook and Twitter referencing #MSFTEDU and using our Social Chorus tool to amplify your messages.
    • Authoring a blog that highlights innovative uses of Microsoft technologies in the classroom
    • Presenting in local or global webcasts
  • Collaborate with innovative educators across the globe using Skype in the Classroom
  • Host regional events showcasing Microsoft technology
  • Mentor 3-5 colleagues throughout the year and encourage them to apply to become an Expert Educator

Step 2. Join the Microsoft Educator Community

As part of the self nomination process, You will be asked to tell us a little about yourself:

  • Why you would like to consider yourself to be a Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert.
  • Describe a lesson you have taught in which you have incorporated Microsoft technologies in an innovative ways.
  • How do you think being and MIE Expert will impact your teaching.

Be creative, Be bold! Simply tell us about you in any way you choose, a video, a hosted document, a Sway, a Mix whatever format you are most comfortable with! You will need to submit a URL to your chosen method of response.

Join the Microsoft Educator Community and fully complete your profile.

MIE Experts will be selected by the regional Microsoft representative based on the quality of the responses to the self-nominations form, the level of innovation and use of Microsoft tools described in the learning activity and the level of detail in how becoming a part of the program will impact both teaching and student learning.

Applications to become a Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert are open now! Simply visit this self-nomination form to apply.  

For more information on the program, visit the MIE Expert website

[今月の技術トピック] Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 特集

クラウドが特別なものではなくなった今、サーバー仮想化技術の進化に酔いしれた日々から一転、「Docker」や「コンテナ」技術に注目が集まっています。もちろん、マイクロソフトもこの技術に注目。次期サーバー OS Windows Server 2016 にコンテナ技術を搭載するべく開発を進めており、先日提供を開始したTechnical Preview 3 (ベータ版の位置づけ) に搭載し、初めて市場に公開をしました! 開発途中ということもあり、完成度を求めるタイミングでも細かな機能検証をするタイミングでもありません。しかし、コンテナ技術が持つシステム展開のスピード感やアプリケーションやミドルウェアが動く状態でのイメージ化の容易さなど、サーバー仮想化技術とは違う良さを、サーバー市場で圧倒的なシェアを持つ Windows Server で体験できる事には大きな意味があります。 Windows Server Containers に関する日本語の情報も少しずつ出てきていますので、以下のような情報を参考に一度試してみることで、これまでとは違ったシステム展開をイメージしたり、新しいシステムをお客様に提案できるようになるはずです...(read more)

Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2013 Update 1 Re-Released (Build 8298)


Good news - an updatede version of the MDT has been released, here are the fixes that have been included.

The following issues are fixed in build 8298

  • Multiple drive partitioning issues are addressed by significant revisions to the Format and Partition Disk step (see release note below), including:
    • Upgrading to MDT 2013 Update 1 does not work for UEFI systems
    • An extra unneeded partition is created on both UEFI and BIOS systems
    • You cannot specify a custom partition layout containing a "Recovery"-type partition needed for UEFI systems
    • LTIApply error, "There is not enough space on the disk"
    • WINRE_DRIVE_SIZE from ZTIDiskpart.wsf is Too Small
  • Multiple issues related to XML processing:
    • Application bundles returning error 87
    • Selecting a keyboard locale in the Deployment Wizard
    • Deployments failing due to Unattend.xml errors
    • ZTIPatches returning error "Object required (424)"
    • Cleanup after image capture doesn't remove LTIBootstrap entry
  • Several issues with the Windows 10 in-place upgrade task sequence including:
    • The upgrade process ends with warnings "Unable to create WebService class"
    • The upgrade task sequence is available from Windows PE
    • After upgrade a System_License_Violation blue screen appears
  • Applications that use a command file start using System32 as the working directory
  • Spanned images cannot be applied

Head on over to the MDT team's blog to get more details on known issues and workarounds, and to ask questions of the MDT team.

Exchange 2010 SP3 RU11 Released


The Exchange team today announced the availability of Update Rollup 11 for Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 3. RU11 is the latest rollup of customer fixes available for Exchange Server 2010. The release contains fixes for customer reported issues and previously released security bulletins.

Exchange 2010 SP3 RU11 Download

This is build 14.03.0266.001 of Exchange 2010, and KB3078674 has the full details for the release.  The update file name is Exchange2010-KB3078674-x64-en.msp.

Note that this is only for the Service Pack 3 branch of Exchange 2010.  Why?  Exchange 2010 SP2 exited out of support on the 8th of April 2014 and will no longer receive updates.  Customer must be on Exchange 2010 SP3 to receive updates.

For those looking at deploying Exchange 2016, RU11 will be important.  Rollup 11 is the minimum version of Exchange Server 2010 which will co-exist with Exchange Server 2016.

Also note that Exchange 2010 transitioned into its Extended product support lifecycle phase on the 13th of January 2015.  Exchange 2010 will now be serviced as per the extended support policy.  


Issues Resolved


  • KB 3092576 Exchange 2010 Information Store crashes randomly


Important Notes

Now, before we rush off to download and install this there are a couple of items to mention!

  • Test the update in your lab before installing in production.  If in doubt test…

  • Ensure that you consult with all 3rd party vendors which exist as part of your messaging environment.  This includes archive, mobility and management services.
  • Ensure that you do not forget to install updates on management servers, jump servers/workstations and application servers where the management tools were installed for an application.  FIM and 3rd party user provisioning solutions are examples of the latter. 
  • If the Exchange server does not have Internet connectivity then this introduces significant delay in building the Native images for the .Net assemblies as the server is unable to get to http://crl.microsoft.com.  To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

    1. On the Tools menu in Windows Internet Explorer, click Internet Options, and then click the Advanced tab.

    2. In the Security section, click to clear the Check for publisher's certificate revocation check box, and then click OK.

    We recommend that you clear this security option in Internet Explorer only if the computer is in a tightly controlled environment. When setup is complete, click to select the Check for publisher’s certificate revocation check box again.

  • Update Internet facing CAS servers first

  • Backup any OWA customisations as they will be removed

  • Uninstall any Interim Updates (IUs) before installing he RU.  You will have received these private files directly from Microsoft.

  • Disable file system antivirus prior to installing the RU.
  • Restart server after RU has been installed and then re-enable file system antivirus
  • Test (yes, technically this is in here for a second time but it is very important!)






Hola amigos como les he venido comentando recientemente, en Microsoft AZURE existen muchas posibilidades desde el punto de vista de Open Source.

Cuando se crean sitios web en Azure se pueden usar plantillas predeterminadas con Bases de datos MySQL, por ello hoy les quiero hablar de la manera de administrar las BD’s MySQL de los sitios web en AZURE cuando son creados a través de plantillas.

La administración de MySQL se hace a través de un portal que ofrece ClearDB, que es un partner de Microsoft especializado en Bases de Datos MySQL.


Haga clic sobre el sitio web. En este caso es un Blog de WordPress:




Clic en el nombre de la Base de Datos:



Se abre el portal de ClearDB mostrando la actividad de la Base de Datos MySQL, que en este caso se denomina blogtesATiJU88M8. Como ven, no hay mucha actividad en mi Base de Datos.. Smile 

Si quiero hacer un backup simplemente selecciono la pestaña de Backups y escojo Create a Backup Now:


Estos respaldos o backups se mantienen hasta 5 días en el pasado.

Si quiero saber cómo tener acceso a la Base de Datos puedo hacer clic en la pestaña Endpoint Information para ver las credenciales de acceso al sitio,


Si se oprime Reset la contraseña del usuario se cambia, el sistema genera una automáticamente de nuevo.

Ahora bien, si se es un usuario avanzado de MySQL es posible usar herramientas como MySQL WorkBench para administrar la BD. Esta es una herramienta equivalente al Management Studio de SQL Server.

Si hacemos clic en el Dashboard podemos ver una URL para descargar el MySQL Workbench



Si quiere descargar el MySQL WorkBench puede hacer clic Aquí

Verá algo como:


Clic en Download Now. Yo escogí la versión de 64 bits:


Una vez se instale, es posible establecer una conexión a la BD de datos MySQL en Azure usando la herramienta. Basta con hacer clic en image


¿Se acuerdan de los datos de Hostname, Usuario y Contraseña que se encuentran en EndPoint Information? Este es el momento de usarlos… 


Hacemos Clic en Store in Vault y se agrega la contraseña:


Asigno un nombre a la conexión, y hago clic en Test Connection:


Si sale un mensaje similar al que se muestra, la conexión fue exitosa.


Estamos listos para usar la herramienta y administrar nuestra Base de Datos:


Con sólo hacer clic en el nombre de la conexión (“Mi BD MySQL en AZURE” en este ejemplo) podemos tener acceso a la Base de Datos:

cosa 36

Bueno, aquí sí ya es cuestión de administración de Bases de Datos.

Lo que quería es mostrarles que puedo usar los servicios de ClearDB para tener reportes de desempeño de mi Base de Datos MySQL, así como una consola de gestión y  respaldo de los datos.

¡Vean que las posibilidades son enormes con la Nube de Microsoft y ya no hay excusa para usar sus servicios!

Los espero en la próxima entrega.

Exchange 2013 CU10 Released


Exchange 2013 CU10 has been released to the Microsoft download centre!  Exchange 2013 has a different servicing strategy than Exchange 2007/2010 and utilises Cumulative Updates (CUs) rather than the Rollup Updates (RU/UR) which were used previously.    CUs are a complete installation of Exchange 2013 and can be used to install a fresh server or to update a previously installed one.  Exchange 2013 SP1 was in effect CU4, and CU10 is the sixth post SP1 release.

Exchange 2013 CU10 Download

This is build 15.00.1130.007 of Exchange 2013 and the update is helpfully named Exchange2013-x64-cu10.exe.  Which is a great improvement over the initial CUs that all had the same file name!  Details for the release are contained in KB3078678.

Whether or not your AD Schema needs to be updated depends upon your initial Exchange 2013 version.  This will dictate if the AD Schema needs to be modified.  Check the values as noted in this post.   CU10 does not contain additional AD Schema changes, but does contain additional RBAC definitions. 

For those looking at deploying Exchange 2016, CU10 will be important.  Cumulative Update 10 is the minimum version of Exchange Server 2013 which will co-exist with Exchange Server 2016.


Updates Of Particular Note

  • KB 3087126 MS15-103: Description of the security update for Exchange Server: September 8, 2015
  • KB 3079217 Outlook Web App replies to the wrong email address when an email has more than 12 recipients in Exchange Server 2013
  • KB 3078404 Can't access a shared mailbox after you migrate from Exchange Server 2010 to Exchange Server 2013
  • KB 3069516 Mailbox size and quota information are reported incorrectly in Outlook and Outlook Web App in Exchange Server 2013
  • KB 2999011  Documents are partially indexed by Exchange search when they embed other documents in Exchange Server 2013
  • KB 2983161 Organization unit picker is missing when you create a Remote Mailbox in Exchange Admin Console in Exchange Server 2013


Issues Resolved

  • KB 3087126 MS15-103: Description of the security update for Exchange Server: September 8, 2015
  • KB 3094068 Permissions for a linked mailbox are added to an account in the wrong forest in an Exchange Server 2013 environment
  • KB 3093884 The link in a quarantined email shows an empty list for ActiveSync-enabled devices in Exchange Server 2013
  • KB 3093866 The number of search results can't be more than 250 when you search email messages in Exchange Server 2013
  • KB 3088911 Inline attachments are sent as traditional when you smart forward an HTML email in an iOS device in Exchange Server 2013
  • KB 3087571 Can't edit or resend a delayed delivery message when you open the message from the Outbox folder in Exchange Server 2013
  • KB 3087293"550 5.6.0" NDR and duplicated attachments when an encrypted email is sent in Outlook in Exchange Server 2013
  • KB 3080511  HTML forms aren't available when the DisableFilter parameter is enabled in Outlook Web App in Exchange Server 2013
  • KB 3080221  LegacyExchangeDN attribute is displayed when you use Outlook Web App to view an appointment in Exchange Server 2013
  • KB 3079217 Outlook Web App replies to the wrong email address when an email has more than 12 recipients in Exchange Server 2013
  • KB 3078966 Outlook 2011 for Mac client displays emails as they come from the same senders in Exchange Server 2013
  • KB 3078443 Incorrect results are displayed when you search for an email that has a certain attachment name in Exchange Server 2013
  • KB 3078438 Performance issues occur in an Exchange Server 2013 environment that's running BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5
  • KB 3078404 Can't access a shared mailbox after you migrate from Exchange Server 2010 to Exchange Server 2013
  • KB 3076257 EWS returns a Success response code even if a batch deletion request isn't completed in Exchange Server 2013
  • KB 3074823 No Send As audit events are logged when you use Send As permission in Exchange Server 2013
  • KB 3071776"A problem occurred" error when you access shared folders in Exchange Server 2013 mailbox by using Outlook Web App
  • KB 3069516 Mailbox size and quota information are reported incorrectly in Outlook and Outlook Web App in Exchange Server 2013
  • KB 3061487  "FailedToGetRootFolders" error when you run an eDiscovery estimate search for archive mailboxes in Exchange Server 2013
  • KB 3058609  Wrong recipient is specified in an inbox rule that has the ForwardTo or RedirectTo option in Exchange Server 2013
  • KB 3009631 Advanced Find against the Sent Items folder in Outlook returns no result in Exchange Server 2013
  • KB 2999011  Documents are partially indexed by Exchange search when they embed other documents in Exchange Server 2013
  • KB 2983161 Organization unit picker is missing when you create a Remote Mailbox in Exchange Admin Console in Exchange Server 2013
  • KB 3091308 Can't install cumulative updates or service packs when MachinePolicy or UserPolicy is defined in Exchange Server 2013


Some Items For Consideration

As with previous CUs, CU10 follows the new servicing paradigm which was previously discussed on the blog.  The CU10 package can be used to perform a new installation, or to upgrade an existing Exchange Server 2013 installation to CU10.  You do not need to install Cumulative Update 1 or 2 for Exchange Server 2013 when you are installing CU10.  Cumulative Updates are well, cumulative.  What else can I say…

  • After you install this cumulative update package, you cannot uninstall the cumulative update package to revert to an earlier version of Exchange 2013. If you uninstall this cumulative update package, Exchange 2013 is removed from the server.

  • Ensure that you consult with all 3rd party vendors which exist as part of your messaging environment.  This includes archive, mobility and management services.

  • Ensure that you do not forget to install this update on management servers, jump servers/workstations and application servers where the management tools were installed for an application.  FIM and 3rd party user provisioning solutions are examples of the latter. 

  • Disable file system antivirus prior to installing.

  • Once server has been restarted, re-enable file system antivirus.

  • Note that customised configuration files are overwritten on installation.  Make sure you have any changes fully documented!

  • CU10 may contain AD Schema updates for your organisation – please test and plan accordingly!  Whether or not your AD Schema needs to be updated depends upon your initial Exchange 2013 version.  This will dictate if the AD Schema needs to be modified.  Check the values as noted in this post

Please enjoy the update responsibly!

What do I mean by that?  Well, you need to ensure that you are fully informed about the caveats with the CU  and are aware of all of the changes that it will make within your environment.  Additionally you will need to test the CU your lab which is representative of your production environment.



「Forza」シリーズ 10 周年を記念しXbox One 版『Forza Horizon 2: 10 Year Anniversary Edition』 を 2015 年 10 月 15 日 (木) に発売 ~スペシャル チューンが施された 10 車種を入手できる「10 周年記念カーパック」ご利用コードを同梱~


日本マイクロソフト株式会社(本社:東京都港区)は、「Forza」シリーズ発売から 10 周年を記念し Xbox One 版オープン ワールド アクション レーシング『Forza Horizon 2: 10 Year Anniversary Edition』を、2015 年 10 月 15 日 (木) に参考価格 5,900 円 (税抜) で発売します。『Forza Horizon 2: 10 Year Anniversary Edition』には、過去作のパッケージの表紙を飾ったクルマなど 10 車種にスペシャル チューンやデザインを施したカー パック「10 周年記念カー パック」を同梱し、地中海に面した南ヨーロッパの広大で美しいフィールドを舞台にしたオープンワールドで魅惑のロード トリップに出かけることができます。

また、『Forza Horizon 2: 10 Year Anniversary Edition』を含め「Forza」シリーズをプレイすることで、『Forza Horizon 2: 10 Year Anniversary Edition』や 2015 年 9 月 17 日 (木) 発売の『Forza Motorsport 6』などで使用できる「Forza リワード ポイント」を獲得できます。獲得した「Forza リワード ポイント」は、新たなクルマ、ゲーム内クレジット、トークンなどが定期的に提供され、各「Forza」シリーズで使用することができます。



「10 周年記念カー パック」収録 : 「Forza」シリーズ誕生から 10 周年を記念し、過去作のパッケージの表紙を飾ったクルマなど 10 車種にスペシャル チューンやデザインを施したカー パック「10 周年記念カー パック」を同梱。


  • 2013 Audi R8 Coupé V10 plus 5.2 FSI quattro
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  • 2008 Aston Martin DBS
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リアルに描かれた広大なオープンワールド :他の追従を許さない最高クラスの Forza グラフィック エンジンで、昼夜の光、天候変化、さまざまな路面状況が存在する南ヨーロッパの広大なマップを 1080p の解像度で美しく再現。

リスクを冒し走りの欲望を解き放つ :未整備の道路のフェンスを突き抜けコースを外れ畑や森を駆け抜け、目的地への最短ルートを見つけスリルを感じる。リスクを冒しリワードを獲得すれば、ドライビング スキルとスタイルを証明することができる。広大なオープンワールドの世界で探求心をくすぐる自由なロード トリップの先には、隠されたレースや希少なマシン、伝説に名を刻めるチャレンジが待っている。

世界のドライバーたちと壮大なロード トリップへ :シングルプレイでは Drivatar テクノロジーにより、他のプレイヤーのドライビングを学習した AI ドライバーが登場。フレンドがオフラインでもリアルな走りの世界を実現する。さらに、シングルプレイとオンラインプレイを瞬時に切り替え*、オンラインのフレンドとフリー走行、レース、チーム モード、協力プレイを楽しめる。最大 1,000 人のメンバーからなるカー クラブへの参加や運営を通じてメンバーに出会うことができ、ランキングを競うこともできる。

走りの欲望を掻き立てるカー ラインアップ :モダン スーパーカー、クラシック マッスル カー、エクストリーム オフロード カーなど、幅広いカー ラインアップ。収録される 200 台以上の究極のクルマはエクステリアもインテリアも美しく再現され、パッシングや天候が崩れればワイパーも可動する。Kinect のボイス コマンドにも対応するオンボード アシスタント GPS が次の目的地の検索やルートをナビゲートし、フレンドがオンラインになったら通知をしてくれるなど、ドライバーをさまざまな形でサポートする。

クルマと音楽が融合したカー フェスティバル「Horizon Festival」 :美しいロケーションが広がるヨーロッパで開催される、クルマと音楽が融合したカー フェスティバル「Horizon Festival」では、700 以上ものレース イベントが各地で開催され、フィールドには一般車も行き交う。派手なエアーを決め、スタントでスキル ポイントやコンボを獲得すれば、「Horizon Festival」で名声を獲得できる。ショーケース イベントでは、スリルを味わえる列車や飛行機とのバトルも用意されている。そして、クールでバラエティに富んだ音楽がラジオ ステーションから届けられ、ドライビングの興奮を最高潮に高める。


製品基本情報 :

タイトル表記 :  Forza Horizon 2: 10 Year Anniversary Edition
読み方 :  フォルツァ ホライゾン ツー: テン イヤー アニバーサリー エディション
プラットフォーム :  Xbox One
発売元 :  Microsoft Studios / Turn 10 Studios
開発会社 :  Playground Games
発売日 :  2015 年 10 月 15 日 (木)
参考価格 :  Xbox One 版 : 5,900 円 (税抜)
配信価格 : Xbox One 版 : 5,400 円 (税抜)
プレイ人数 :  オフライン 1 人 / オンライン 2 – 12 人
言語 :  日本語 (音声 / メニュー)
レーティング :  CERO B (12 才以上対象)
ジャンル :  オープンワールド アクション レーシング
Web サイト :  www.xbox.com/ForzaHorizon2
コピーライト :  © 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, the Microsoft Studios logo, Turn 10, Forza Horizon, Xbox, Xbox One, and the Xbox logos are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. Playground Games logo trademark of Playground Games.
備考 :  * 「10 周年記念 カー パック」を入手するには Xbox Live に接続する必要があります。オンライン マルチプレイヤーをお楽しみいただくには Xbox Live ゴールド メンバーシップ (別売) が必要です。タイトル アップデートおよびゲーム追加コンテンツをダウンロードするには、Xbox Live への接続が必要です。機能および要件は変更となる場合があります。



最近公開された技術情報およびブログ (2015/09/16)


日本マイクロソフト System Center Support Team の宮崎です。先週リリースされた、System Center/Azure/Intune に関連する公開技術情報をまとめました。役に立つ手順や修正プログラムの情報など、製品をお使いいただく上で参考になる情報があるかと思います。ご参照ください。なお、ブログはすべて英語となっています。ご了承ください。



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Quarta-Feira - Wiki Life - Eventos da comunidade Microsoft.

Olá comunidade Microsoft.

Hoje é quarta-feira dia da nossa Wiki Life.

Nossa comunidade é muito vibrante e está em constante movimento.

Saiba que além das colaborações nas traduções, artigos Wiki, blogs entre outras ações executadas por nossos membros.

Também existem outros eventos - "palestras" em execução nos próximos meses.

Começamos apresentando o Data Center Management Day.

Conforme divulgação, este evento designado DataCenter Management Day é um evento da Comunidade Técnica Microsoft, que tem como objetivo apresentar as melhores práticas, produtos e serviços ligados a soluções para gestão de DataCenter.

As incrições podem ser realizadas pelo endereço: Data Center Management Day

Outro evento interessante que ocorre na comunidade é o do grupo Quintas da TI que traz o webcast Tecnologia impulsionando talentos.

Para mais informações sobre o evento visite a página: https://www.facebook.com/events/443917062462707/

E como já divulgado anteriormente, teremos também o Microsoft Insight que irá acontecer daqui a duas semanas.

Para mais informações visite a página oficial do evento:


Agora, só resta o benefício da dúvida. Qual opção escolher na lista de eventos.

Espero que tenham gostado do blog e até a próxima oportunidade.

Wiki Ninja Hezequias Vasconcelos ++.

KNOW YOUR MVPs: MVP Lohith G Nagaraj

We would like to introduce you to our newest interactive series called “Know you MVPs”. We are dedicating this series to our India MVPs, who are influencing millions by their endless amount of technical knowledge and enormous zeal for sharing. Every second Wednesday we will interact with one of our MVPs and share their thoughts with you. This week, we are featuring India MVP Lohith G Nagaraj (ASP.NET) My Names is Lohith G Nagaraj; I am working as Technical Evangelist for Telerik...(read more)

Интеграция технологии Power Query в Excel 2016


Часто ли вы импортируете данные в Excel? Требовалось ли вам когда-нибудь формировать данные перед их анализом и созданием отчета? Мы рады сообщить, что теперь технология получения данных в Excel изменится навсегда. Мы интегрировали технологию Power Query в ленту Данныепод областью Получить и преобразоватьв Excel 2016. Технология Power Query расширяет возможности бизнес-аналитики в Excel, упрощая обнаружение, доступ и совместную работу с данными.

...(read more)

Understanding Non-Terminating Errors in PowerShell


Summary: Ed Wilson, Microsoft Scripting Guy, talks about understanding non-terminating errors in Windows PowerShell.

Hey, Scripting Guy! Question Hey, Scripting Guy! Yesterday in Error Handling: Two Types of Errors, you were talking about terminating errors and how you can use Try/Catch/Finally with those, but you did not really say what a non-terminating error is. Can you talk about that for a little bit please?


Hey, Scripting Guy! Answer Hello SK,

Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. This morning I am sitting here sipping a cup of English Breakfast tea with a cinnamon stick in it, and munching on a piece of baklava. You see, we just celebrated my birthday weekend, and instead of baking a cake, the Scripting Wife headed out to my favorite Egyptian Café, and picked up some homemade baklava.

When I was in Egypt, I never had baklava. I always thought it was more of a Greek thing. But hey, it works. This little café does an excellent job making baklava, and as it turns out, it is an amazing birthday cake—just a little hard on the candles. It is about a perfect combination with English Breakfast tea. It's a little sticky, but lots of things in life are sticky—like trying to figure out the difference between a terminating and a non-terminating error in Windows PowerShell.

Try/Catch/Finally…doesn’t work

So, I write some code and try to catch an error, but it doesn't work. What’s up with that? Well, if Try/Catch/Finally does not work, there are a few potential problems. The first is that the Catch may be trying to catch something that does not actually happen. For example, if I try to catch an error related to a process that does not exist, but that process does in fact exist, the Catch will not trigger.

So, if I want to catch all errors that occur, I will catch a [System.Exception] because that is the root of all errors. Here is the Catch block I use:

Catch [System.Exception] {"Caught the exception"}

The next thing to realize is that if I try something, and it does not generate a terminating error, it will not move into the Catch block anyway. This is because the default for $ErrorActionPreference (what Windows PowerShell will do when an error arises) is to continue to the next command.

In reality, this means that if an error occurs and Windows PowerShell can recover from it, it will attempt to execute the next command. But it will let you know the error occurred by displaying the error to the console.

If I want to see what Windows PowerShell will do when a non-terminating error arises, I look at the value of the $ErrorActionPreference variable, for example:

PS C:\> $ErrorActionPreference


Here is a Try statement that tries to do something. It will get a directory list of a missing folder. But because that folder is missing, it will generate an error. Here is the Try/Catch/Finally block:

Try {dir c:\missingFolder }

Catch [System.Exception] {"Caught the exception"}

Finally {$error.Clear() ; "errors cleared"}

When I run the code, and error message appears in the Windows PowerShell console output. It also says that the errors are cleared, which is command that is written into the Finally block. But the System.Exception error was not caught because the “Caught the Exception” string was not emitted. This output is shown here:

Image of command output

If I look at the $Error variable, I see that there are, in fact, no errors there. So the $Error.Clear() command did take place. This is shown here:

PS C:\> $Error

PS C:\> $Error.Count


PS C:\> 

But, why did the Directory not found error message appear? Because the ErrorAction Preference is set to Continue:

PS C:\> $ErrorActionPreference


One way to force the error to stop Windows PowerShell, instead of permitting it to continue to the next line, is to change the ErrorAction preference from Continue to Stop. I can do this at the cmdlet level. I use the –ErrorAction automatic parameter from the Get-ChildItem cmdlet (Dir is an alias), and I change it to Stop. This causes the error to terminate the Windows PowerShell execution and forces it to the Catch block. Here is the change:

Try {dir c:\missingFolder -ErrorAction Stop}

Catch [System.Exception] {"Caught the exception"}

Finally {$error.Clear() ; "errors cleared"}

Here is the output:

Image of command output

Note  This entire error issue could have been avoided by using tab completion in the first place. This is because C:\missingfolder does not exist, and if I had used tab complete for the directory, I would have seen that it did not appear. By “doing the right thing” in the first place, I could have avoided the complexity of structured error handling—at least for this script.

SK, that is all there is to understanding non-terminating errors. Error Handling Week will continue tomorrow when I will talk about forcing non-terminating errors to terminate.

I invite you to follow me on Twitter and Facebook. If you have any questions, send email to me at scripter@microsoft.com, or post your questions on the Official Scripting Guys Forum. See you tomorrow. Until then, peace.

Ed Wilson, Microsoft Scripting Guy

Identity-driven Security for your External Identities


As cyber attacks increase in frequency and severity, the ability to secure the identities of your end users is central to keeping your organization secure.

In a mobile-first, cloud-first world, organizations need to view security as a matter of identity management. By using identity as the control plane, IT can benefit from the visibility and insights that come only from machine learning applied to vast datasets, and the protection applied at multiple layers to monitor and identify threats.

Identity-driven security is so important that we have made it central to our overall enterprise mobility strategy. In the last four months, we have made huge strides in building out our solutions in this area. Now you can discover Shadow IT cloud apps and provide Just-In-Time administration privileges, get visibility when your identities are leaked, identify and stop cyber-attacks against your on-premises assets with Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics, and protect critical company data across popular cloud applications including Salesforce, Box, Dropbox, ServiceNow, and Office 365 with our recent acquisition of cloud security innovator Adallom.

You may have seen some of these innovations in action at Ignite, when I demoed

Today we are pleased to announce the next steps in our identity story

Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AD) forms the foundation of our identity-driven approach, and Azure AD will now extend to secure not only the identities of your employees but also external identities including partners, vendors, contractors, and also your customers.

This means two new capabilities:

  1. A brand new Azure AD B2C service that delivers cloud scale identity and access management solutions to help you secure your customer facing applications.
  2. Azure AD B2B collaboration– a new feature of Azure AD (also included as part of the Microsoft Enterprise Mobility Suite) that helps secure business-to-business collaboration with the partner organizations that you work with every day.

Customers are already seeing the benefits of these new offers. Using the preview of Azure AD B2C, Real Madrid is able to connect with their global fan base at massive scale:

“Azure Active Directory B2C helps us bring the stadium closer to our 450 million fans around the globe with simplified registration and login through social accounts like Facebook, or traditional username/passwords login. We’re able to provide a seamless experience across mobile applications on any platform.

By using Azure Active Directory B2C we were able to build a fully customized login page without having to build custom code. Additionally, with a Microsoft solution in place, we alleviated all our concerns about security, data breaches, and scalability.”

— Rafael de los Santos,  Head of Digital,  Real Madrid

Public preview for Azure Active Directory B2C

Providing a secure identity platform to underpin your consumer-facing apps is a fundamental part of maintaining customer trust, satisfaction, and retention. However, doing these things at scale can be incredibly complex. For example, managing user accounts and passwords for millions of consumers presents the huge challenge of maintaining high availability while ensuring security. In the 2015 Magic Quadrant for Identity and Access Management as a Service, Gartner writes that, “B2C use cases have grown in importance as organizations look to replace a mixture of custom-developed IAM products and traditional on-premises IAM products.”*

The cloud brings new agility and economic value to delivering and succeeding in the face of such a challenge. Microsoft Azure Active Directory, the cloud service with proven scale in handling billions of authentications per day, now extends its capabilities to manage and protect your consumer identities with Microsoft Azure Active Directory B2C.

Azure Active Directory B2C is a highly available, global, identity and access management service for your consumer-facing applications that scales to hundreds of millions of protected identities.

Along with security and scale, Azure Active Directory B2C also easily integrates with nearly any platform, and it is accessible across devices. This functionality means that your consumers will be able to use their existing social media accounts or create new credentials to single-sign on to your applications through a fully customizable user experience. Optional multi-factor authentication will also be available to add additional protection.

ZEISS, an international leader in the fields of optics and optoelectronics utilized Azure Active Directory B2C to empower their customer software download portal:

“Azure Active Directory B2C helped us bring our customer software download portal online within weeks instead of months. Support, scalability, and easy to handle software convinced us B2C was the right choice for this critical project“

— Fabian Peschel,  ZEISS Industrial Metrology

Azure Active Directory B2C will offer a free tier to get started and experiment, and a tiered volume-based pricing model above that. We’ll be able to share more details on the licensing options for Azure Active Directory B2C when the service reaches General Availability.

Here’s how you can get started with Azure Active Directory B2C:

Public preview for Azure Active Directory B2B collaboration

Securing identities beyond your own employees and expanding to your network of partners and contractors is critical to protecting your organization’s data. As a part of our growing identity-driven security capabilities, we are excited to announce the preview of Azure Active Directory B2B collaboration as additional functionality available in all Azure AD editions, and as part of the Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS).

B2B collaboration provides simplified management and security for partners and other external users accessing your in-house resources using Azure AD as the control plane. This includes access to popular cloud applications such as Salesforce, Dropbox, Workday, and of course, Office 365 – and all of this is in addition to mobile, cloud, and on-premises claims-aware applications.

Kodak Alaris, a company that is passionate about using technology to transform organizations and improve people's lives in the imaging and information management industry, uses Azure AD B2B collaboration to provide access to shared resources to all their partners.

“We needed to quickly and cost effectively stand up new IT infrastructure including extranet applications for thousands of business partners. Azure AD B2B provides a simple and secure way for partners, large and small, to use their own credentials to access Kodak Alaris systems.

The Azure AD team has been an incredible partner in our re-creation of a more agile and cost-effective hybrid cloud IT infrastructure.”

— Steven C. Braunschweiger,  Chief Enterprise Architect,  Kodak Alaris

Learn more about Azure AD B2B collaboration on our Azure AD team blog.

Also, if you’re attending Dreamforce, take some time to stop by the Microsoft area in the DevZone and talk to our team about these identity-driven security solutions.


*Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.



KNOW YOUR MVP: Lohith G Nagaraj

We would like to introduce you to our newest interactive series called “Know you MVPs”. We are dedicating this series to our India MVPs, who are influencing millions by their endless amount of technical knowledge and enormous zeal for sharing. Every second Wednesday we will interact with one of our MVPs and share their thoughts with you. This week, we are featuring MVP Lohith G Nagaraj (ASP.NET) About Lohith Lohith is an MVP in ASP.NET specialization and working for Telerik India as Technical Evangelist...(read more)

Selection Tool Window


Because Message Analyzer enables you to see multiple views of the same data in a session and message selection is globally shared across all data viewers that are common to a particular session, you can use the Selection Tool Window to track messages that you select in any session data viewer. For example, if you have two Analysis Grid viewers open on the same message data, selecting a message in one viewer will select the same message in the other viewer. Global selection becomes even more valuable when you are working with data visualizers such as the Grouping, Pattern Match, or Gantt viewer to view and select messages, where you can see how the selections you make relate to other messages in the Analysis Grid viewer. In addition, the Selection window provides even more control over the in-focus message, which in turn drives the display of associated data in the Details and Message Stack Tool Windows.

Accessing the Selection Tool Window

You can access the Selection window, from the Windows sub-menu in the global Message Analyzer Tools menu, as shown in the figure below. Note that you can reposition the Selection window or any other tool window by dragging the window by its tab and hovering over the docking navigation control arrows that appear in various locations, to redock the tool window in a different sector of the Message Analyzer user interface by dropping it on a chosen arrow.


Displaying Selected Messages

The Selection window displays all messages that you select. For instance, you can select a single message or you can select multiple messages in a viewer such as the Analysis Grid—for example MessageNumber 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9, as shown in the figure below.


When you press the Ctrl key while selecting messages in the Analysis Grid viewer, each selected message is highlighted in the grid and also appears in the Selection window in the order in which you selected them. You can also select messages in the Analysis Grid viewer without pressing the Ctrl key and the Selection window will still keep track of your selections in the order of selection. However, only the last message that you select in the Analysis Grid or other viewer drives display of corresponding data in the Message Stack and Details windows. This is called the “in-focus” message, which is indicated by a green arrow (clip_image006) in the left-hand margin of the Analysis Grid viewer and Selection window when you select a message there.

Changing the In-focus Message

The first trick the Selection window can perform is the ability to change the message you want to focus on, without unselecting a group of selected messages. This is really useful when you are using the Pattern Match viewer to highlight multiple messages, for example in a 3-way handshake, where you need to move between the 3 messages without losing the overall selection of handshake messages.

You can also use other data visualizers such as the Grouping viewer (when in Selection mode) or the Gantt viewer to select a group of related messages. For instance, you can configure the Grouping viewer to group messages by process name. You can then select all the messages related to a single process and use the Selection tool to navigate the group of selected messages to understand the relevancy of adjacent messages, which can often be revealing.

Changing the Column Layout

You have the option to modify the Selection Tool Window column layout to present other data fields that contain information you want to examine for the selected messages. When you right click a message in the Selection window, you are provided with a list of alternate column layouts that includes the built-in layouts shown in the figure below, along with any custom column layouts that you create and save.


Remembering Previous Selections

The Selection window also remembers previous selections. So if you accidently change your selection, or have a previous selection you want to restore, you can click the green arrows (clip_image010,clip_image012), to back- or forward-navigate respectively, through your selection collection.

Saving Selections with Bookmarks

Bookmarks is another tool window that you can access from the Windows sub-menu in the global Message Analyzer Tools menu. If there is a group of selected messages you want to keep for later analysis, select Add->Message Bookmark on the Bookmarks window toolbar and then specify a friendly name by clicking the Name field in the window, as shown in the figure below. You can then save the Bookmarks with your loaded trace by clicking the Save icon on the global Message Analyzer toolbar.


Thereafter, when you reload the data, you can select the bookmark to restore the message selection collection, and again you can navigate through the Selection window messages and focus on individual messages as required. Note that Bookmarks are saved only when you save a session in the Message Analyzer .matp file format (Message Analyzer Trace Parsed).

Correlating by Selection

Correlation by message selection is another powerful way to understand your data across different views. By keeping track of message selection globally, you can understand how a group of associated messages relate to other close-by messages in the Analysis Grid viewer. Also remember, if you want two views of the same data with different selection contexts, then you must open them as two different sessions.

More Information

To learn more about some of the features and concepts described in this article, see the following topics in the Message Analyzer Operating Guide:

Selection Tool Window

Analysis Grid Viewer

Grouping Viewer

Gantt Viewer

Pattern Match Viewer

Bookmarks Tool Window

Redocking Data Viewers and Tool Windows

Message Details Tool Window

Applying and Managing Analysis Grid View Layouts

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