日本マイクロソフト System Center Support Team の三輪です。先週リリースされた、System Center/Azure/Intune に関連する公開技術情報をまとめました。役に立つ手順や修正プログラムの情報など、製品をお使いいただく上で参考になる情報があるかと思います。ご参照ください。なお、ブログはすべて英語となっています。ご了承ください。
Configuration Manager | HOTFIX Service connection point does not connect in System Center Configuration Manager (3145401) |
Intune |
Configuration Manager | |
Configuration Manager | Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager build 1602 is now available |
Data Protection Manager | |
Hybrid IT Cloud Management | A hybrid approach to IT automation in Microsoft Operations Management Suite |
Hybrid IT Cloud Management | Configuration management in Microsoft Operations Management Suite |
Hybrid IT Cloud Management | Continuous IT services using Microsoft Operations Management Suite |
Hybrid IT Cloud Management | |
Hybrid IT Cloud Management | Tap the tile! Operations Management Suite mobile app now offers additional functionality |
Intune | |
Intune | |
Intune | See how Microsoft IT uses Intune and other services to manage identity, devices and applications |
Intune | Support Tip: Windows 10 Wi-Fi or VPN profile pushed via Intune does not connect |
Operations Management Suite | Control management pack updates between MS OMS and Operations Manager |
Operations Management Suite | |
Operations Manager | |
Operations Manager | |
Service Manager | Basic UI customization in the new Self Service Portal (HTML5) |