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Project and Project Server November 2016 Updates Released


This week saw the release of the November 2016 Public Update (PU) for Project Server 2010, 2013 and 2016. Client updates were released November 1st and server updates on November 8th. We are back to the client in the first week of the month and server in the second week release schedule.

We are now delivering as Public Updates, although Server fixes are shipped just via the Download Center and not via Microsoft Update (Unless there is a security element or a fix deemed essential).  These are still all cumulative and include fixes released in all previous updates since the last baseline (Initial release for 2016, SP1 for 2013 and SP2 for 2010).

Feel free to open a support case if you have any questions around this or need assistance getting these patches deployed.

One point to note is the installation of the Project Server 2016 package (SharePoint Server) for September 2016 and beyond can take longer to install than previous 2016 updates – on my slow server it took several hours – so you should ensure you test installation in a similar environment to production to ensure you allow enough downtime.

The 2013 PU releases also have a real prerequisite of the appropriate Service Pack 1 (SP1), and links for SP1 are given below.  SP1 is enforced in this release, so you will find out (as I did) if you really do have SP1 for all your installed components and language packs!  This also means RTM is no longer supported!  See http://blogs.technet.com/b/stefan_gossner/archive/2015/04/15/common-issue-april-2015-fixes-for-sharepoint-2013-cannot-be-installed-on-sharepoint-2013-sp1-slipstream-builds.aspx too which describes an issue you might see if you don’t have the ‘right’ SP1.  Slipstream would work with the original SP1 – but the updates require the re-released SP1.  Since the May PU this shouldn’t be an issue – but including here just in case.

Another important point to add here is that there was in early 2013 running the SharePoint Configuration Wizard on a server with Project Server 2013 installed – this is fixed by applying the April 2013 or later– so a good practice would be to load SP1, then the current PU and then run the configuration wizard (if you didn’t already load the April 2013 through June 2014 CU).

This release for the 2010 products, like all 2010 patches since the November CU, has a hard requirement on Service Pack 2 – see notes below, (Support for Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 ended on 10/14/14).  Don’t forget language packs SP2 if you have any language packs loaded!  In most of the KB articles the term hotfix is used in place of Cumulative Update.  They tend to be interchangeable terms – a Cumulative Update is just a hotfix built to a schedule.  I should also point out that the individual Project Server packages are only ‘individual’ in the sense that they do not include the SharePoint patches – they are still cumulative and the November PU will contain all previous CU releases (at least back to the applicable baseline).  Also worth noting that mainstream support for Project and Project Server 2010 ended October 13th 2015 – see https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/lifecycle

Also a reminder – an SP1 patched 2010 system (with no SP2) is no longer supported – see the Lifecycle site for more information – http://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle/search?sort=PN&alpha=project+2010&Filter=FilterNO

Project 2016

An overview of all the Office 2016 releases for November 2016 can be found here – https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3200802 November 8, 2016, update for Microsoft Office.

Project Server 2016

With the 2016 release we just have a single patch (but this month the single patch comes in two parts… a wssloc and sts2016 part). – as we have also the single msi for installation of SharePoint Server 2016 (Project Server still needs licensing separately though). Both parts need installing before the config wizard is executed.

November 8, 2016, update for SharePoint Server 2016 (KB3127940)– (includes Project fixes, like the roll-up patch in Project Server 2013)


November 8, 2016, update for SharePoint Server 2016 (KB3127942)– (includes Project fixes, like the roll-up patch in Project Server 2013)


There is no database schema update this month – so the dbo.Versions table should still show 16.0.4432.1003 from the September 2016 after applying the latest PU.  Remember, Project Server 2016 data is in the content database.  The version number 16.0.4444.1000 can be used to control the connecting client to the November 2016 level.  For reference – the RTM build number seen for the DB schema would be 16.0.4327.1000.

Project 2016 Client Package:

November 1, 2016, update for Project 2016 (KB3127960)


The version of Project Professional 2016 will be updated to 16.0.4456.1003 in the properties for WinProj.exe.  However, I have noticed that in 2016 we don’t do a good job of displaying the version and in File, Account, About Project we only display the MSO version and not the specific Project version (You can confirm this by looking at the version of winproj.exe – in (default for 32 bit) C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice16)

If you have Click to Run and using Project Pro for Office 365 at the ‘16’ level, then your version will depend on which update frequency you have set. Take a look at https://blogs.office.com/2016/02/09/deferred-channel-build-now-available-for-the-office-365-client-apps/ for a few changes in this area – Current Branch for Business is now called Deferred Channel. We are aware that we don’t appear to expose the full change details for Project and are looking into it.

Project and Project Server 2013

An overview of all the Office 2013 releases for November 2013 can be found here – https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3200802 November 8, 2016, update for Microsoft Office.

This include a number of fixes, so Microsoft strongly recommends that you test this in a test environment based on your production environment before putting this fix live in production.

The article below provides information on how to deploy the Project Server Cumulative Update.

You can read about the fixes included in the Project and Project Server November PUs from the following articles:

Project Server 2013 Server Rollup Package

November 8, 2016, cumulative update for Project Server 2013 (KB3127931)


Project Server 2013 Individual Project Package – (cumulative, but only the Project Server fixes):

November 8, 2016, update for Project Server 2013 (KB3127937)


There is a database schema update this month – so the dbo.Versions table should now show 15.0.4870.1000 after applying the November 2016 PU.  The version number 15.0.4875.1000 can be used to control the connecting client to the November 2016 level, but only if you are loading the November 2014 CU or more recent to the server.  This version control no longer blocks server side scheduling engine since the November 2014 CU, but as this fix is server side you cannot use a higher value until you have this server patch or a more recent one.

SP1 for Project Server 2013 can be found here – http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2880553

Project 2013 Client Package:

November 1, 2016, update for Project 2013 (KB3127959)


The client version number will be November 8, 2016, update for Microsoft Office.  The server scheduling engine is no longer blocked by version control since the November 2014 CU on the server, so providing you have November 2014 CU or above on the server you can use the 15.0.4875.1000 value to control connection of the November 2016 PU patched client.  If you are running a server CU earlier than November 2014 CU, then follow the suggested version number for the server patch level you are running.  See Project Server 2013- Controlling the version of connecting clients–and PWA edits- for more details.  As mentioned above – the version number entered no longer controls the server side scheduling engine – so from the November 2014 CU release onward you can set a higher version to control clients without blocking the server side scheduling in the schedule web part.

SP1 for Project Professional 2013 can be found here – http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2817433

Also note that Click to Run installations will be automatically patched.  Installations in Enterprise Environments that have been modified will be deployed based on the schedule determined by your Administrator.  See http://support2.microsoft.com/gp/office-2013-click-to-run.  You may also choose to update your click to run Project Pro for Office 365 to the new 2016 level – this can still connect to Project Server 2013 – see the 2016 section above for current version.

Project and Project Server 2010

An overview of all the Office 2010 releases for November 2016 can be found here – https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3200802 November 8, 2016, update for Microsoft Office.

In general, updates include a number of fixes, so Microsoft strongly recommends that you install in a test environment based on your production environment before rolling out to a production environment.

The article below provides information on how to deploy the Project Server Cumulative Update.

You can read about the fixes included in the Project and Project Server November PUs from the following articles:

Project Server 2010

NOTE: There are no Project Server specific updates in the Project Server roll-up for November 2016. The released rollup package contains security updates for SharePoint 2010, but no specific fixes for Project Server 2010 service application.

Project Server roll-up package

November 8, 2016, cumulative update for Project Server 2010 (KB3127952)


NOTE: Although this patch is called an update for Project Server – and is what we would normally consider the ‘roll-up’ patch – there are no new fixes for Project Server (hence no individual package).  This does however contain all the updates shipped up to the January update – so can be used to bring you right up to date with Project Server 2010 and the other products included in the roll-up patch.

Project 2010 Client Package:

November 1, 2016, update for Project 2010 (KB3118393)


The update from November 2016 contains one new fix.

If you have a task that has a duration of four elapsed months or longer, Project 2010 freezes when you save the project as an XML file.
The package will contain all fixes produced after Service Pack 2, which is a prerequisite for this update.

Updates for Project Server 2010


As Project Server 2010 is now based on SharePoint Server 2010 we strongly recommend that you install the Project Server 2010 Server Rollup Package (when available) as there are a large number of individual server packages for SharePoint Server. The Project Server 2010 Server Rollup Package contains all the patches released in this Cumulative Update for SharePoint Foundation Server 2010, SharePoint Server 2010 and Project Server 2010.

As mentioned above, the November 2014 Cumulative Update and above requires your client and server to already be at the Service Pack 1 (SP2) level – if you get a message saying the patch does not apply to your system then this may be the reason – the message may be “expected version of the product was not found”

SP2 for the Project Server 2010 can be found at Service Pack 2 for Microsoft SharePoint and Project Server 2010 (KB2687452) – and a description at SP2 at Description of Project Server 2010 SP2.  If you have language packs installed, then these will also need to be patched to SP2 or the message above will be seen – SP2 for the server language packs can be found at Download the Microsoft Office Servers 2010 Language Pack Service Pack 2 package now and a description at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2687462.

SP2 for the Project Professional 2010 client can be found at http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=39669 for the 32-bit and http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=39661 for the 64-bit and a description at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2687457

Client Installation:

The instructions for installing the client patch are below.

NOTE: Microsoft strongly recommends testing within a NON-Production environment prior to rollout.

  1. Download the hotfix from the link in the KB Article.
  2. Extract the patch package by running the .exe file that you downloaded.
  3. Run the extracted .exe file to apply the patch to your Project Professional/Standard client.

Or, from February 2015 onwards use Windows Update to download and install the patches.

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