Northern Cyprus stopped observing DST from October 30, 2016, remaining in UTC +03:00 hours going forward.
The Russian government recently announced that the Saratov region will be moving from UTC +03:00 to UTC +04:00 on December 4, 2016 at 02:00.
Microsoft is preparing an update to Windows which will reflect these changes. We anticipate these updates will be made available in the coming months.
Though we plan to release a data update, there is insufficient lead before the time change goes into effect. Therefore, we offer the following guidance temporary workaround until such an update can be properly created, tested, distributed, and installed.
Our official policy statement can be found on the site at
Interim Guidance for Northern Cyprus
Until an update is made available, we recommend our customers to continue using time zone “(UTC +03:00) Istanbul”. Selecting this time zone will correctly reflect the time in Northern Cyprus.
Interim Guidance for Saratov, Russia
Until an update is made available, we recommend our customers to continue using time zone “(UTC +04:00) Astrakhan, Ulyanovsk”. Selecting this time zone will correctly reflect the time in Saratov.