Deep Learning Made Easy in Azure
This post was authored by Anusua Trivedi, Data Scientist, Microsoft and Jamie Olson, Analytics Solution Architect, Microsoft Deep learning is an exciting new space for predictive modeling and machine...
View ArticleAn introduction to the Microsoft Bot Framework
By Gary Pretty, Technical Strategist, Mando Group It seems like bots are everywhere these days, with more and more popping up every day. From bots that help us tag people on Facebook to simple Twitter...
View ArticleHowTo : Azure Linux VM OS partition expansion
Run followin Azure powershell, Login-AzureRmAccount Get-AzureRmSubscription $subscriptionId = “Your Subscription ID” $rgName = “YourResourceGroupName” $vmName = “th-centos” $vm = Get-AzureRmVM...
View ArticleAnnouncing VMM SDN Express for VMM 2016
We are happy to announce the release of VMM SDN Express for Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2016 (VMM 2016)! Do you want a VMM solution that can deploy an entire SDN fabric without you...
View ArticleВебинар для пользователей Microsoft Azure. 10 фишек Azure, о которых вы не...
Вебинар организован для пользователей платформы Microsoft Azure. Мы расскажем вам про 10 фишек Microsoft Azure, о которых вы не знали. 1) Миграция виртуальных машин откуда угодно в Azure (Site...
View ArticleKB: Internal Error 2711 when you upgrade the Configuration Manager Console to...
If you try to upgrade from a version of the Configuration Manager console that has the Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong) language pack installed to an installation of Configuration Manager (Current...
View Article333 tipů pro Office 2016 (211. – 215.)
211. Jak geograficky interpretovat vložená data? Jak již bylo napsáno, jednou z novinek v Excelu 2016 je i funkce pro geografické zobrazení výsledků. Představte si, že máte sešit s obyčejnou...
View ArticleHow to write an NDES policy module
Hi there! This is Tochi Ezebube with the Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS) engineering team; I wanted to share some further details on how to write a custom policy module for the ADCS...
View ArticleDeploying an appxbundle with dependencies via Microsoft Intune MDM
When creating a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app, there are three basic dependencies that are included in even the most simplest of apps. If your app is more complex (which it most likely is!),...
View ArticlePowerShell のスクリプトの出力結果が 80 文字に切り詰められる
こんにちは、Windows プラット フォーム サポートの進藤です。 PowerShell のスクリプトをコマンド プロンプトから実行したときに、スクリプトの出力結果が 79 文字 (改行を含めると 80 文字) に切り詰められる現象が発生することがあります。 今回は、この 80 文字で切れてしまう現象とその対処策について紹介します。 現象 値を取得してファイルに出力する...
View ArticleStep-by-Step: Manage all your servers from anywhere, on any browser, for free
Hello folks, I keep having a conversation with IT professionals about managing Windows Servers and my preference for Core and now Nano servers where it makes sense. I’ve always preferred remote...
View ArticleJPL RFID takes the mystery out of managing assets with comprehensive RFID...
Based in Houston, Texas, JPL RFID (radio frequency identification) is an American startup offering an advanced, cloud-based asset management, tracking-tracing, and hardware solution. Designed for...
View ArticleSmallest Azure Stack PoC Box w/o Hacking the Code
I know this is crazy. This is how I am crazy about the product “Azure Stack” we’re building. From time to time, I see people deploy Azure Stack on the mini size hardware for different reasons like use...
View ArticleSCCM (10. díl) – Configuration Manager Current Branch Update 1610 – novinky
Za poslední rok již více než 25 000 organizací nasadilo Configuration Manager 1511 nebo novější a spravuje tímto nástrojem více než 50 miliónů zařízení. 11. 2016 uvolnila společnost Microsoft novou...
View Article【Azureパートナー事例集】Microsoft Azureをご活用いただいているパートナー様の事例集まとめ【11/30更新】
これまで、22件のパートナー様のMicrosoft Azure活用事例をご紹介してきました。 ここで、改めてAzureの活用について取材をさせていただいたパートナー様の事例をまとめました。 セキュアで柔軟なMicrosoft Azureは様々な分野で活用されています!是非この機会にAzureを活用して更なるビジネス拡大をすすめましょう!...
View ArticleSupport Tip: Workaround for Firefox to prefer JSON over XML
Are you using Mozilla Firefox to access the Intune Admin console and work on scenarios such as Android for Work or Volume Purchasing? If so, you may run into an issue due to recent change in Firefox to...
View ArticleTime Zone Updates for Cyprus and Saratov, Russia
Northern Cyprus stopped observing DST from October 30, 2016, remaining in UTC +03:00 hours going forward. The Russian government recently announced that the Saratov region will be moving from UTC...
View ArticleCannot Sign-in to Office 365 in SfB Control Panel – Exception of type...
In a new Skype for Business Server 2015 lab we tried to sign-in to Office 365 in the Skype for Business Control Panel: But after a few seconds we got the following error message: We couldn’t log in to...
View ArticleTip: Firemní GAL v přitažlivější formě
Pokud si pod zkratkou GAL ihned nepředstavíte Global Address List, vězte, že se jedná o firemní adresář kontaktů, distribučních skupin, zasedacích místností a dalších objektů v rámci Exchange, který...
View ArticleHvordan lykkes digital opkvalificering af lærere?
Mit job er at løfte det digitale kompetenceniveau hos lærere i Danmark. Det sidste halvår har jeg været rundt i Danmark og endda på Island og Færøerne for at afholde kurser i digitale noter, samarbejde...
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